Chapter 10: Dresses & Peace of Minds

Echo came back on time. "So my little human friend. Did you rest well?" Echo asked her with a smirk. "Oh you're a funny D'marlian huh? Oh yeah slept just like a baby woke up all night if I got any sleep and drank a bit." She joked in a serious way. "I doubt any real harm will come from drinking sweet tea." He scoffed back. "How'd you?" "You are your mothers child it was her go to as well. Plus I smell it. I do miss the coffee though he said sniffing around looking for the pot. "Help yourself." She smiled. 

     "I feel you staring holes in me." He told her mixing the creamer and sugar turning around to face her. "It's weird I met you yesterday and I feel like I known you for like years." "It's the connection you shared looking around in here. Only certain D'marlians and whoever the royal family give the access to can do this. You must be a person who holds some type of power. It is a gift. Since you have been blessed through Phoenix the second Prince of our home planet you can peak around anyone and let them peak around you. Remember that for later. It's an exclusive club." He told her raising his mug to her with a wink.

     Shaking her head. "It's not something I am use to. I doubt I can just adapt so easily. "Do you really intend to run away from your planet to avoid your father and fake mate?" "He's not a 'fake mate.'" She said using air quotes. "I'm thinking about it. Quinn kind of made an agreement. "You know we have no problem taking a small crew for you home. If that is what you wish seeing as you are coming to save our people. I know very well what your heart is like. You're your mother but more… just more." Echo said smiling. "I feel like you are going to be even more important than you let on. I can't wait to see the great things you will do on our planet." Echo said washing the mug and putting it back. 

     "So no what tis the master plan of getting my rather large self in the building. Are we going to get me through a side door. A Window? The air vents through the roof what are we doing." Echo asked ready for whatever dangerous mission laid ahead. "Oh. We're going through the front door." She said grabbing the insulated bag of food and walking to her car. "The front. The front door?" Echo asked flabbier ghasted by what she just simply said. Following her into the car as he had to duck and keep bent in the back seat like he was told. 

     When they arrived she got out put on her lab coat and went to the backseat to open the door. Since he was still in stealth mode no one could see him or hear him which shocked her with all the metal on his armor he didn't have even the heavy foot steps. Putting the tote on her trunk and walkng back around after looking like she went through it. "How will you communicate with me in the open." "I'm going to talk to you openly." She told him in a duh voice. "That won't raise suspicions or make you look crazy?" She pointed to her ear piece. 

     "This connects to your phone and I just point to it and they will understand. Plus can't you communicate telepathically?" She asked him. "It's tricky If you didn't get your gift directly from one of the royal family members with them directly unlocking that for you than you can only call out to another person. With any luck they can talk back. However I am not good at opening the other end of the communication gate not a lot of us are. We can call out when we are in trouble but most of us can't just willingly send and receive conversation. Unless it's to our mate. Than we get direct communication. So I can ask you questions telepathically but you have to answer with words unless you are a mate of the royal family or have the ability unlocked. Which is very rare." Echo told her flatly. 

     Staying closely to her as she walked in and went through the metal detector as it went off she moved a big circle and came back around. "I'm so sorry my keys and glasses are in my pocket let me go through again. Just keep the bag there." She told them. "It's fine Ms. Alderman. You ok. You look tired?" One of the sweeter guards asked. "I am fine just one of those nights where when you lay down to sleep and your brain is wide awake and all of a sudden wants to play." She laughed to him. "Been there. Have a good day though. Leave early and rest well." "You know what I may just do that. Have a good day." Happily walking to the elevator she made sure to look around and avoid everyone that may come peak to her. 

     Luckily no one was there. "What do we do now?" She heard his voice in her mind. "Oh hey. I'm glad you called. Oh I'm just getting ready to get down to switch elevators and get to my lab. Yes. Yes of course I will let you know if anything pops up. Mhhmmm." "You're oddly good at this. Are we going to Emerie's office?" He asked her. "Yes. That's the place. Yeah. Well something have hanged but all in all it's just more vegetation that has grown and some little things I have played around and spliced and experimented with I think the end results were very satisfying based on the out comes I have gained on many experiments." She said pushing her hair back so the elevator camera can see her ear piece.

