“I’m sorry Mom” Tezkhen mutters,

“I apologize for that slap, I thought you needed it,” Kendra said, as she hugged Tezkhen,

“Yeah, I do,” Tezkhen said,

They went to the hospital to check on Thazfourth,

Arden heard and saw everything, he felt guilty as well he just looked up at the sky as the tears started to from his eyes,

“Why do I have to be the cause of everything?” Arden said to himself,


“General Wei!” Cris greeted the strongest and toughest general among the arachnids it goes as he is the General of the Mite which is the most dangerous troupe among Arachnids,

“Prince Cris!” General greeted back,

“General I’m here now for the training, I’m positively ready!” Cris salutes at the general,

“Don’t be too hard on yourself Cris” Troah who brought some coffee just arrived at the training grounds,

“I’m not just a flamboyant Prince Sir!” Cris said with pride,