Queen of schemes

I exited Nasir's room frustrated, I was angry with my brothers with their lack of understanding for my boundaries, but I was very content with how things worked. This was the reaction I anticipated from them, this is what I wanted. 

They may act like uncivilised retarded men at times, but they are my uncivilised retarted men to use as I wish, and my plan would never work without their assistance. 

Even if they know nothing of it. Even if they're being used as pawns. 

One would think I should feel bad about lying to my brothers and manipulating them for my own gain, but I do not. We were raised by the great throne of Tanery, and in a game of royal blood you expect everything. Siblings kill each other to gain power in our world, what's some manipulation? Besides, it is not as if I am harming them, I am merely ensuring that my fate is one I have complete control over. 

Based on what Nasir had said, the Naib is in favour of my marriage to the duke, and I suspect the rest of the royal family and ministers at Tanery will be as well.  My engagement to the duke is a matter of time once word gets out about what happened yesterday, and I am sure the Naib is on his way to write to my father informing him, unless of course, Hebron commits to his part of the bargain and stops him before it happens. How? I know not. 

The thing is, I had no guarantee about the outcome of my conversation with Nasir and Amo, but I hoped I could get enough time. Enough  to convince Amo of my feelings toward Hebron so he does not harm him in the long run, and get a rise out of Nasir, that way we could argue and I could leave the room before we talk about handling the situation, and knowing my older brother and his tendencies to exercise his power on everyone, including his siblings, he would rather he handles this situation by himself without father's intervention.  

Now that I bought myself some time, I can finally start writing to the emperor. 

My letter should be short and brusque, one to be expected of a daughter telling her father she had reached her destination safely, and he shall not worry. Not one of a princess with a scheme. 

I headed to my workshop, expecting to find my team scattered there, trying to figure out a way to function in this new environment, and I was wrong. Only  Reina stood there, her black hair twisted in small braids and gathered under her veil. She wore a long black dress, with embroidery of Orchids across the chest and over her sleeves. She preferred to wear pleine-looking clothing, she claims it is so she distinguishes between her outerwear and work attire. But I don't approve of her opinion, us academics spend the majority of our time indoors, when would we get a chance to dress up? 

Though I do not think I should have an opinion over such matters, since I am no ordinary academic and I follow no ordinary routine. Even if I wanted to dress like my colleagues I would not have the liberty to do so. My every-move is monitored by guards and maids, all reporting to their higher-ups, my jailers, my beloved family. I always wonder what would happen to me once a problem arises in the matter of inheriting the throne, would my brothers consider me a threat and send me away? Is that why Amo and Nasir approve the idea of my marriage to Alexander? If that's the case then I have committed a mistake by disclosing my engagement to Khaleel before it happened. Though no harm shall be done as long as my brothers and Hebron are not to discuss it before I talk to father. 

As much as I'd like to trust Hebron and his need for my cooperation I do not believe him to be saying the truth. It is a matter of time before I knew if his words were sincere. 

'' May your morning be good! You seem to be in a good mood today Rei, what is it?'' I asked my friend. 

She lifted her head from whatever book she had in her hands, only Reina would read a book by standing in the most absurd places, such as the middle of a common space. '' Ria! Oh I'm not the rumoured princess in love! I just found a good book and lost myself in it, here look.'' she said, handing me the book to read,'' they use sweet-smelling herbs such as rose, lavender, sage, and hay to heal aching joints and headaches. Do you think these big scary knights take herbal baths to undo the stress of training? I would get a headache by staring at those shining armour plates they wear all day.'' she finished. 

The book she handed me was one about herbal treatments and medicinal recipes. I believe they used mages and healers for such injuries, so her claim could be very wrong. 

I looked at my friend, who looked as lively as ever and said calmly:'' I need your help in something, but you must swear secrecy.'' 

She was quick to go down on one knee, making a scene out of my request'' Oh dear princess, most beautiful of all women I had laid my eyes on, you have my word and heart! Oh princess of mine!''she said mockingly, laughing as she struggled to stay balanced and not fall. So I kicked her knee, and that only pushed her to laugh louder. 

I smiled, unable to resist her charm and humour. Making fun of Hebron will forever be my favourite activity, and I have no better companion than her.