     "I will have to call you back the service here is not a good place." He got the hint and stayed quiet. Getting off the elevator she noticed no one had come in yet to be behind the desk. Normally if it wasn't Eddie no ne came down. At least they listened to her about respecting her wishes on visitation as long as her work was kept. She looked up and saw a rack full of zipped up dresses. Taking a heavy sigh she took the rack and rolled it down to the elevator and went to her lab after getting in looking around and putting up the fake window she sighed pushing the rack over. 

     "Nix dear, you have someone here to see you. It's ok it's a special window no one can see in we can only see out. They can't hear us either. You can come out of stealth mode." "Echo?" Nix spoke softly standing behind him smiling. Echo quickly came to view. "You sorry son of a demon. It's been years. I am glad to see you in good health." He said hugging him clapping his back. "It's good to see you as well. Still all your limbs." He said turning him around to get a good look at him. "I've heard and hell seen the wonderful news. I am so excited. After decades we can finally have some peace knowing our race of possible pure blood scan live on." Echo told him happily.

     "It's all thanks to the little one right here." Nix told him proudly as they both looked to Ana. "Now, now such flattery will go to my head." She mocked them rolling her eyes feeling like a third wheel to their bromance. "I am going to put food away and get started checking things over and whatever else is on my list of things to do today. I made plenty for you two for a few days Quinn actually got some sent to Melana and Niko so their fed for awhile they need bonding time with the new addition and al I assume Niko will be on the protective side." She told them putting the bag away.

     "Yeah like protective mode on steroids as Paige would say." Echo laughed hard. "Why you look like this? Didn't you get any rest?" Nix asked her coming to view her face in concern. "Oh yeah loads with meeting your new friend and all and learning out my dad is not only just an asshole to his family but to other species as well so at least he doesn't discriminate he just hates everything and everyone equally. It's just a lot to take in. It's like every time I turn around there's always something. Eh forget I will be fine I plan to leave early and try to rests after that rack I will need to." She sighed heavily as Echo and Nix just shrugged to each other.

     "I think you should go have lunch with your friends maybe it will help your mental state enough to sleep." Nix asked her. "Maybe your right. I'll need Sienna today." After a lot of working around the lab Lunch finally hit and she was off to Sienna. Looking around the room Echo was impressed. "Our little human is very talented to be able to do this. She as you say has a green thumb." Echo said wiggling his thumb to him making him smile. "Yeah she is truly something incredible she is definitely the Emerie improved 2.0 version. She see things we can't even notice I swear." Nix chuckled to him. 

     "Does she know? Does she know how Paige lost her mate? How her mother died. What have you told her?" Echo asked curiously questions rushing a mile a minute. "Calm down she knows none of that. I never told her. I just haven't been able to bring myself to do so. She knows nothing of any of that. I just find myself keep hurting her and it makes me feel bad. Besides you I find she is my best friend and the thought of putting her through all of the hurt I have already done makes me feel gutted. Could you imagine how much she may hate us all when she finds out. The worse part is the longer this goes on without telling her the worse it will be." Nix said with a heavy sigh.

     "Well that may be a problem now. You see I was in the old cabin and showed her a video of her mother admitting her father was an asshole and how mad everyone got when Paige was claimed as Rydin's mate. So she knows now so far that Paige was a D'marlian by mating and was planning to leave and the escape plan Emerie had in plan for her. She may have also seen Onyx in the back round in the video. Also I told her that Paige, Rydin, Emmie, you and Onyx helped get my sorry ass on a ship and I haven't seen or heard what had happened since." Echo said rubbing the back of his head on hand on his hip.

     Nix anger flowed off him. "You told her what?" He asked standing up a bit. "Hell Echo why don't you just tell her everything lay it all bare on the table for her. No wonder she's not resting. How the hell do you expect her to be fine like that. Oh man poor Quinn. But Analeigh. Well FUCK! What do I do now where do I go from here? I can't tell her more today it would throw her so far down the rabbit hole. It would cause to many problems her father would notice. If nothing else her fake mate. She's already dreading something about that damn thing." Nix said point to the rack. 

     "Isn't that for like the formal wear like special occasions." Echo asked walking over taking a closer look with Phoenix. "Oh no. These are the wedding dresses she needs to try on for their ceremony. No wonder she looks like hell. Wait until she gets back and find out what I did." Nix said running his hands down his face. "I just. I wanted to help her." He told him in a sigh. Looking around the room and sitting Echo down in the back with the cots explaining who he talked to last night.

