Chapter 15: I'm Your Mate

It took two whole days for Analeigh to find herself at her fathers door. "Come in Ana and shut the door behind you." He told her sternly. "Were you ever going to come in here and talk about what happened with Ashlynn?" He asked her leaning ack in his chair and crossing his hands over themselves. "I wasn't sure I had too. I honestly think it was something that was a long time coming and I think she deserve the punch I gave her. I think we should all be adults and move on. You know more than anyone how much she likes to push everyone's limits and then she slapped me across my face based on nothing but her own stupid jealousy. I did not provoke her to come in and start shouting at us. There was no reason for it." Analeigh told him simply and with no emotion.


 "Really? I do believe she would come in shouting for no reason. I find it hard to believe that you wouldn't provoke her after that though. I do know you Ana. If you really wanted us to be adults than you would have came here and voiced your issue and since there was physical conflict handled the disciplinary conducts here like the adults you like to be. Violence is never needed or accepted in the work place. This is not your last job Analeigh. People should always feel safe when they step foot in their work environment. Don't you think?" He asked her like he was scolding a child. Which in a way she guess he was.


 'Yes that is true. People should feel safe. They should be able to feel like they can move around without conflict of crazy people." She said with a look that he made her quickly dismiss. "You will go home today. You are suspended today with no pay. That is your punishment. You will come back tomorrow and do grunt work for two days up here in the levels and go check in your lab in between you will also make sure they are 10 hour days. You may have a normal day off after that. Don't worry about Ashlynn anymore she has been let go?" He said putting hiss glasses back on after cleaning them.


 "Wait. What?" Analeigh was confused. "What you mean what? I don't give a flying fuck who they are. NO ONE PUTS THEIR HANDS ON MY KID IN MY BUILDING! This ever happens again Analeigh I expect YOU at my door. Not Ellie, not hearing it from half the staff. Not after questioning Jaxon and Archer. YOU. She is lucky being fired is all she got." He was trying to calm himself down. "You know you are all I got. You are also the last piece of your mother I have left. Ana I know you disagree with my methods, my work and a lot of other things. But I love you Analeigh heart and soul. I do what I do because I believe it's what's best for you. I know I argue with your Aunt Paige about you all the time. I just. I want to be apart of your life Analeigh." He said taking a huge sigh.


 "I want you to come to me when things like this happen. When anything happens I want to be on the list of people you want to share it with. I want you to have that feeling of security that you can come to your dad for anything. I don't want secrets or anything holding us back. Time and family is precious Ana. I want us to have that with each other. You'll be a mom eventually and you will know what I mean. I think when that time comes sit will bring us even closer together." He told her with a look of love and sadness in his eyes. "Am I on that list?" She asked him quickly. Looking at her confused for a moment before she continued.


 "Am I on that list of people you share things with. Is there nothing you hold back from me than?" "Yes. You are. Unfortunately your ol' man has nothing worthwhile in his life to share. When I do though I do come to you. I will never withhold information from you if I felt you needed to know." Here heart broke in that moment at those words. For a moment. For a good moment he almost had her believing he was trying to be a good father. Maybe he was. Maybe he was too scared of losing the only family he thought he had left and was doing everything he could to keep her in arm's length. Whatever the reasons were was just another push for her to want to leave even more. Would space even be far enough. Maybe she should go a little further.


 "Thanks dad." She faked her smile which is the only he's ever known. Nodding his head. "Go home. Don't forget to be her 4 in the morning for first line of grunt work you're feeding the animals and changing all the bedding. Both tomorrow and the day after." He told her firmly. Nodding her head. She walked out the door only to run into Ellie. "Oh Ana dear. Didn't think I see you here." She said happily hugging her. "Yeah well I'm not. I am on my way home. I will see you around though." She went to turn to walk away when Ellie grabbed her hand. Ellie muttered quickly some words real fast looking Analeigh straight in her eyes with a crazed look.


 "I'm sorry. I didn't catch that aunt Millie what?" Analeigh asked her with a confused look on her face. Ellie muttered some words louder perfectly for Analiegh to hear in perfect D'marlian. Analeigh kept her confused face on looking at her like she was crazy than a flash of realization came in that she pulled off beautifully in concern. "Oh MY GOD aunt Millie are you having a stroke? DO you need to lie down. Does your arms or anything hurt. Talk to me!" Analeigh asked her loudly at the end bringing Ellie to her senses. "What no. No I'm fine. I was." Looking at her with a concern look on Analeigh's face she gave up and felt embarrassed. "It was nothing my sweet girl. I am fine. Just some old things catching up to an old mind. I'm sorry. Go on home I will see you later." Ellie said rubbing her arms and walking away from her. Ellies shoulders looked like they just dropped hundreds of pounds.


 When Analeigh got home she was nervous. Somehow Ellie now knew she had some type of contact with D'marlians. How? When and why was she now suspicious. When did they slip up? Hacking into the CCTV at work she tried to see if maybe anything happened in certain areas that had the openings. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Except one time in the elevator Sienna and Ana were whispering to each other in D'marlian in a low voice no one would have caught on what type of language it was there was five people in the lift with them. The only one who looked any way affected by it was Ashlynn. When was she ever even in the lift.


 Thoughts started to quickly fill her head voices over voices. "How did she get there so quickly?" "Why is she there when she supposed to be working over there?" "She doesn't do any actual work how does she not get fired?" "She's always running errands for the older scientist you know the ones who run each department they always pick her to do their secret gopher work. Maybe that's why she never gets fired she knows all the dirty old secrets." "Does anyone ever really get fired from here with all the knowledge we get. Makes you wonder if anyone ever gets to walk away freely right?" the last one was Jace before he left the other day from the parking lot.


