Chapter 11: The Truth About Emmie

It wasn't until the next day when she went into her lab for work did she find Melana just looking through the pretty flowers. "Hey gorgeous when did you get here?" Ana asked her. "A little bit ago. I needed something and when I got here and started smelling the flowers I felt content." Mel said with a smile. When the door opened and closed and then three angry looking D'marlians were in front of her huffing and puffing looking tore up. "What the hell happened to you guys?" Ana asked coming over to look Echo and Nix over as Melana did Niko. 

     "We've been having a small issue lately. We went out to handle it." Niko said looking at Mel in knowing way. "What issue?" Ana asked as everyone got quiet looked to Nix. "Oh so that's what we doing we keeping secrets now? Sure ok. Right I guess I deserve that. I mean I only feed you and make sure you got a place to sleep at night." Ana said in a sarcastic tone going to walk away getting mad and offended. When Phoenix took her hand and stopped her. Looking at her a moment and walking over to the cots and sitting her on it. 

     "We're not keeping secrets. However its one of those things where it was best not to tell you until I had the whole story to tell you. That wasn't until last week when Echo came. Than it wasn't me keeping it from you. IT's just if you didn't know than you were actually safer." "I don't understand but I have a feeling deep down all the way to my ass cheeks I'm about to get very mad at you Nix." "hang on to that thought knowing you. You will." He said sitting down rubbing the back of his neck.

     "See for some reason a part burnt up and we couldn't talk to my older brother any more. So Echo actually gave us a part he had. I have been smelling something upon you that shouldn't be on you. It's faint which means it's around your home or outside this lab area. Once in awhile when Jaxon comes in he had it upon him as well. So did Sienna, Quinn all of you had faint smells of the same thing. Except it is strongest on you. Which tells me you are around it the most and you are not even aware of it." "What smell Nix. Is this why you keep putting your scent on me?" Ana asked him realizing he is always hugging her putting his scent on her like a dog. 

     "Well here's the thing. The smell is from scouts. But they are not our scouts. Remember that one D'marlian Darius the one who wants to conquer Earth to put the weak humans in their rightful place beneath us?" Looking at her. "Yeah." "He has a small following maybe enough for a small campaign and they want to do just that. It turns out they some how found out what amazing thing you did here and are upset that the future royal family is growing. Now if my older brother gets a mate and they get to have an heir than you know that's just more to the royalty throne. I am different I am crowned prince but I will always be head general and just lead the army's for my brothers and or nephews or niece who will be the like empress or emperor King like person you know." He took a breathe before he continued.

     "He just wants the crown and he wants the power. He doesn't want us to breed with any other species for a while and he wants to trap you to keep making our species get fertile. He will not treat you as anything less than a prisoner and torture you to work. My brother however has the whole planet getting ready to greet you like a hero. Darius though reminds us of the evils your father did to us and our kind and demands same treatment done on to his offspring as was done to our people. However the whole planet loved your mother and Paige so they all denounce Daruis from the military commands and exiled him and his following now he still wants to go through with his plan." Looking at her.

     "He thinks if he gets you and destroys your father and so many other stupid horrible things than he can get everything he needs to save the planet in his words. Our planet is the center of life of the universe we keep everything equal for all alien species we are like the superior court for everyone. My brothers are their emperor power too. My brothers keep the peace diplomatically until they send me. I have discovered Darius's scouts. We have slain five in the forest around the lab. I have picked up one of their scents around your home he is no longer breathing." Nix said in a deep scary voice. 

     "I didn't want you to know so you wouldn't constantly be looking over your shoulder in fear or worry. Your combat skills would kick in and you have more power in you I have fought them on the training grounds they are still weaker then Niko you would have had no trouble. I would never purposely put you in danger I swear. But I could have by putting my scent on you. I have been luring them out. They have smelt my scent and are looking for us they don't intend for my siblings or I to make it off the planet alive." She looked at him and cut him off. 

     "So am I just used as bait to get them to come to my house more than here? So they wouldn't know where Melana is?" She asked feeling hurt. "No nothing like that. Echo has a ship not far from here and others of my men will be able to find us quicker if they have the scent it's a hint and help will be around also if they find my scent on you they would definitely find the scouts around you to they would go after the scouts and you would be protected. You know how to protect yourself. You know our language and you have my scent on you. This is the best way to protect you. I trust you enough and know you enough to handle your own. But if I told you these things you would be constantly looking around and that would cause unwanted attention around you." He finished with a strong exhale as he rushed all the words out.