     Meanwhile in Sienna's private sound proof office. Analeigh was playing with her food. "You going to tell me or you just going to keep playing with your food?" Sienna asked in a little bit of an edgy tone. "The wedding dresses from my friend came in. Would help me try them on?" She asked in a sad voice that made Jace face and heart sink looking to Sienna. "That is it? Is that the only thing you want to tell me?" Sienna asked irritated. "I don't know Sienna what else am I supposed to tell you I had a night from hell. I'm drained and I'm literally standing her feeling as broken as I think I can get in one day. So please tell me what it is I m supposed to say." Ana asked quietly and defeated looking at her looking truly broken.

     "Well gee I don't know how about when you were going to tell us you are leaving the fucking planet. How you became an alien fucking gynecologist. How your crumbling because you're finding out so many hidden dark secrets. About how now I have a very special talent in a new language along with the other three males of our little family. Let's start with any one of those." Sienna said crossing her arms as Jace winced his head to the side and looked at Analeigh and just nodded.

     "You. You can speak D'marlian. How?" Analeigh was left in shock. "You're big huge grey ass new bestie came in my office and gave us a little chat after freaking out for a few minutes and him dodging Jace every attack he did something special to us at the same time by grabbing our heads. It hurt very little for me and not at all for fucking Jace. He told us everything since you two met." Sienna told her. Jace continued for her. "He wanted to offer us a place on the ship to leave he said you would probably need a team there you can trust. The only part of home you considered real home you've ever known and that is the four of us." Looking shock.

     "Nix came on his own and tried to recruit you… for me." She asked getting a little teary eyed. "Apparently he must be feeling guilty about some of the things that happened between you two and everything leading up to now. He even feels bad about you having a shit father and a fake mate. In is words not ours." Sienna told her with a small smile raising her hands up in surrender. "You know I would never ask you to make such a huge sacrifice for me when you two are just getting ready to start your own life." "We told him yes." Jace said cutting her off. She looked at both of them who just smiled to her and Sienna nodding happily.

     "I'm excited." Sienna said bouncing a little. He shared pictures and memories of the planet and it is almost so much like here. It's even on oxygen. Everything looks so much better the pollution there is almost nonexistent. They literally have humans and aliens living in peace there. It's perfect place to raise our kids. I mean here they would be passed on to the best other partner and be a baby machine but there they could have anything they need and want. Not everyone gets lucky here with a love like ours. There though. We can give our family a better chance." Sienna said holding Analeigh hand.

     "We didn't make this decision on a whim. But we honestly couldn't say yes any faster than we did even at the same time. How do you think I or her can breathe in a world you're not in? You would do the same for us. Hell even do it for yourself for the same reason we are. You just let us know when and what the game plan is and we'll do everything we can and have to do. At least now you have some extra help here. Just don't let him tell anyone else. Too many people in the knows can cause difficulty later." Jace warned her. "I know. I know. Si come on let's get this over with. I really can't thank you both enough." She said smiling to them. 

     Walking to the elevator she felt the arms wrap around her. "There's my beautiful woman. I haven't heard from you all day." Jaxon said kissing her cheek spinning her around to get a better look at her. "Whoa you ok. You getting sick?" He asked feeling her face taking in her appearance. "I am fine. Just one of those nights where sleep didn't want to come to me I guess." "Where you off to in such a hurry did you eat?" Jaxon asked her holding his hands around her waist. Making women and men around them jealous. 

     "We ate already. We are going down to pick and try the dresses my friend made and sent me." She said with a soft smile that made him melt her wrist wrapped around his neck. "That is so awesome. I promise I will stay away from there than don't want any type of bad luck before the wedding. Maybe Sienna could clue me on the rest of the Jinx's she's studied up on like all of them from all over." He said out loud with laughter. "Hey don't mock me I just want to be on the safe side. I am not one to be testing any fate of any kind." She told them hands in the air. "Alright, alright you lady's have fun. Pick a good one. Afterwards go home and rest. You look like you been through hell babe. Like you could collapse any minute you want me to take you home?" He asked her kissing her sweetly.

