Chapter 13: Making A Play Book

Analeigh's phone blew up most the night from Eddie, Jace, Seinna and Quinn. Who finally stopped hitting her up when she assured them she was fine. She was laying in her bed when she couldn't handle the uneasy feeling inside her. Getting up checking her computer for the cameras she had in random places around her home. It all looked normal until she saw a flash like reflection where nothing was supposed to be. Sending a quick text to Quinn about her location and what she saw. She left her phone in the living room grabbed her taser and went outside. 

     Walking around she made it look like she was just out getting in air. When something metal like feel from the tree. Rolling over to her feet she looked down and quickly kicked it back to the tree as she rolled and tucked in for cover. A small loud noise exploded around her as she heard a male cry from pain and out of nowhere half of an armor suit appeared while the rest of the other half of the body stayed hidden. This was not the same as what Echo and Phoenix wears. She knew this was from the other side. 

     She fought back blow for blow which not only shocked the D'marlian it kind of scared him a bit. How does she know such moves. How can she move so quick. Not knowing her military training back ground it was a classic sign of underestimating your opponent. After a while she finally took out her taser and placed it on his neck for a few minutes. After he was twitching for a while his cries died down. Phoenix, Echo and Quinn came running up to her. "Why are they here?" She asked catching her breath. "I was on night shift and was with them when you text me." He said grabbing his side in a cramp.

     "Did you run all the way here?" "What do you think my car is at the barrack's." He said wavering her off resting on a tree. "Are you sure he is down little one. His readings are strange." Nix told her. "Alright let's make sure." She stood to the side of the enemy and reached down to his genitals and shove the taser on that area. As his screams went high and his body shook for another few minutes when she removed it. He smelt of burned flesh and was unmoving. "Yeah I think it's safe to say he's down." All three men were blocking their area a little in horror of what they watched. 

     The look on Quinns face said enough. "Now by my best guess either you forgot a special guest today. Or this one is new." Ana held a hand over him like a model showing a game prize, voice filled with sarcasm. "This one was hiding. Where you see him the first time?" Echo asked. "There. The reflection popped off one of the cameras. I don't know how long he was there I would have to go back and try to figure it out." She told them as the nodded. Echo dropped down from the tree. The pod they had is destroyed and at the bottom of the lake. He is the last one. It will be a while before more try to come as long as you are here. They will come." Echo told her flatly.

     "Why her?" Quinn asked in tone that he tried to reel in. "It was her father who slaughtered our people and broke the treaty between us. It was her mother who fought for us. They know it is her who will save our people. They want to do things to her that her father did to our people while making her make our people fertile. They want to make an example of those who betray us although no one holding grudges on our side of the fence. Emerie and Paige are heroes on our planet. She is now too. Darius's followers hate that. They want to get to her before Denarius comes." Echo told him. 

     "Who is Denarius?" Quinn asked. "My eldest brother the King of our people and many others. He is doing everything he can to get your cousin and you guys home. He will be here soon. A rescue ship should be here before him any day now. Which is why you need to make sure you are always ready to go once you get a green light you need we need to leave." Walking up to Ana looking over her bruises and cuts he felt anger in him growl out. "Get inside." He told her in a deep voice. Looking around then followed her in. Going into the bathroom under the sink and pulling out the first aide kit. 

     "Like mother like daughter." He said with a small chuckle shaking his head. Grabbing her by the waist and placing her on the kitchen counter. "Look up." He told her. With a cotton ball and some rubbing alcohol. "I can do this myself you know." She told him. "Shut up and look up." He said simply in a playful voice. Wiping the blood off her and rubbing some special cream her mom made from a drawer she never saw before. "What is this?" "It's your mom's and Onyx little creation stash just watch." He rubbed over the cuts and the sealed quickly as if they were never there. "Amazing." She whispered. "You only think to tell me of this now whenever I came to you covered in cuts all the time." She asked him in an angry tone.

     "I wasn't sure if it would still be here. We all spent a lot of time out here with your mom. She was always hiding stuff somewhere. She made a lot of things with Onyx. He brought some things she mixed some stuff up and it would work on both species. They were incredible to watch in action. They both smart as hell in plants. Your dad though would be jealous as hell so she hid most of what they created away in little ide away areas. I think Paige took most of it. I'm surprised it's still here." He said as he slid it in a back pack. "What are you doing?" She asked him as the other two made themselves a snack and a drink. 

