An Opportunity

We gathered around the dining table, a vertical one this time, in a more intimate setting as we sat in a smaller dining hall. The attendees were fewer, it was me, Reina, lady Bridget and two other young ladies. Reina was busy chatting with the ladies, who happen to be related to lady bridget herself and are passing by the estate on their way back from a trip. Lady Bridget and I were more isolated than the rest, both choosing to participate in their conversation. I decided to go for a topic she would rather engage in:" Bridget, can I ask you something about Ron?" I whispered as I leaned into her, biting my lip in a sign of modesty. I was not shy, nor was this subject making me fidget, but I sure acted like it, pulling on my sleeves and readjusting the neckline of my dress over and over. 

"Ron you say?and who may that be, your highness?" she asked, appearing intrigued. How good would it be if she turned out to be secretly into gossip. If she were a known gossiper then I could not trust her words, nor would others, maybe this way she can help me better. 

I reached for her hand under the table, holding it while I looked in her eyes, confiding in her,"It's Huaria, we're on a first name basis. Also, you know who… the duke?" I said quietly, acting like I did not want others to hear. 

"Oh Lord!" she exclaimed, then quickly put a hand on her mouth to hide her excitement, but I could easily see it in the glimmer of her eyes." Yes, ask away, yes." she whispered hastily. 

I looked down, trying my best to hide a smile from showing, she must be thinking that it is timidness instead. " Why is he called your grace instead of Sir Whingston? Is he not part of the knighthood?" 

" Oh that he is not. He was knighted by the king due to his achievements, he started his own knighthood in the dukedom. He is here in partnership with my husband and your research team… I'm assuming you're part of it?" she asked.

"Yes,indeed." I told her," However I did not know which knighthood he belonged to, it's interesting. How far he had gotten." I whispered, more to myself than to others. I am sure it came across as admiration, exactly what I had intended. 

This act seems easier by the minute, it's almost as if we are not acting, as if we truly admire one another, as if we actually like to be near each other. But we do not, he knows it, I know it too, I remind myself of it more often these days. 

" I see, he is quite the respectable man, whether it is as a knight or as a nobleman. My husband respects him quite a lot." she said warmly, it seems the duke is closer to the Rawclaws. 

" There is another respectable nobleman and knight who resides here, the young Viscount, sir Christoffer. We became acquainted as of today!"  I announced, louder than I had anticipated. 

Reina turned her attention to me, along with Bridget's relatives." Viscount who?" she asked.

"Axel, Axel Christoffer is his full name. He is a young man I met today, a knight. I am sure the two of you will get along just fine." I told her, my tone carrying a slight warning. 

"A new friend you say? I hope we get to see him soon." said Reina with a mischievous grin on her face. 

Bridget turned to me," Since you have been already introduced, why don't we let him tag along when we run errands. You know, for protection purposes?" she added meaningfully. 

" I like the sound of it. Would the Lord mind?" I asked her.

"No,no he would not. He insists on me taking knights along when I go out despite how secure Leini is."

" Excellent." I said," We still have one problem, the lack of humidity." I pondered. 

Bridget waved her hands dismissively, suddenly embarrassed," No Huaria it is no big deal. I just do not like how dry it makes my skin." 

I took a look at her skin, smooth and clear of any blemishes, a few freckles scattered on her nose and cheekbones. 

"Still is a problem, my skin is not used to such weather." I said as I embraced my cheeks, deep in thought. Would it be possible to fix this problem? Then I realised the solution is not as complicated. 

"Reina, remember the blueprints I showed you prior to our trip?" 

" The portable system you were designing? What of it?" 

"Would it be possible to produce one in the next few days? I have a few altercations to make but we have everything we need in our workstations." I told her, hurried and excited. 

"Yes. I can prepare it by tomorrow noon. However, I  thought the production permit was rejected, was it not?" asked my friend. 

"Indeed, but that was in Tanery for irrelevant reasons I assure you. And this is Esteria, I do not need a permit for something locally produced. Isn't that right, Bridget?" 

She stammered," Yes, I assume. But I need to ask the Lord first, how large is the production scale?" 

"We will only make one sample, worry not." 

"We can seek the Lord upon our return!" said one of the ladies, the younger one. 

"Yes, we shall. Worry not, for my husband can be easily convinced." she smiled reassuringly. 

"I am counting on you then."