Chapter 14: Next Week

Nix and Quinn were staring at Analeigh as she was zoned out mixing flowers until they were now liquid. "Ana. Analeigh. A-N-A. ANA!!" Quinn yelled one last time. "What! Sorry. Huh?" Looking around then down to wipe the liquid that was no spilling on her hands. "What is wrong with you?" Echo asked sitting straighter as he was tinker with some little devices. "I just was. I don't know." She said putting things down and away from her as she went to go wash her hands. Walking over to her he crossed her arms. "You got your guilty face on." Quinn said looking closely at her. "You came from Jax's office little while ago right?" She looked anywhere but Quinns eyes.


 "Your feeling guilty for putting Jaxon through this whole circus knowing you are not going to follow through to marry him. Right?" Looking at her lifting an eyebrow. "Not exactly. It's like this. I do feel guilty. I keep telling him that keeping secrets and most the shit he been doing is not going to make us work. Which in reality is true nothing I have said has been a lie. You know I guess normal for people like us couple fights so the appearance and sincerity is real. I just feel bad because I know I am doing everything I can to escape this planet. He is my friend. Jaxon will be hurt no matter how much I tell him I am not invested into this like he is, he keeps holding the damn flag. Ya know." Ana said running her hands down her face after making a hand gesture making Quinn laugh for a moment.


 "I get it. I don't want him to be hurt either. Maybe in another life or another world it maybe different. But you can't force yourself to love someone you don't. At least you have been honest abut that. Yes he will probably feel gutted and hurt for awhile but he will find someone who loves him the way he should be loved. There will be a woman out there who will get him over you. Make him realize why it never would have worked out. He will forget you in time." Quinn said as he patted her head. "Quinn… what are we going to do? Like seriously how are people not going to wonder about how all five of us just randomly go missing?" Ana asked him as she went and sat down on her little cot.


 "I was thinking of just faking our deaths so people could grieve and move on. We'd be nothing more than an old memory. I figured it would be so much easier. You know damn well if your dad thought you were missing he'd turn heaven and hell over to find you. However if he thought we were dead he could you know just go through the stages and start the healing process." "And how exactly are we supposed to fake our deaths if we are on stand by. Not like there would be a lot of time to get this figured out when it will happen on a random whim." She told him in a slight scoff and chuckle.


 "I was thinking of getting a small chopper on a small quick mountain run. Have it go to the top and then have it just blow up once it gets up there. Get one of Eddies cool little tools to get five things of bones and have acid go through it. BOOM! We are dead and headed out to save another planet!" Quinn said using hand gestures to make a cute little show to exaggerate his meaning. Rolling her eyes. "Alright that might actually work. Where are you getting the bones though?" "That is don't ask don't tell information. Trust me you really don't want to know that kind of thing right now." He told her with a slight shiver. "Fair enough." She nodded to him.


 Thinking harder she was smiling to herself. 'Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I just went missing with no word. Letting dad be stuck in his own hell. Not letting him have the same type of closure he's been refusing me all these years. Letting him know what it would feel like to be constantly in hurt and pain. To always be in questions and may be's and what if's.' "Two wrong won't make a right little one." She heard across the way. Giving him a stern look. "I read your face not your mind. Calm down. I know you facial features well enough by now don't you think?" Nix chuckled along the way. "Well let's just get this work done for now and worry about the rest later." She said getting up and grabbing the rest of the flowers she would need to complete her task.


 "Well that's just the thing though isn't there really is no time." Echo said as they looked around. "The helicopter thing is a good idea. It maybe too mainstream make it a car crash." Echo added. "That's even better. We can go off the cliff and no one will ever find our bodies in the river." Quinn said snapping his finger agreeing with Echo. "Alright then it's settled whenever we get the call we get a jeep from the barracks and we get to the top of the mountain. We'll get collected up there and as long as everyone stays in the stealth modes no one will think different." He added. "What about aunt Paige?" Ana asked out loud not daring to look at Quinn. "Don't worry about that. She'll understand." Quinn said with a slight smile.