     "You have not brought in a pack. I am making one for you." He said gathering some things. "Hey wait. Put that down." Looking at some pictures he took them out of frames and put them in the bag. Opening a bigger part he went to her room grabbing three pairs of Jeans, two yoga pants and one sleeper shorts. He grabbed two hoodies, five shirts. He went in and grabbed five pairs of socks and stopped when he saw the bras and underwear. Looking up at her as she crossed her arms to him. He grabbed three bras and five pairs of underwear looking her in the eye as he shoved them in. "We have the same pads and other feminine hygiene products you use here at home. What else do you need to take with you?" He asked her making her turn a little red turning to hide it.

     "That blanket. That one too." He grabbed them and rolled them up. "Are you sure?" Quinn asked her with a smile. "Yeah they belong to our moms. They come with." Quinn nodded. "I'll take that one." He said with a smile taking it from Nix. "Is this everything?" He asked holding up the bag. "Did you get my hair brush a few hair ties. Tooth brush? Maybe tweezers and Q-Tip's?" Nix nodded to her. "Then that's it." She told him walking into the living room. 

     Looking down on the coffee table the guys noticed a note that so far read Dear Jaxon. Looking to her with a strange look. "I didn't just want to leave and have nothing finished between us. We are still friends. I don't want him to hold on for years and miss out on life. Just because I am not in love with him doesn't mean I have no love for him. I mean hell Quinn he grew up with us do you think it's right to just disappear without a word from any of us what if he discovers us when we leave you know I can't just not say anything I mean shouldn't he at least get an I'm sorry or a good bye?" She asked them. 

     "I don't know I wouldn't leave a note honestly." Quinn shrugged. "What if he never reads it?" He added. "I think you shouldn't leave him anything. It may raise suspicions. If for some crazy reason things don't work out then it won't be bad for you. Things will stay on track like they are now he may even be able to help you. Tell him nothing. It would be harder to recover this way." Nix told her he was right. "I am still going to write him a letter. But not for what you think. It was a pretty bad ugly fight the other night between us. If I am going to leave at any point I don't want to leave with bad feelings between us like this." They all nodded to her. 

     "Get some rest. I'm taking these guys back and will come back home when I'm done. Just so I can get some peaceful rest other wise I'll be worried about your ass all night." The door opened and they all turned to see Jace. "Didn't think I would stay home now did you?" He winked. Putting down his drink. He went and made his bed out in Quinns room. "You're blankets in the dryer, Washed it from last week." She hollered to him. "Sienna?" She asked Quinn. "Her, Eddie and I are on night shift today. I'm off in an hour. Jace is off tomorrow for some reason I think he traded Hunter or some shit." He waved to her as the he put on the backpack Nix made and the two aliens went into stealth mode. Niko was talking to her telepathically checking in. Royal damn bloods can literally do anything. 

     She did her best to reach out to Phoenix. "I can feel your anxiety little one." "What happened to the body of the D'marlian scout?" "Echo let it rest with destroyed ship at the bottom of the lake. His armors electronics mixed with your taser electrocuted him to death. Rest well little one nothing else will harm you." She felt him close the connection. "Rest well. Yeah that will happen.: She mocked to him. "Jace!" She hollered. She had the biggest mattress ever known to man. Coming over to her he already had his blanket. As he got on the other side of the bed. "Night bestie." She told him. "G'night bestie." This was tradition since they were kids. Even Sienna would get on with them. 

     It was just the sense of being home and being with family she was truly lost without these four people. It was early in the morning when she woke up and found Sienna being spooned by Jace and Quinn on the other side of her facing the wall. Eddie was somehow at the foot of the bed in the fetal position. He always slept oddly. Slowly climbing out of bed she went to the bathroom and got started on some breakfast. She got dressed as they came out smiling at her taking their drinks and siting down to the food. It was fun talk as they were all laughs and smiles. No one mentioned anything from last night and they all left as she went to work. 

     Walking in she decided to go up to the top few floors. Knocking first she came into his office his face popped annoyed until he saw who it was. "You busy?" She asked. "Yeah. Ugh- no, no come in." He went to stand up but the chair pushed him back down. "Thanks." She sat down in front of him on the other side of the desk. "I." "You." They both started. "Go ahead." He told her with a smile. "I'm sorry." She said, which made him go into shock. "I'm sorry I don't think I heard you right?" He started when she cut him off. 