     They sat there staring at each other for a few short minutes letting everything process over. "What happened this morning?" She asked him. "Last night it was strong on you. I know Sienna came over to watch a movie with you last night so Echo went into her office to smell her. It was so strong almost like the scout was outside watching you the whole time probably in a tree about half a mile out. We got our things and we went and handled it. There is no other scout. However it will be a while before they try to send more. I have spoke to my brother and he has put an urgent order to get us out. I need you and the others to keep an emergency go back anything you wish to take must be on you at any time. When it happens it will happen quickly." He started and stared at her. 

     "The choice at this moment is no longer up to you rather you go or not Ana. I am making it for you. I will not leave you here. You are no longer safe here. Your planet will be fine they are after you. Your father cant protect you from him. It will cause war on the whole planet and we wont allow that either. Until I conquer his small following you can't be on Earth you can come back soon if you wish. I'm sorry Ana. Just for peace of mind. Is leaving here with us. Is it what you want if you had the choice to choose?" Nix was unsure why the question made him anxious. 

     She let out a long exhale. "I. I want to leave. I don't think I want to come back anytime in the foreseeable years. Maybe if I have my own kids I will bring them back to the cabin. Other than that. I don't want to be here. I never noticed until the last month how much this Earth has made me feel like a prisoner having to follow my fathers orders. I will never be free in any type of way under his thumb. I can't escape it here. He controls everywhere on this planet." Looking back to him seeing how guilty he looked and she knew he probably felt. 

     "I am not mad at you Nix. I understand the situation and you are right. I don't like it. I feel lied to but I'm not mad with you. We are ok. Thank you for looking out for us. I know just how bad things can get. I appreciate you protecting us. All of us." She said smiling to Melana and the others as they spoke making Nix heart smile as well. "I didn't expect you to be ok with it. I want you to know I am sorry for keeping it from you. I don't like keeping things from you it makes me feel a way I don't like. But if means you being safe there isn't much I wouldn't do. You should know that by now. You don't know how much my planet and I need you." He told her.

     "No I know how much your planet needs me." She chuckled. "I need you to Analeigh. Even if you weren't carrying the future of my race in your blood. I still need you in my life too Ana. There are few people I can be myself. My true self and not the younger blooded crown general with. It's a freedom from my soul to be able to that. Besides a few friends and my brothers I don't have or get that too often. I need you too Ana." He told her in way that touched her heart. 

     "I feel the same way big guy. Your mate will be truly a lucky woman to have such a male like you. At least I will be around to see it." She smiled happily to him as he smile and nodded. "Yeah well guess will just see about that. You know you won't have to always be in a lab there. It took major discussion with my brother who will still have to argue about this but I made the biggest and stupidest choice for my planet and made him agree to let you be a soldier down the road under my command if that is what you wish to do. We will not be your father I know how much you wanted to be in your military here. I wanted you to know you have other options when you get home." He told her as her mouth fell open.

     "That must have been a hell of a thing to ask. I mean that couldn't have been a good conversation not matter how hard you tried. Thank you for that Nix I mean that couldn't have felt good arguing with your brother. I'm sorry for that. But thank you for standing up for me." "He can give you this much and more it's not asking a lot for everything your bringing and giving to us." He told her flatly. Nodding her head always the modest Nix. "Just let others know we are on code yellow until you get a green and to meet at the cabin." He told her walking away as she saluted him sarcastically.

     Walking up to the front as she was getting ready to leave she had so much to do and go through and she wanted to make sure she stashed her mothers things away through a blood lock. So only her DNA can open it. When a voice brought her out of her thoughts. "There's my bride." She heard Jaxon happily. Haven't seen you all week. I was thinking pizza and a movie at your place and have a nice little date night." He had his hand wrapped around her waist. He was such an attractive man the next woman he finds will be so lucky to have this great man by her side. It made her sad to know she would hurt him soon. There was no way out of this now. Nodding to him as he followed her home.

     As they were laying around she gave in to everything he wished to do. Watching a comedy they used to watch in school together. Her laying in his side letting him have his arms around her as they finished food. "I like this. This is nice. Just think in a few short months we can be like this all the time." He said resting his cheek on her head. Did you think it over if you want to live here or stay at my place? Maybe make this a summer winter house? Or keep out here and stay at my place in spring and winter?" He asked her thinking down the way. 

