A Letter

After exchanging pleasantries, and a well-needed dramatic reenactment of my so-unbeloved's oath, we grabbed two chairs and sat by the window- her choice and not mine- and we faced one another. Reina was one of the few people I trusted with my life, not to an extreme extent as I do not expect her to sacrifice her life to save mine, but I trust her to never say something behind my back. 

'' I need you to understand that this conversation should never be heard elsewhere'' I said, contemplating whether or not to close the windows. 

'' Allright, not a single soul shall hear of this, I swear.'' she answered, looking serious. 

'' I have a job for you, you can either accept or decline, and I will not feel bad if you reject my offer.'' 

'' A job you say?'' said Reina, puzzled,'' what kind of job?'' 

I stood up, closing the windows afterall. There could be a person eavesdropping as we speak, and I would rather not start killing people now. 

'' I want you to be my spy.'' I finally said. And she was quick to respond, bewildered by my request ''A spy? Me? You're at the wrong place. I could never be a spy here! Besides, aren't you supposed to ask someone who lives here, or at least one who could blend well with the people. I would do-'' 

'' Reina, I don't want you to spy on anyone from Leini, or Esteria at all. I need you to report to me about our people, every researcher and every academic in our troops.'' I told her quietly, making sure even the walls could not hear our conversation. 

She stood up and yelled:'' You can not be serious! This,'' she sat down by my chair,'' this could be considered treason! '' she whisper-yelled, her sun-kissed face shocked. 

'' Hear me out, I do not wish to harm anyone. I only want to know their… perspective on a matter.'' I told her, trying to ease her worry. My friend knows me too well, so I hope she can listen to me before she makes her decision. 

'' What matter?'' she inquired suspiciously. 

'' A matter you would love to be part of'' 


After Reina left the workshop I stayed behind, this was the only place I could write in with no disturbance. 

Fishing out the papers and quill I need, I took a breath. My father needs not to know how bad things have escalated, and I ought to secure my engagement to Khaleel before word gets out and he hears of what had transpired between me and the duke. 

I realised that the emperor would very much approve of my engagement to the duke, anything to keep me away from the dilemma of the throne is welcome in his eyes. I do not blame him, for inheritance can cause quite the bloody conflict, yet I disagree. 

I wrote and wrote, making sure my letter carried every worry I have. I told him that the duke is in need of a wife, that he needs me to be his wife, about his reasons. I spared no words, conveying my dislike towards Hebron,  his lack of manners,  his fake chivalry. I told him how I wish to be betrothed to Khaleel soon, and how I would like to use my engagement to my advantage, how the duke would be under my order once he is no longer in a position to propose a marriage. 

I wrote and I wrote, and I prayed for my father to be blind to my lies.