 Nodding along knowing he was right. "I have to get to the security station to see shift change and fill them in." Quinn said as he was walking to the door. "Yeah I have to get this to Archer." Ana said with a smile getting the box behind her. "Are you sure you got it?" Nix asked her. "Yeah I'm good. It's not heavy just awkward weighted in the box." She said laughing out the door. "How goes talking to your brother?" Echo asked piking up the little watch he was tinkering with. "Pretty good. In fact I need to go he's calling soon." Nix said walking to the back making sure the shield was up.


 It did not take long for Ashlynn to come fumbling into Archers office to see him laughing so hard with Analeigh they had a few tears in their eyes. "Ah. What do we brings this unfortunate pleasure to have come see us today?" She asked Ana crossing her arms with a sour look on her face. "Well first off that shouldn't be the way you talk to your future boss now is it?" Ana teased her back crossing her arms too. "You are not my boss. I don't believe in sucking up to higher authority anyway I believe to let work speak for itself." Ashlynn snapped back not quickly.


 "Oh dear let's not play that game because if you work was actually speaking for you rather to keep you on or not; you would have been gone a long time ago. None of your research or experiments have ever passed the bar have they? Also since you have been here so long isn't that just a little concerning? All that college and knowledge background yet not one success not even a little not even a correctly tested theory. Secondly, since you have been here so long you are well aware that I can't tell you why I'm here as his work is separated from yours. I was really rather hoping you'd be able to learn to understand that by now. Barging into his office without even knocking knowing he had a colleague and working is very tacky and tasteless even for you Ashlynn." Analeigh told her with a pitiful look on her face.


 "Are you really going to let her stand there and say that to me?" Ashlynn snapped at Archer. "Seeing on how she is right what is it you want me to say. You came in here to pick a fight because you both hate each other. But in what she said right now she is right. She is our future boss. She is my colleague helping me in my work which is confidential. You should have more respect for me in the work place and knock on my door when you know someone is in here. Which is weir because you only acknowledge me when she is here. Also none of your work has panned out. But you know never say never right?" Archer said scratching the back of his head.


 "Are you still engaged to her?" "Well to me I'm not to our families they are making us. They think maybe a little time apart while in couples therapy will change my mind." He said using air quotes. "Oh! You poor soul." Ana said gently tapping her hand on his shoulder. He only nodded to her as a loud smack filled the room quickly. Analeigh's face quickly turned to the left. Ashlynn seething in front of her after having slapped her across the face. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Archer yelled standing face to face with Ashlynn to quickly turn to check on Analeigh. Not seeing Ashlynn raise her hand again to strike back down on her again when another hand caught her wrist id air.


 "YOU touch my woman again it will be the last thing you do." Jaxon said face instantly red. Through his beautiful skin. In a sudden movement Ashlynn face flown back and blood dripping from her nose. As Ana put her fist back down. "Warned you." Jax snickered. "Did you just hit me? You really are crazy." Ashlynn snapped. "Sure you come barging in MY office and start slapping co-workers and you think SHE is crazy. Do you see or even hear yourself. Ash seriously?" Archer said as he gave Ashlynn a rag to help the blood from he nose.


 "I'll report you for this." Ashlynn started but got cut off. "Let's go than and my father can see your hand print on his daughters face you gave her during company time. You know not being in your station in the first place and two eye witnesses of you showing your jealous, crazy bitch side just hanging all loose. Who knows what damages could have been done in the office or experiments. Do you think he would appreciate that or let you off easy." Analeigh asked her face to face almost nose to nose in challenging dare. Getting very angry they didn't even notice the new person who entered the room. 


 "I suggest you get yourself to the infirmary Ms. Hill before anything else escalates further against you. Maybe think about your choices more before making your actions dear. You don't want any unnecessary attention." Ellie told her with a warning look. "Archer please see to it she gets the treatment she deserves." Ellie added not looking anywhere but Ashlynn's eyes. The air shifted as Ashlynn was in a dead lock stare as she left with Ellie. Making Analeigh feel odd and unsettled. "Are you ok?" Jaxon asked looking at her cheek placing his palm on the bottom of her jaw and throat.


