

Vases were being broken down, and servants stood helplessly by, watching this.

“How dare he do something like this to me?”

“Haha, Miguel, do you think I’ll keep my head down when you treat me like this?” Felicia screamed passionately, tears streaming down her face.

The servants glanced frightened at their boss as they watched her go insane; fortunately, this wasn’t the first time she’d done so.

They had grown accustomed to her antics and were no longer surprised by them, but they couldn’t help but feel afraid. After all, these objects lack eyes.

It was easy for her to be hurt in this type of situation, but because the money was good and the benefits were many, they could only stand there and wait till she finished venting her rage.

They were thankful, however, that this was another private property owned by their mistress and that they were not in the mansion. Her great image will be broken otherwise.