"I'm sorry Jaxon. I should have been more lenient with you on this issue because there is only so much you were able to do thanks to my dad. I understand the position you were in. I'm sorry you were in it to begin with. I know it wasn't easy for or on you. I let my hurt and anger speak for me in a way that I don't think was ok. I just need to know down this road with us that you have my back. That you will put me or us ahead of your fear of my dad. Otherwise what do we even have. If we aren't holding each other down?" She asked him in hopes he understood her.

"I understand and you had every right to be mad. Reacting the way you did. You were right. I should have spoken up a lot sooner. I just need you to know I respect you. I trust you. I will put us above all else. I will make sure you know you take priority over your dad's order. I got a new boss now." He said making them both laugh as he held her hand. "Are we ok Ana?" He asked rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb he stuttered the question out. 

"Are we?" She asked him. "Are you still worried about not being in love with me?" He asked her. "Are you?" "No. I think you are growing into it more and more everyday you just can't see it. But I can. I can see it. I see through the effort and if you didn't feel it even just a little bit you wouldn't be here right now." He told her kissing the back of her hand. "I will give you some space and just text and call you. I won't push for face to face contact until next week. Only because I know you didn't get no rest and we both know I didn't with you mad at me." He said in a small smile. 

Getting up and walking her to the elevator his friends peaked and smiled around the corner. He hugged her tightly pushing the button down and kissed her lips sweetly. "Thank you for coming to see me Ana. It made my week." He smiled to her and waved to him as she went down into her office. "You look rested." Niko told her grabbing some things from the pantry. "I feel a little better." She nodded to him. "Taking some more rations to mama?" She asked with a smirk as Niko happily smiled and nodded. It was like watching an excited child. She was happy for the two of them to become parents.

"I'm glad you are here." Nix said with a big smile. "Really? That's not suspicious at all." She told him looking at him with a raised eyebrow between him and Niko. "Yup. There's someone important I want you to meet." He said as he took her hand and walked her to the back next to the shower room was a projector on the Huge wall. On the screen was another D'marlian staring at her with a smile tilting his head. "What's going on Nix?" She whispered to him not breaking eye contact with the view in front of her. "Echo got the visual radios going instead of just hand radios." Phoenix told her happily.

"So you are the infamous Analeigh I heard so much about for the past few years. It is an honor to meet you. Your story has taken our planet by storm. You are already a legend of hero here. It does me great happiness to see you. Especially when you look so much like our sweet Emerie." "Uh… It's an honor to meet you as well…" She was waiting for someone to explain who he is." He was dressed as an important person. "Forgive me. I am Denarius." He said with a slight bow to his head. "Denarius. You mean he's. He's like the king there right. He's." "The eldest brother." Nix cut her off speaking proudly of his family. Niko smiling to him as well as he turned and walked out to get back to Melana.

"I never spoken to an alien king before. Am I supposed to bow?" She asked looking to Echo who just winked to her. "There is no need for such formalities with me young one. I am forever in you debt as is our planet. I have heard you wish to bring a small crew together to live here. I have also heard all of the reasoning and I can't thank you enough for your self sacrifice. You and your team will be treated in the highest of honor and terms while you live here I promise you that. You will want for nothing under our family's reign." Denarius told her with respect. 

"Well I thank you for that. However we are very basic people and most of us are military trained so we honestly don't need much." She told him as she waved her arms in a no fashioned to him making him smile to her. "You are very much like your mother. She said the same thing with the same gestures." He chuckled to her. "I have heard about Darius's rebellion attacks and I apologize on behalf of our species. I am doing my best to make sure in a few days you will a pod come for you, it will be small and the collection of you all will be quick and simple. If everything stays the way they are going you should also not receive any other surprise visitors." His voice spoken through gritted teeth. 

"I would like to make some requests of you Analeigh if it's not asking to much?" "I'm all ears your majesty." She told him with a cute curtsey. Making everyone chuckle to her. I'd like to speak with you daily and learn more about you and your work. I feel it is important so I know and can see to it personally that everything you will need and have for your work or personal needs will be settled as well as the others coming. I feel it would be better to get on how you say first name basis?" "That's the term. I can do that. Why don't I step you through the process from the beginning. Do you have someone there to take notes?" "Only if you can speak in D'marlian." He told her with a look that lead to more curiosity. 