     "No you got night shift I'll be good I'll text you when I'm home." She let him go waving as he waved back to them trying to wonder what they scent on her is and why it's so familiar. He couldn't pin point it maybe someone gave her a new assignment and the herbs are new. Shrugging it off. As Sienna came in with Ana Nix didn't even try to cover himself. He just simply smiled and softly waved at them as they came in. Echo waved happily as a little kid. "I'm Echo you must be the mated Sienna." He said happily. "Yes I am." She smiled waving back with a chuckle.

     "Forgive him it's been sometime since he's been back to Earth language is a bit of a mess for him. It was than too. It's just one of those things he'll never get right." Nix said rubbing a hand down his face. "Hey I don't need to I don't plan to stay here. Why bother. I know enough to get by back home." Echo shrugged. Analeigh and Sienna just nodded because he was right. Going to the dresses they put the rack next to the shower room. The full length mirror though was outside so she would have to step out and have a look. 

     After trying on all ten dresses. Nix couldn't help but be hurt by watching her. "What's with the face man?" Echo asked as they were fixing some of the plants. "She looks so beautiful in those dresses right?" "Yes she does." Echo said smiling looking at her. "I'm sad her mother is missing this. She wanted to be here for this. I wonder if it is effecting her tis badly." Nix told him. Echo looked concerned scanning her body in his mask. "Her levels are in a depressive state. It is effecting her body." "I don't like seeing our savior this sad. It's like seeing Emerie all over again. She was so miserable here. I only saw her perk when Onyx would." "Echo. Don't." Nix warned him in a hushed tone. 

     "What it's true." " This is not the time or place. You see her levels let it go for now. She's already cracking." "I think differently. I think she is imagining how this is supposed to be best day of her life and she is in the perfect dress getting ready to be tied together with the wrong mate. This isn't what her mother wanted for her. But for now she must play this part." Echo shrugged. "I think your right. I think there is a small bit of doubt that if everything goes the other way of the plan than she will be stuck here with her father in the life she never wanted." Phoenix looked at her one last time before turning away lost in his own thoughts. 'I will not let that happen. I will not fail you again Emmie. Or her. I just…can't.'

     After Sienna left and Echo went to go set up the food for Nix and himself. He came up to the rack of dresses. "Did you find one that makes your heart smile?" Remembering her saying how she only chooses things based on if she can feel the smile and happiness through her heart he was touched by the child like behavior but loved the theory of living life to your hearts content. Something neither of them ever got to really do. "Uh not really I will choose one of them for sure. I just guess my hearts just not in it. I mean I feel like I connected well with two of them. But I guess I'm just never going to get in to this." She sighed heavily wanting to just give up on such a long day.

     Walking over looking through them until he found it. "This one. It's this one. This is the dress that was made just for you. With your hair down in those loose curls and the light make up you do on special days. With the Silver heels you have in your closet for meetings next to your black ones right there. This is what you will wear and be." He told her writing a note on it sticking it in the closet away from the others. "Just like that it's decided than?" She scoffed out in mockery.

     "Yes. It is. Ana you will never choose a dress on your own because this is never the way you wanted to do it. Life doesn't give us what we want though and most times we just have to make due with the situation at hand. You will never choose a dress on your own because you know deep down you don't want to marry that man and if you choose a dress and keep going with these arrangements than it will feel just too real. You're scared because of the doubt that slips into your mind of actually being tied down to your friend forever. While also feeling like you are staying in your fathers clutches. You can't even see how perfect some things like that dress is on you." Nix told her with his arms crossed in a nice simple voice.

     She blinked away tears. "When did you become so smart on human emotion?" "I didn't. I just know you Ana. It's been over half a year we know each other this well by now. Please. Please stop worrying so hard. I will not let those things happen. I promise I will safely get you and all of us out and away form here and more importantly away from your dad." Nix told her his hands now on her shoulder. Pulling her in for a good tight hug knowing how badly she needed it. 

     It was easier for her to fall apart on Nix as she let out the tears she was holding in. "It wasn't supposed to be like this. She should be here. Why can't she be here? He wasn't always this way? What the hell happened to him? How could he just simply destroy everything he comes in contact with in the worse ways. He can change the world in medicine for the better by destroying the lives of those who help him or are supposed to mean something hell we're his family. He can save the world but he has to destroy mine in the process? Why don't I mean enough to him. What the hell is so wrong with me he could be this way. Nothing. Nothing is enough nothing has or will ever be enough." She was choking out in sobs years of the frustration.