     I was thinking your place and just coming here every now and then when I need some space. Adjusting to it all you know every now and then when things get to much just come out here for a bit. Feel close to mom or Quinn." "I think that sounds perfect. I'll make sure later to make room for everything just tell me later what you plan to bring and will decide where to put it. I wan you to make my place our home in anyway you see fit." He told her kissing the side of her head. "Well thank you for that. Remember when we would all ask random questions laying around the forest when we would camp out in high school?" "Yeah good times." He said smiling to her.

     "Let's do that." "Alright. You go first." "If this was our last night together like some end of the world situation what is something you would want to tell me that you have been holding back." "Wow you went deep." He said in a laugh. Sitting up a little to look at her. "I would tell you that I have been in love with you for over half my life and I am the luckiest man alive to be able to tie myself to you for the whatever we have left of it. How I'm glad we will be going out together because a world without you is not a world worth living in." He told her with a smile. 

     "As cheesy and romantic as that was that wasn't what I was asking for?" She pushed him playfully. "What was it you mean then?" He asked her playing with her hands. "You don't have some dirty shameful secret you kept from me or the world you wouldn't want others to know to free your soul from that trap?" Looking at her he turned his head quickly in shame trying to hide it. "Wow didn't think there really was something there. Is it something do do with me or us?" He cringed his eyes shut tighter with a long breath. 

     She took her hands away and retreated them. "Got to say it's a little insulting right now. I have been trying and have been making progress with you to show you I care and you are just planning to start this whole marriage with lies and secrets. You really think that's fair?" She asked him. He was quiet. "Are you really not going to say anything right now?" It was still quiet as he did not look at her. "I think you need to leave. I want you to go." She got up quickly to leave as he grabbed her hand.

     "I do not want secrets in our marriage. I do not want to hold back from you. But this so much beyond you and me. How can I hurt you." He whispered the last part where she barely heard it. "You're doing right now so obvious its pretty simple right?" She told him in a bitter tone. "You don't understand Analeigh. Once this. Is out there. You can't unhear it. You can't unknow it. You can't tell you dad what you know. Nothing good will come of it. Think to yourself if this is something you really want to know or can handle." He told her with watery eyes. "I can handle anything how weak do you think I am?" "I don't think your weak it's just. It changes so many things Ana. It'll probably cut you deeper than you think." He was holding his hands in his hair.

     "Cut the crap Jaxon. If you say you loved me this deeply over half your life why would you keep anything deep away from me in the first place?" She half yelled at him. "BECAUSE YOUR DAD TOLD ME TOO! BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! Because I don't know how any of it really happened in the first place. Because you mean so much to me and I have hurt you so much with all this other crap this last year alone. I'm sorry." He told her as he was trying not to cry. 

     "Are you really not going to tell me?" "Look me in the eye and promise you won't tell your dad it will gut him." "That's where your mind is right now? What about if it guts me? Let me ask you something Jax between me and my dad whose side are you really on?" "Yours." He said with no hesitation not even missing a beat. "I'm always only on your side but Ana you need to think about the picture too every once in a while." He told her flatly. "If in the future this continues you can't be this. You cant do this. You can't keep things from me because of my father after you know the way he is with me. I won't have it." She told him flatly bringing to Jaxon's mind more than what she is saying. "If." He repeated knowing now this is all him and only him to blame. 

     "Sit down Ana." She did. "There is no if anymore and you know that. I don't want you to do anything that would only bring you trouble and harm. But I understand you. I understand you won't be with someone you can't trust and feels like they betrayed you. Just don't jump to conclusions and hear me out on all of it before you say things. Alright." She nodded and he sat from across form her sitting on the coffee tables as she did the recliner near the door. "It's about your mom." He said sadly. "About how she died… and everything that lead up to it." "You knew this whole time and didn't tell me. After I asked you so many times. You said you didn't know." "I know. I know because I was there for the most part." The look of shock and hurt splattered across her face. Made him look away quickly and have a tear roll down his cheek.

     She waited for him to start. "You see it happened years ago. When an alien species came and made a deal with your parents they were called D'marlians and they had a bunch of higher ups here doing research trying to help get their females fertile again. Your mom was doing all the research while your dad was reaping all the benefits they gave us weapons and technology because they peaceful but powerful. They were very intelligent. They were a beautiful species I mean they were grey with armor and helmets but when they took them off even the males were handsome." He laughed to himself.

