A lover boy

I could do this.

I am not panicking.

I am, and his arm feels muscular under my hand, warm as well, and I'm not sure if I imagined it but I think he flexed his arm a once or two.

I have no idea why I called him to the drawing room, and despite me knowing almost nothing of their traditions I know what happens between two in drawing room, I read a few romance novels and I have stumbled upon these very... explicit interpretations of a conversation between a man and a woman, a physical one most times.

It was then I finally looked at my companion. his hair the same length as ever only looking more put-together, his nose sharp, lashes lengthy and thick, and cheeks so rosy. I never thought I'd see grown men blushing, and it seemed even more impossible for me to find it attractive.

But here we are, arms interlocked walking side by side towards who-knows-what.

Is he expecting there to be some... physical talk as well?

For god's sake why do I keep referring to it as physical this, physical that!

I glanced at him once again, hoping he couldn't look into my face and read me. I'm a terrible liar for a reason, one could catch the truth from a single glimpse at my face.

But he didn't look at me, not even once. He seemed as interested in me as I was of bakery, and I wouldn't trust myself near an oven.

Weird, very weird indeed. Is he feigning ignorance to compose himself for what's coming? Is he rehearsing what he's about to say? Is he about to... confess his feelings? No. No that can not be... We could not stand eachother's company a few years back so that must not be the reason, right?

I suppose this was one of his old games, but who's favor is he playing for this time? He certainly can't gain Nasir's for I have told terrible stories of him to my brothers.

We suddenly came to a stop in front of a large wooden door of red oak. we reached the drawing room.

He extended his other arm, opening the doors wide and stepping to the side. he gestured me to go forward:" After you", a pause, " you highness."

I blinked at him, then was fast to walk in. A room I have seen not long ago, yet I was very interested in looking around. Very, very interested.

In fact, I was so interested that I started rambling about the making of purple paint. which was an interesting process if I must admit, but not to the point of ignoring this...elephant in the room, they say?

once done, I looked back to find him leaning at the the wall next to the colorful window, made of various-colored glass, rainbows of sunlight seeping through it, casting a glow on his face, his annoying, perfectly symmetrical face.

He gave me a look , a blank one, one I am very familiar with.

Give me a nobel- like knight Hebron and I get flustered and confused.

Give me a determined, no-nonsense Hebron, that I can work with.

He smiled at me, a smile that held no welcome nor admiration. He had a plan and I had been just a pawn.

Disappointed, but not surprise.

If I'm being truly honest this is something I am very happy with, at least my belief that he has ill intentions enough to burn the earth twice around was not misplaced.

I was right about him. especially about the no-confession part.

and despite him not confessing his feelings to me, I need him to start talking about what does he want from me, cause until this moment not a word came out of his mouth, I had been but interpreting what I'm so used to see from my old rival.

He could change his looks and mannerism but he was rotten at heart. So was I, and this was our favorite game to play.