Back at the Larson mansion, Vaquesha sat in the guest bedroom, her face expressionless, thinking about something.

Her feelings were more confused as a result of a movie she had seen earlier.

She intended to cause trouble for the family, but when she thought about it, everyone but Felicia had done nothing wrong to her.

She wanted to cause so much pain and anguish, yet all she did was implicate innocent people.

And by doing so, she was simply being selfish, and to be honest, it goes against some of her ideals.

And if she looked deeper into her heart, she would see that she was merely delaying and wasting time, which was not good.

She’d been working on her mission for over a decade, and now that she was almost there, it was time to finish it.

These thoughts had been running through her mind for hours, and when she checked the time, she realized it was roughly three o’clock in the afternoon.