An Interesting Conversation

One of Lady Bridget's relatives, I believe her name to be Amy, approached me upon exiting the dining hall.

"Your highness," she curtsied briefly,"I have been honoured to make your acquaintance this evening." 

"Thank you, dear Emily. You are a great company." I smiled at her. 

" Your highness, I have a question about the system you mentioned earlier, what is its purpose? Why was the Lady interested in it?" she asked me hastily, throwing social etiquettes to the wind. This was a very bizarre question, and I am very puzzled on how she had the audacity to phrase her question that way. 

"Emily dear," I smiled," it is very unbecoming of a lady such as yourself to ask me, a foreign royalty, about your family business." 

Emily's face reddened,"Your highness I meant no harm! I only-" she tried to argue but I cut her off with a hand,"Enough. I wish to head back. Have a lovely night, miss Emily." 

"F-for you as well your highness, forgive my rudeness." she bowed her head until I left her, walking up to Lady Bridget who was talking to a maid. 

"Huaria, I thought you headed back to the guest-house. I am glad to see you here." said Bridget. 

"I was catching up with your cousin, Miss Emily, a lovely young lady." I watched her face carefully, she visibly tensed up, a tight smile on her lips as she asked,"Is that so? I hope you enjoyed her company." 

"Yes, I was delighted to speak to her, she is very opinionated, very ambitious. She shall grow to be an interesting character." I told her as I smiled even wider, aware of Bridget's discomfort. I wonder what sort of arguments ran in her family? 

"Yes, yes indeed. She was always… interesting." she added tightly. 

"I see. She asked me an odd question however," I told her, pretending to be in deep thoughts,"She wanted to know about the product we discussed, especially your interest in it. It made me wonder, is she well-versed in science? Are you too, Bridget?" 

Bridget's shoulders stiffened before she said in one breath: "She did? I'm afraid not. She is engaged to be married, and I heard her fiance wishes for her to learn accounting to help in the household affairs. Otherwise, I am not made aware of any education she had received apart from what her governess had taught her." she finally breathed in. It sounds to me like she has a story she's covering up for, but I do not think it is of any relevance to me. 

"May their union be filled with love and blessings. You mentioned seeing the Lord… now? I understand if you're busy." 

"Not at all, this way please, they shall be finished with their supper." she gestured for me forward.

"They? They who?" I asked, hoping to not see a certain crowd. 

"Your delegations, the duke, and the rest of the knights."she said matter-of-factly. 

"Ah, yes, silly me. Let's go see them." I muttered, how unenthusiastic of me. 

"I am sure the duke will be happy to see you." she assured me, I think. Yet I am not so assured. She thinks I am shy to meet Hebron, but in true honesty I am dreading seeing my brothers so soon. I need to play the angry part well, hence giving them the cold shoulder, something I am advised against in public settings. Esterians shall not see a rift in the Tanerian delegations, especially in the royal family. 


"Your highness," Lord Rawclaw bowed his head my way before he grabbed his wife's hand, pulling it to his lips in an intimate gesture.

"Lord, thank you for the meal. Leini's cuisine is becoming a favorite of mine." I told him, and I meant it. I have gobbled up food for the past two days in an unhealthy way, due to stress I presume.

"I agree." Hebron said from besides the Lord, making sure I looked in his eyes before he continued,"I will make sure to get a cook from Leini once you visit us in Whingston, your highness. I'd love nothing but to make sure you're well-fed."

first of all, he knew I was avoiding him. He made sure I look at him. arrogant prick.

secondly, was this man saying that I got fat? Bring it on, pretty boy.

"I doubt it necessary, I see your chef has kept you away from hunger. It is not your lack of taste, is it?" I smiled at him, sweet poison dripping from my lips.

"Allright." said a confused Bridget," Food was great, conversation was even greater. Your highness, you wanted to discuss something with my husband?"

"Indeed, thank you for reminding me.If you do not mind, your grace, there's a matter to be discussed between the lord, her ladyship, and I. You must understand." I adressed Hebron.

"Your highness," Bridget interjected," I'm afraid he has to join us."

I turned to look at him, a smug smile plastered on his face.

"Great!" I said between gritted teeth, sending him a side glare.

"After you, your highness." He said, grinning, and I stomped my feet down the hall and into whatever hell we were being walked to.

walking by his side, I noticed how different his clothes were from the rest of the nights De Leini. A silver Crest of a wolf and a big sword embroidered into his navy-blue cape. The Lady was right, he belonged to a different knighthood.

It was hard for me to spot the difference first upon arriving, as their clothes seemed all similar to one another, and very different from ours. I should ask Amo more about the knighthood De Whingston and how it operated,now however, I have a serious talk before me.