     "You did nothing. You're mother always said how big of the blessing you are and she is right. You have helped and did so many incredible things and your still so young. You have so much further to go. Just things of all the great things you still have left to do. You are enough. You always will be to those who deserve you. You're self built family. YOUR REAL FAMILY love you and know how amazing you are. Anyone who meets you in the future will be just as lucky for having known you. Don't cry little one. The sins of the parents don't fall to the offspring." He told her wiping her face.

     "You are not responsible for his actions. Or the actions of others. People grow and change sometimes it's not always for the better. Sometimes they loose sight of right and wrong from the twists and turns they made down their paths. As long as you stay true to yours that's all you can do. As long as you still carry the light inside of yourself doing the best you can everyday then that's all you need to do. That's something to be proud of. The truth is Analeigh he isn't enough for you. He is not who he was. You will never be the same person tomorrow as you were yesterday. That's ok. It's how we grow. Just because you grow into adults don't always mean you will make the right decisions. Your father is the proof of that. You are the proof that great things can come from bad situations." Pushing him away for a minute looking confused.

     ""Why would you say it like that? What do you." He cut her off. "I'm just saying look at your mother and father. She wasn't happy towards the end and he was turning into someone she couldn't recognize yeah? She said that their in her works. But she was always thankful for him because he gave her you." He told her with a smile. Nodding her head. He was right. So why did it still feel like there was so much to that statement. "I'm going home. Nix I'm trusting both of you in here. Don't make me regret it." "I swear I will keep him behaved." Nix said holding up his hand as a loud crash of metal dishes hit the floor behind him. 

     "It's ok food wasn't in it yet were still good." Echo said picking everything up. Nix had a heavy sigh while Ana made a big whine. "Don't forget to take down the window in the morning." She mumbled to them. Walking out into her car. She took a long drive home. Sighing to herself looking at him sitting on her porch swing. With a food bag smiling to her. "You are a sight for sore eyes." "You talking to me or the burger?" Quinn asked her. "Both." She said sitting down next to him taking the drink from him as well. 

     Laughing he joined her digging in the food. "I was just sitting here thinking of how every time one of us was going through it. Mom or Auntie would have us up here just the four of us. Good food, good company, in a safe place. They said it could cure anything ailing us. They were right." Quinn said smiling softly. "Yeah I always feel content here. It brings me a weird sense of peace. I miss those times when it was just four. It was weird to me after I left to noticed how much more frequent it got after awhile. I just love it out here so much I never questioned it since I knew how busy they always were." Ana said looking at him. 

     "I never questioned it. Uncle was changing they had so many assignments and we coming of age it was stressful times. I just remember feeling loved that mom and Auntie always took time no matter how busy they were to make us feel like we were being seen and heard. I never knew love until I got you ladies. It is the greatest gift I ever got to have. Being a son, a nephew and a cousin/brother to the best cousin/ sister." Quinn said raising his cup to bang with hers. "We are awesome." She said making him laugh.

     "I feel sad a little when I think of mom being able to have her happy ending where would I be right now. What would I be doing. But than I think life happens for a reason. Her losing them was horrific but it was supposed to happen I guess. Because… then I wouldn't be here to help you and make sure you get this far. Maybe this is their happy ending through us. Everything they set out to do everything they sweated, worked, bled and even died for is now getting finished and it's all thanks to you. Many people and species have lost their lives trying to get here Ana. To get what you accomplished. That is what I think makes it all worth it. This is what we are supposed to do. I can feel it." Quinn told her leaning back in the porch swing happy as they had finished their meal.

     "You know I think I can too now. You always know just what I need Quinn. After all these years. We still come home for comfort." She said with a good exhale. "I will miss this place for sure. But we will always have home Ana. As long as we have each other." Quinn told her making a fist for her to bump it. "You taking your room?" "You know it. Get in I'll lock the door. We can both finally get some sleep." Quinn said picking up and following her inside. After a quick shower he came in to her room to bring her a bottle of water. Smiling to himself as she was finally on her side hair a mess asleep.