 "I'm fine. She's nuts. She really needs to start reeling in her jealousy. I feel bad for Archer. How many times is she going to bring him embarrassment?" Ana told him as she turned to see Ellie she had to hide the disgust and the vomit wanting to come into her throat. "Aunt Millie what brings you here?" She asked with a fake smile. "I was down the hall and you weren't exactly quiet in here. You are lucky most are not here. To witness this as well or I fear that child would have been shown no mercy from your father. You know he feels about unnecessary drama and the damages that can be done is worse than anything. His imagination of possible damage alone would just run rapid and wild. But are you ok? Nothing is reason enough or anyone to put their hands on you. It makes me livid to see your face like this." Ellie told her with a genuinely sad face.


 "Thanks but I am really ok." She smiled to her. Wrapping her arm around Jaxon's. Mostly to help calm him down. She did appreciate the care but the thought of staying longer in the room with her made her uneasy. As they went into the hallway Analeigh was in shock when Ellie pulled her in and hugged her tightly. "Uh. You. Ok?" She asked unsure how to get this woman off her. "You know I love you like my own. I've watched you since you were in diapers and even in your mothers stomach. I have been there. I don't like seeing you hurt." Ellie told her in a shaky voice.


 "I would fight the world for you. I want you to know that." Ellie told her as she finally let her go smiling to her and pushing her hair back. "I know. Thank you Aunt Millie." Analeigh smiled back feeling like her skin was on fire with each touch the vile woman in front of her. Jaxon smiled and pulled her to him. "Thank you for the love Aunt Millie but I would much rather like a minute with the wife-to-be." Jaxon asked her politely. "Of course." She smiled as she watched them walk away. Staring at them she couldn't help the smell haunting her nose. Why is it so familiar? Going back to her office Ellie spent the rest of the night wondering where it is she knew it from.


 "Are you really ok? Why the hell did she attack you in broad daylight. Hell on company time too. Lady is truly fearless." Jaxon told her in the elevator going down slowly. "It's because I was dropping part of Archer's experiment off and we got caught up in conversation and laughed to hard I guess I don't know. She's been so jealous and obsessed with you that her anger or me grows by the day. I guess since she can't have you because of me just the idea of the man she didn't even want who is rejecting her just pushes her over the edge of reason. Maybe just a guess?" Ana spoke to him with a scuff.


 "Is your face ok she cut you a bit with the ring." Jaxon told her touching her softly but sweetly. "I'm fine Jax really. Thanks though. You know if I didn't know how she really was I would be a little more touched by her words." She told him her hand taking his away from her face. "Why can't it be?" Not missing a beat. "Huh?" "Why can't her words still be true, even knowing how she is. Isn't how she really is with you though Analeigh?" "You know what she did to my parents and you know why she did those things and you can still think that way?" Analeigh felt her stomach turn.


 "Isn't it you who always says don't let your relationship with others effect your relationship with others? What her and your parents had going on is their own issue. They are full grown adults at the time who made their own choices. That is all on them. But she was telling the truth to you Ana she really does love you like her own. She has always looked out for you. She gives you space and still tries to be there for you and your dad for whatever you need. Maybe you don't have to have a strong grudge against her for something that happened a ways back. Don't you think all her actions towards you. The love and care she gave you all this time is enough to make up for some of it. How long is someone really supposed to repent or pay for the things they have done wrong?" He asked holding both her hands to their side asking her sweetly with no judgement in his voice.