     "Well your mother spent less and less time with your dad and more time with D'marlians especially the general and his second in command I believe their names were Rydin and Onyx. Aunt Paige was also with them helping your mom. This was a serious case and it was the most important one. It was a national security case since it was a trade to better both planets. Now we have made deals with other aliens before but this was different. This was more literally save your species kind of thing. We just our own race to be able to reproduce better so it really hit home here for us. We were sympathetic."

     "Your aunt was single and very high up on the eligible bachelorette list lots of men around here wanted to date her. Your dad at the time wanted to understand certain things better so he started doing tests on some D'marlians like experiments and it was becoming a problem because it came to the point where everyone was wondering if these experiments were more tortuous the things he was starting to do was becoming more and more unethical. He started to realize just how much better they were than us. How easy it would be to take us out so he wanted to understand them and even their bodies inside and out. I was an intern at first and later became a member on my floor."

     "Even I had to reel him in every now and then. I was coming to your mother in concern and so were others. The D'marlians were starting to take it as acts of war. But were doing everything they can to neutralize the situation they had a ship come down one day to take whatever subjects Emmie wasn't using so no more of their people could be hurt by Gaberielle. That angered him. He was now being kicked off anything to do with D'marlians seeing as he was a danger to them and this deal. He was so pist. He was still doing some shady things he was so jealous of Onyx for being so clos eto your mom. He was just losing his mind. They fought a lot."

     "One day Rydin and Paige were gathering some things together and a guard tried to ask her out she said no. He got mad and grabbed her by the arm and was hurting her. Rydin stepped in and pushed him back and said she asked you to stop you stop. You know. Well it turned into a big fist fight. You can tell Rydin was holding back not to hurt the weak humans as we are. When Rydin got pushed back some way Paige stepped in to stop it and the guard hit her by accident and then tried to grab her arm. Rydin grabbed her other arm yanked her to him and he was just glowing and you felt his rage and something else about this aurora coming off him it was intense."

     "Next thing we know Paige had this tattoo on her arm and neck area. Turns out they have a mating system. Where if your mind and heart or something like that connect to another person and they like meet your energy so to speak they get imprinted on and they are mates. They mate for life they only get one partner for life. So now Paige was linked to General Rydin and that opened up a whole new door of problems they took us in a seminar room and explained. It just happens if two beings are close or in love or have a deep connection. So like if you were happily married or with someone it's not possible to imprint or mate that person. It has to be mutual." 

     "Then it came a thing to your dad when someone said what if they are married and still imprint on the wife or husband. Onyx told us then that means that the imprinted husband or wife isn't in love with the other or it wouldn't happen. There has to be an open connection between the two for it to work. That left more fights between your parents and how he didn't want you no where near these things. His words. Your mother had reached her breaking point and was ready to leave your dad. She told no one she had an escape plan in action I have no idea what it was." 

     "She spoke a lot to Rydin and Onyx. Onyx was not wanting to leave her with your dad because he was crazy. They were so close to the cure but couldn't do this anymore so Onyx was pleading with your mom to come finish the experiment on their planet and she planned to go. Your dad threw a fit and it became world war 3 after that. He took the men who hated the aliens and weapons and fired at all of them they had to retreat to the ship and lots of them and our men died. Your mother and some of her staff and the D'marlians left who could fight fought back. It killed your dad to see your mother shooting back against his men. It didn't help Rydin, Paige and Onyx were covering her back. Paige and Rydin were in the pod that could fit them and 2 others. Onyx told Rydin to go because they were to surrounded it was only your mom and Onyx left." 

     "Your dad shot the small like missile at the pod and crashed it Rydin managed to get Paige out but it blew up before he could get out. He knew he wasn't going to make it. Paige fell a ways down and ended up having a miscarriage. Since the mate imprint mark and the bond wasn't like years strong she barely made it out a live her body didn't want to go on with out Rydin with her. Onyx and your dad fought a lot then he fought with your mom as they were screaming at each other she was falling out of a tree. When Onyx grabbed her then there was a huge glow that came off Onyx. Next thing we saw was an imprint on her arm. Onyx made your mom his mate and your dad went ballistic it was like he was no longer human anymore the woman he had loved his whole life easily imprinted with an alien she worked with for a few years."

     "Her love for him wasn't there anymore if she was able to do that. Well I'm not sure what happened after that. I wasn't there but I do know that they tried to blow Onyx up but your mom pushed him out of the way. And It killed her it melted part of her face. I remember the roar that came of that thing when she died. It was like something to shake you to your core. He wanted to kill your dad but her refused to let go of your mother. Her hand went to Onyx face told him it was ok now. She died. It took a few minutes of looking at her before Onyx fell over his heart stopped beating. Apparently his bond was deeper than Paige's. Since his body wouldn't live without her. The one wo would be general next and his brother were never found it was said to be rumored they were here but we would have found them by now." 

