a knight

As I froze in my spot, unable to look away to address my surroundings or acknowledge their presence, I watched with a horrified expression as Hebron stared me in the eye on a bended knee. Someone cleared their throat, a failed attempt to lift the awkwardness and introduce fake-cheerfulness, but the tension filled the atmosphere still.

 It was time I spoke, or anyone really, this is not how our first meeting after years of animosity should go, especially after my family and probably the whole empire heard of what happened between us once we had crossed paths. 

Apparently this did not cross his mind at all, at least that's what I could tell from the determined look on his face. Before anyone could utter a word into this cluster of events Hebron spoke:

 " On bended knee, I swear to protect my liege and freehold, to serve the good of both, though it may cost me my life. I shall serve faithfully and with honor, for the span of ten years. I give my oath, by this symbol of my standing in the Court of Esteria, to hold this oath, lest death claim me. May my fellows shun me if I prove false." 

I may have heard wrong, cause what in the ten holy days did I just hear? 

Um, sir, excuse you?

And what's with the whole sir parade? Since when was he knighted? Since when was he interested in knighthood or sacrificial drama? For god's sake this is not the time to have an existential crisis because I have a bigger one on my hands at the moment, especially with an angry-looking Nasir and a displeased lord beside him. 

Goodbye my dreams, goodbye my freedom, goodbye my endless riches and a promised life of singlehood and knowledge. No more late stays at libraries, no more academic research, and worst of all no more diplomatics-free days. My father will use this, my brother will use this, even lord Rawclaw who holds no power compared to my emperor will bask in the opportunity. 

"What had just transpired?" may one ask, though no one does, everyone is stunned to silence. This idiot of a duke just got us tied for a lifetime, ten years, long long ten years of my very youthful life stuck with this man's oath. 

I am not tied to him as much as he is, however a sword wields two ends, and I know not which end I am holding, not with the various looks I have pointed at me. 

Bridget was the first to speak, poking my side with her elbow to usher me forward, to do what I do not know, for I have missed the crash-course in northern etiquette held by my dear Nasir, it is a form of torture I would never indulge in willingly. 

Clearing my throat- how the tables turn- I nod at Hebron, eyes wide, but not too wide, smile stiff though I tried to play it nice and docile and princess-like, and a heart beating so loud it's setting the hall into a hectic atmosphere. Are my hands sweaty all of a sudden? 

" Ah yes, that", I said with obvious fake confidence, I could feel its sour taste on the tip of my tongue . " I suppose I will allow it. That's a weird reintroduction nonetheless, don't you think so,  Ro-, I mean sir Whingston?" 

I glanced up at Nasir for a look of approval, one which I did not see on his very disappointed face, I am sure to receive the lecture of a decade once back in our rooms. 

Then I reached for his hand. Hebron's , a calloused hand that swallowed my thin one, our skins in contrast, mine rich and tan while his pale and pink, feverish. Do people blush on their hands as well? Do they blush with no physical exercise or was the taint on his cheeks a result of sun-exposure?  

" your highness?" said the voice I barely recognize anymore. 

I pulled him up, and so he did, standing high I might struggle to keep my gaze on him for fear of losing my neck. " Let's have a word in the drawing room, oh so-noble knight of mine" I said sheepishly, anticipating his shocked expression and a choked laugh from a snickering Amo. 

I let go of his hand and instantly missed its warmth, however he was quick to replace it with his arm as he escorted me up stairs and back to where I came from a few moments ago. 

I glanced back just before we rounded a corner, to find everyone watching, way too carefully. 

What did I just get myself into?