 "I understand what you mean and I get what you're saying but that just leads to the bigger issue is it really done out of love or guilt? You can't confuse feelings that are real with feelings you are basically using as redemption right? You know how crazy she was with the fantasy about being a family with my dad and maybe using me as the placement for her daughter. Did you stop and wonder if she ever felt bad for pinning my parents against each other the way she did? My mother is no longer here. Would she ever apologize for the things she did against my mom? Would she ever apologize to me for the way my mom dad. You know damn well she had a good hand in it. Even of she didn't push that button herself she may as well have after driving my dad to the brink of insanity. I don't think she did all these things in the past out of just 'love' as you say. I think it's a mixture of still yearning for that fantasy and maybe even a little guilt." Analeigh told him flatly.


 "It's weird why you think maybe I should ease up on her for past actions. Do you honestly think I am being unnecessarily cruel to her?" Ana asked him taking her hands back with a step back also. "No. No that's not what I meant it was just on old question everyone always wonders. Right? Just how long should one pay for their sins you know. I mean do you never see yourself forgiving her?" Jaxon asked with a sad look on his face. Knowing that he is a man with a big heart she was trying to be nice to him even though their views were different she wanted to respect his. 


 "Well let's break this down from a logical questioning than shall I? The woman in question pushed my parents apart with lies and other forms of deception crippling their marriage and faith within themselves. The after effects lead up to my father basically killing my mother in a war my father had built with the woman in question mind you While she did inhumane and ungodly experiments and slaughtering an alien race on the false pretense of helping to bring and help their females bring life to their planet. While never showing any guilt, remorse or human emotion unless it would somehow benefit her in her own goals. Do you think this person is worth my forgiveness when she does nothing to prove she needs it?" Putting her hands in her pocket of her lab coat.


 "Good point. I am sorry. I was just genuinely curious babe." Jaxon told her wrapping his arms around her for a quick hug. "I know you are off soon but I got some things I have to go get to. Some field research of sorts so I may not answer if you call or text." Before she could say anything he pulled her chin in and smashed his lips to hers. Pulling away with a smile and a wink he pushed her gently into the elevator. She did her best not to wipe her mouth off until she got of it. Her stomach turned as if she wanted to get sick. Jaxon was a good guy. She should be thrilled he wanted her why sis she feel their relationship was getting worse not better. Surely they should be closer emotionally even if she wasn't in love with him right?


 Was it because she was still mad at him for with holding the truth? Was it the part that she felt he was still holding something back? What was happening that made her still grow to resent him. Maybe it was all her fathers doing. This was all pushed by him anyway. Would it be different if she hadn't agreed when she got here? Than again if she refused Jaxon who else would her father push on her. Archer would have been nice she scuffed knowing it would never work. I guess time will tell. One thing was for sure between everything that happened today Jaxon's questions at the elevator was the most weird part.


 When the doors opened she saw everyone there. "What the hell happened to your face?" Jace yelled first. "Don't worry. It was just a slap. Trust me she got it worse." "Ashlynn throwing a bitch fit?" Sienna asked immediately. For Analeigh to smile pointing on her nose as everyone just brushed it off. "Why are you all here?" Analeigh asked this would look suspicious if anyone catches them. "Denarius called." Niko said happily. "We go next week." Nix told her arms crossed in a serious voice. "That soon? Did something happen?" Nix looked at her. "Nothing big. We just don't want to risk staying to long for more scouts to come and try their luck here to get you. We don't want to cause trouble or let others know we are here. We don't need a repeat of last time or for anyone to figure out where we really are in the galaxy." Nix told her calmly.


 "OK is everyone ready?" Eddie asked looking around. "I made sure to pack emergency materials already Echo and Nix know where they are." Ana said looking to them who nodded. "We all already gave them our bags to apparently they are gone though. Echo reached a pod that would meet the hip coming before it arrives." Sienna said as Echo nodded. "It will be a little odd. The ship is up in space there will be a pod coming in stealth mode and it will collect us to take us up to the ship also in a stealth mode no one can pick it up not with our kind of technology it is ten times better than Darius's and a million times better than Earths." Melana told her with a sweet smile. "Alright so everything than is set?" Jace asked looking around. "Next week?" Analeigh asked looking at Nix. "Next Week."