Hours went by and Phoenix and Echo were so mesmerized by listening to Ana talk and teach her findings in such a detailed way. It left anyone listening hanging on every word. "When did her accent for D'marlian get so… how you say the word? Sexy." Echo asked Phoenix in a whisper leaning in to him while their eyes never left her. "It's like she's been fluent for years." Nix added. "Well it's been months now. You can still never tell it's like this was meant to be her first language." Nix added catching himself being surprised. "Are you finally ready to leave this place?" Echo asked him turning to look at him. Phoenix was lost in thought of the question and didn't answer instead he stay focused and listened to the little human in front of him. Explain how she's saving his race.

Fourteen days. It's been fourteen days and Analeigh has spoken to Denarius for about thirteen hours a day. Leaving a total of 182 hours talking to that male. There is nothing he doesn't know about any of them anymore he could probably name every plant in her lab and her favorite pet growing up. She was so exhausted still lost in the thoughts of what she wanted to do with Aunt Millie. It made her stomach turn and her blood boil when she thought of her now instead of just being merely annoyed. 

"There's my baby girl." Gabriel told her happily with Jaxon and his parents behind him all happily coming towards her. "Don't you all look like little twinkling elves." She teased making them chuckle to her. "We was just talking and have some free time tonight. Thought why don't we go have a nice dinner. Come on Ana meet us at the restaurant." Gabe said as they all made their way out. After getting there and being seated. They were making small talk while looking over the menu when they heard the woman approach them. "My goodness I thought I saw you." Ellie Millow in all her hideous glory. 

"Millie how nice to see you. You look well." Jaxon's mother said politely. "Thank you so much. It's been awhile since I have seen you. Have you been well. Oh you know what why don't I just join you. Waiter! Waiter please another chair." She smiled making herself slide in at least the table was big enough. Ana and her father were a little annoyed but didn't let it show. Jaxon knew how much Millie irked his woman and was annoyed for her. It was going so well now it would be uncomfortable for Ana which was not what he wanted to happen. 

"Is there a special occasion for this evening?" Millie asked with a sickening sweet tone. "Just a little family dinner with the in-laws." Jaxon's father said with a wink to Ana he really is a sweet man. "That is so sweet just think soon enough they'll be plenty more of these and heavens blessing even with little ones." Even smiled deeply at the thought Ana and Jaxon got uncomfortable. "Ana dear you're so quiet are you sick." "I am fine. I am just thinking over a moral or ethical issue I had spoken with to a friend back from the base earlier. I guess it's just setting in my brain to see the bigger picture. From a logical, ethical, and emotional side of it." Ana said playing her role very well.

"A friend of yours in trouble? Can I do something to help?" Jaxon asked her trying to be helpful after all he's going to have to meet these people sooner or later be nice to have some more of her friends on his side. "Well that's the thing see they are both my friends the wife and husband. Well they have a small group of friends there which you know I shown you pictures. The problem is we are all mutual friends for years. Every so often we get to add a new member to the group and this new member was another guy he has been in the group now for about a year or so." Ana told him as everyone hung on every word.

"Now this friend his job makes him work closely with the wife which is no big deal they are so good at their job and thanks to them everything is increasing in productivity and with the money. It's a huge deal they have going on and it's broken into sections. One of the female close friends has always been jealous and had a crush on the husband and has been filling the husband's head with things that aren't true. Like His wife told her she was working late in the office with the male friend. When she wasn't with him. Or like how she told her she had to cancel a date night with him to the husband and then tell the wife that he had to cancel because they were working late. Her shame really had no end."

"The male and the wife are simply friends but he felt bad seeing how disappointed the wife was. One day he went and asked why he was doing those things and if he could just spend a little time with her, he felt she was getting depressed. The husband snapped and asked why he had to take up so much of her time to mind his own business that he was the reason she wouldn't see him. After much talking they both felt confused and pulled the female friend and wife away and sat down to speak about it. Instead of being mad at the female friend. The husband believed her and not his wife. This made a rift in their relationship and he kept trying to accuse of her cheating. She now is getting the divorce papers ready and gave them to him." 

"He is begging her not proceed but she doesn't want to be with someone who doesn't trust her but makes her feel stupid for having faith in someone who doesn't have it back. If she is going to feel alone, she's better off on her own. Now they want to know if each of them have gone to far. However I think she is right in choice. However the male friend is her main support right now and it's making things look more like the lies the female friend said. However no one in the friend groups agree with the husband and hope the male friend and wife get together since she is a great person and he would treat her right." 