     "Your mother built life like statues of them they were so real. They even feel real the last one is in her office the one you call your friend. That is who would be general now. Rydin loved him as his own son and they trained him well he was in the fight but its believed his long gone. Other than that. That's all I have to tell you. I am so sorry Ana." "So my father killed my mother." She asked with eyes just crying. "Yeah." "Everyone knew about it?" "No, only a handful of people and most of them are dead." Nodding her head. "You kept this from daily smiling to my face. Telling me you know nothing about anything." She felt destroyed.

     "I made a promise that I just broke. I made a promise to your mother to take care of you. But I made a promise to you as well when you said we can get married. I swear to you I will never do anything against you or keep anything from you again in my life I swear to you I just want you to be healthy, safe and happy." "You really think this was a way to do that. Lying to me each time was the best way to go about it?" "I know how bd it looks but can you honestly tell me if this does any real good for you?" "YES!! Knowing what happened with my mom and how she did does wonders for me you damn dip nut it's called closure how else am I really supposed to have when no one honestly answers any fucking questions that I have been all but begging for?" She snapped to him.

     "Ok I deserve that and worse. I am sorry though. There is only so much I can do with this. What can I do to make this better?" "You really think I can answer that after just finding out minutes ago you've been lying to my face everyday since she died? I don't even know how long it's going to take until it really sets in." She turned away from him anger soaring through her. That means not only does he know but Phoenix, Niko, Echo, and Melana knew the whole time. Not one soul could tell her anything. It was taking everything in her not to drive up right now and punch Phoenix in the face for keeping this from her. 

     "I understand why you did it." She told him in a tone that broke his heart. "You asked me this question of what would be a secret I would want you to know. Why did you ask this? Is there something you are also keeping from me?" He asked as his mind was now wondering all over the place. Eyes still crying hanging on her words for an answer. Looking at him. "I have doubts we are going to work out. I should be more emotionally invest in a romantic way in this with by now and I'm not. I kept thinking you were holding back in some way so I've been holding back as well and now I think we both now why. You felt guilty holding this secret to yourself. But you shouldn't feel too bad since you are not the only who withheld it from me. It just makes me feel like crap to know you all think so little of me to not deserve to or to be told this." 

     "That's not true no one thinks little of you." "So it's because you are all scared of my father than that you put him and his sins above the truth. I already view him as monster ow much lower could my opinion really get and you know this." She told him with anger. "We can still come back from this together Ana. You said you withheld because I did. Well now we're both cut open and bleeding in this. Let's just keep doing what were doing. Let's just keep this building everyday and I swear to you we will get there in time. We can just start over on this. Please give me time to make this up to you." He was holding on to her in a tight hug as she just let him as her body felt lifeless. 

     "You never gave me a choice in this. Neither did my dad. You know damn well I can't get out of this now thanks to his involvement. I don't know if I want to come out of this with you Jaxon. I don't know if I can ever trust you again. I've been waiting for years for you to come through and tell me what happened. You failed every day. Right now I just don't feel like I have anyone besides Sienna, Eddie, Jace and Quinn. No one else has ever come through for me. You were given the chance and failed how do I know I can trust on you in the future? Ow do I know if my fathers influence won't affect us later down the road?" "I swear it won't you'll just have to give me the chance to trust in me. I won't let that happen down the road the only influence that affects me is yours." 

     "Well it's safe to say I can't back out of this you all seen to that. That doesn't mean I need to stand here and look at you right now because I really just can't. I want you to leave and don't come back. I will see you around work. This is my only safe place Jaxon and I don't want you in it until I'm ready to share it with you again. Which may be a long time coming." She showed him the door. Going down into her mothers room she watched as many videos as she could that remained left looking for secret ones. She saw Onyx in some and the way his eyes looked at her the smile she got when he was around she could slowly watch her mom actually fall in love with someone else in front of her. 

     Her heart was breaking she never got to choose who she got to be with either yet she still was able to find him in the end. Is this history bound to repeat itself. She is leaving the one she doesn't want to maybe find her happiness later. How could Nix not tell her. How could any of them not tell her. How could her father keep this from her. Er friends weren't around for it none saw it or heard of it. She noticed one thing in the back ground in most of them videos that made her heart stand still. Ellie Millow.