     "Nerd." He whispered. Taking her phone about to put it on the charger when it rang he quickly answered before she could wake up and wet to the hall. "Hello?" "Babe?" He heard on the other line. "Babe you there?" "Hey." Quinn said back. "Quinn?" "Yeah hey Jax how you doing?" He said nicely as he could he was still a friend. "Where's Analeigh?" "Hey man she's past out. We both had such a long week we decided to come home to the cabin for some rest like when we was in school." "Oh. Right. I'm so glad she's finally getting some rest. Is she ok. I mean like is the food in the fridge or should I bring anything?" Jaxon asked.

     "Stop tripping bro. We are fine. She's stocked. She's getting sleep and I brought her dinner. It looked like she was sending you a message saying she home and going to bed but looks like she past out before it sent." Quinn said laughing. "Just have a good shift man and she'll hi you up tomorrow. I'm going to bed too." Quinn told him. "Alright man rest well I am glad you're there. I've been worried about her today. See you later." As Jaxon hung up. 'Shame would have been a great husband and brother in-law. Just no the right one I guess. I don't know anything about the right one. I guess it's easier to find all the wrongs one though. Makes the right one more blissful to find I guess.' Quinn shrugging his thoughts off laying down in his bed. 

     The next day she went in the office early to go see Archer about some question he emailed her. Only to run into her dad. "Hey kiddo how you been?" He was all to happy. "Good." She was said in a more a question. Are you asking me or telling?" "Telling?" She told him again in same tone. "I need you to get me some things. You know what let's go down together so you don't have to make another trip up." He said walking her out together. They did have that in common hate making second trips when it could have done in one go. "Alright." Her father was being so weird today. 'Why the hell is he so chatty?' Can't get a word in edge wise even if I wanted to. The hell did this man slip some crack in his coffee this morning.' Lost in her thoughts as they were walking in the 

     "I heard the venue and caterer is al booked up. The flowers have gone through as well?" He asked her. "Ugh not so much I guess I'm dragging my feet. There's a lot of nice things I like and I still have time so. "That is true my dear. You go ahead with that and take your time I know the color scheme will match well with what ever you choose. You just." He stopped and saw her closet. Walking up to it. Looking at the bag. "You did it. You got the dress?" He asked her happily. "Well yeah kind of the biggest thing on the list right not to show up naked." She laughed off. 

     "I want to apologize to you Ana. I know how pushy I have been. Seeing this though makes me know you are serious and are true to your word down to your soul just like your beautiful mother. Man it even. It looks so much like hers in certain ways. I tell you she was the most beautiful thing I have even seen walk this Earth beside you on this day. Or hell any other day for that matter. When I got up to the alter I was never more ready for anything in my life. Its like our whole lives were leading up to that moment. I know Jaxon feels the same." He told her with a little mist in his eyes.

     "I am excited for you two honey I really am. All the great things you two will do for the world and most of all each other. The great tings you will do with your children. I can't wait to watch them grow. I know you see me as villain most days. I know I'm always going to be the bad guy for taking away all the things you were doing because you think it's what you wanted. Honey let me tell you fate and destiny doesn't care about our wants. I learned this well. You have already created so many great things that have helped millions so far. I am not lying or trying to blind you when I say I took it lightly bringing you here home." He told her stepping up to her. 

     "I love you with everything in my soul and so did your mom. I mean this with every fiber in my being you are meant to be here right now. I believe all my answers we've ever been searching for will be answered thanks ot your help. You will take my place and turn this world into the great place it was always meant to become. Peace will finally come with you. Your vision is and will be legendary. I have my faith and love in you and I mean in when I say no one but you can do this. Just know I am proud and love you." He said grabbing a couple of the cactus flowered plants and a few fruits making his way to the door.

     Looking around she noticed the room still feels as empty as it did when she came in. The window was down. Looking around she knew for the first time in awhile she was truly alone in there getting back to her emails getting in touch with Archer she enjoyed the quiet of her day. Worrying a little about what havoc Echo could get in too but was at ease knowing Phoenix was there. The heartfelt moment was truly something that took her by surprise. Not sure what to think of it at the moment and wondering when her father will stop with Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde moments. She loved when he was her father she remembered but it wouldn't be too long until he showed his other side and it always seemed to get a little worse each time. One thing was for certain she made up in her mind at this moment. 'I need to leave this planet.'