"I haven't given them a direct answer but I did point out to him how could he have ignored for years the advances the female friend has been making for years. He said he was blinded by his love for his wife. I asked him if that was the case why wouldn't he believe her over the female friend when she got called out. He was just over taken with his own self doubt and jealousy. I believe he should let her go and be happy because if he truly loved her and had as much faith in them as he said he did they wouldn't be in the situation they are in. He doubted her to the point she gave up on him." Ana said as she took her drink as if she really thought it was that simple. "I agree with you." Jaxon's father told her nodding his head. "Me too." His mother said with a sad exhale. 

"Well what do you think though I mean." Turning to her dad. "Do you think you could forgive all three parties?" "Why all three?" He asked confused. "Well there are three parties at fault her in different ways. The female friend firstly because she caused all this mess and pain from her own selfishness, greed and jealousy. She couldn't be happy and get her way so she made others suffer. The wife because she is only a traitor in the husbands own mind which makes him have trust issues even though they are misplaced. Most of all the husband he is the biggest at fault since he failed not only his who is his best friend but their whole marriage by breaking vows I mean doesn't that priest say let no other come in the way and there the female friend was with false information coming in the way?" She asked her father who was silent.

"I mean honestly could you imagine the hurt he put the wife through by believing lies of others and claiming them as facts even though she was innocent. After all he did and said and the fights she had and she still fought to keep what they had until he sucked all the fight out of her. What was the point I wonder. He gave up on her before she did on him. If he didn't give up on her he wouldn't have called her out as a cheater or unloyal the whole time." She said shaking her head.

"I think I would forgive all three." Her father said lowly. Millie was just uncomfortable and silent. Inside Analeigh was smiling through her core. She wanted them to feel hurt by the question. She wanted them to feel uncomfortable with bad memories. She wanted them to feel things to their core.  Jaxon's parents agreed with her not paying attention to the elephants in the room. Jaxon felt like he was sitting on needles he knew where this was coming from but if he didn't let her get this out in some type of way he was scared of how or what she would do.

After so many years of lies and deceit from her fathers end or just in her family in general this is a long time coming. Jaxon's mother changed the topic to the new law going into effect on certain restrictions of her project will be able to test more openly now and how excited she was. The dinner felt like it went on for ages. Millie tried to walk out with Gabe but he shook her off and excused himself. Analeigh was smirking to herself silent the irony of still trying even after all this time of rejection. Coming up to her spinning her around and placing both hands on the hood of her car on her drivers door. 

"Did you get what you looking for tonight?" Jaxon asked her in a tone she couldn't make out. She couldn't tell if he was angry, confused or sad. "I'm not sure yet. I have to sleep on it and get back to you." She gave him a confused look. "Was that really necessary? Putting them on the spot like that?" "Are you really asking me that right now? What are you scared if they find out you tattled? It doesn't have to come back to you. You know the first person they going to think said anything is aunt Paige. Even if she didn't tell me completely she will take the credit out of spite." She told him as he stopped and stared at her knowing she was right he nodded his head.

"I'm worried about you Ana. I know you need to process the information in your own way on your own time. I just don't want you to make things harder then they need to be because emotions are running high. If you need to vent or place to channel all of whatever you're feeling then just call me ok? Take it out on me if you have to. Just. Please. Please come to me I swear I will always come through for you." He told her cupping her cheek and jaw. "I appreciate it Jax I do. I am fine though. This is something that will only be fixed by those involved though. I understand what you're saying. I know how much harder and just what my dad will do if he found out I knew. Did you ever think that maybe this is what we need to happen. I mean how do you expect to get closure without exposing the problem and working it out?" She asked him pushing him back softly with her hand.

"One way or another we will eventually have to have this out. You can't help with that. I will call you if I need you. I won't cause trouble but at some point this all of the issues will have to come to light and get handled. At that time you need to think to yourself what side you think you would really be on? If you can't stay neutral and you can't stand by me then you need to not show up at that altar." She told him simply as she turned and walked away. Knowing how much that hurt him. The guilt he felt. Ana knew how it's easier said then done saying he will choose her knowing what her father can and has already done. 

None of that will matter soon though. This wasn't going to be something where everyone can come out clean or unscathed and she knew it. Getting back to her house she turned off her phone and started to read through some journals. Certain things she was putting to memory. It was now information she needed to know and learn from. She couldn't afford any repeated situations that can be avoided. It was squishing her heart but deep down this is what needed to happen. She needed to leave. Maybe this will be the thing to finally take down the monster that lives within her fathers soul.