 Analeigh picked up her phone and quickly called Archer and asked him for Ashlynn phone number. Saying she wanted to apologize. It took awhile for the laughter in Archers voice to die down before he gave it to her. As she kept calling there was no answer. Worry went through her so she picked up the phone and called Quinn. Right when he answered she used their safety word. "Hey sis?" He answered. "Huckelberry." "Well you're a daisy if you do." He told her quickly. She quickly went on to explain everything that has happened. When she was done she stopped and asked. "Where are you anyway?" Pouring herself some sweet eta she made.


 "In your office you were on speaker phone Echo and Nix heard everything." He said. "Oh. Ok." Not worried about a thing. "I will keep an eye out on her. But I want you to know I don't think or know if Ashlynn ever actually walked out of the building but I will look into it and tell you tomorrow my shift change is at 7 I'm on night crew today." "Alright than see you in the morning make sure no one tares up my lab Nix." She added before she hung up. Grabbing a snack she opted for a quick shower and sleep instead. Gathering some things together so she can leave some food for her alien friends she made quick of her night and went to sleep.


 "What does Huckleberry mean? Like how she used it." Nix asked confused. "Oh that. We have safe words. See it was based off a character in a movie we like as kids Tombstone. Do Holiday said a lot of catch phrases that we loved. So if we call and say Huckleberry it means I have something important to say to you secretly. So if I say You're a daisy if you do. It means she can speak safely no one around me who shouldn't be around me or shouldn't know will know. If I was to answer I'll be your huckleberry it means I'm not in a safe location or area for you to speak openly." He laughed hard. "When we go to park our safe word when strangers would try to take us was PICKLES! Like you had to scream it too. The point was to make a scene so people will look, see and help. Or we did the bird noises like CA-CAW CA-CAW." He said again making Echo and Nix jump but laugh with him.


 "Come to think of it. You know I had a lot of other staff members ask me if Ellie was feeling ok because she has been off for like a week or two. It wasn't the day of the elevator like Analeigh thinks. It was weird it was actually the day after the family dinner Ellie smelled Ana and like smelled her twice it was like she was searching for a smell for days and can't place it." Looking at Nix for a few minutes. "You said you been putting your scent on Analeigh right? To keep unwanted attention off her. Did you ever leave your scent around back when Emmie was alive for that scent to linger or trigger for anyone to smell?" All their eyes widen in shock as it dawned on them that maybe this whole time Ellie had been tracking them down through smell. "Would it even be possible after so long? Would she think maybe her mind is playing games with her?" Echo asked.


 "I don't know Ellie is craft and smart she never does her own dirty work she always has a lackey do it for her. I'm guessing based on what Ana said that lackey was Ashlynn. Now that Ashlynn was fired by the big boss I'm guessing it may get a little harder for Ellie to get certain info or things done now. Some of Ellies' methods and experiments raises a lot of questions about being inhuman and some people refused to work with her on them. What if those experiments were done in secret? I can have some of my closest soldiers find out. They are good with weird things like this. They find out everything about this building like they are the fucking myth busters around here." Looking at both of the males in front of him.


 "No for real you be deeply concerned for me if you half the shit I really knew about this place." Quinn said with a shiver. "Maybe we can find out-." Echo tried but got cut off. "NO! Absolutely not. No way in hell are you going to sneak your big ass anywhere around here for a while you understand me. It's already bad enough that she thinks something is going on to where you might be here. We don't need to give her any more alerts in her brain that it is true. Let's be smart about this ok. We don't need to add any more fuel to the fire than there already is alright? The only thing we got going for us is location. She has no idea where you guys could be hiding or how many of you there really are. Lie low for the time being." Quinn warned. Knowing he was right they both just nodded. They just needed a little more time anyway.



 Time seemed to fly it was now just two days away. After getting roped in to another family dinner. She decided to give in and let everyone talk about their wedding and future children about what holidays schedules would look like. She made an effort and laughed with them almost as if it were all real. The day after tomorrow none of it would matter anyway why not leave on good memories with people she liked and her father. It was such a good night it went on so quickly. Packing up Jaxon drove her home. She was lost in her thoughts of still not getting ahold of Ashlynn when the front of her house came to her attention and he had her door open for her.


 "Oh thank you." She smiled to him. The smile had not left his face all night. "I really just loved tonight. Wasn't it good. The vibe, the food, the people around us. It was just a great night." Jaxon was so happy she could feel it rolling off him in waves. "It was fun. It'll be the same next time to." She told him with a big smile. If there ever was a next time she hoped it would be free and easy like tonight. "Analeigh tonight meant so much to me you don't even know. It was as easy as breathing between us. I loved it. I appreciate the effort and care you put in us tonight. I mean I know you get caught up in your doubts and all but tonight." He said looking at her pushing her hair behind her ear.


 "Tonight was like a look into our future for me. Future times we will be laughing with our families and friends. Hopefully down the road some kids not to quick though. God knows we got nothing but time. I loved this side of you. Of us. This just works. I mean didn't dinner prove that. I know you're going to say one dinner isn't going to change much but it does Analeigh. It does. I am so excited now. The step you took tonight being so at ease. Even with your dad around. Makes my heart so happy it's almost flying. Thank you. I've gotten so much hope out of tonight that it's literally made my whole year. I haven't been this happy since you said you marry me. I know form the bottom of my heart I'm just going to keep loving you more tomorrow and everyday after. I love you Analeigh. I know you can't say it back just yet. I know I'll be even more excited when you finally come to realize you do love me one day. Just tonight it's enough for me just to have this." He smashed his lips to hers one more time. Resting his head against hers. Letting her go inside waving to her.


 Still feeling the knot of twist and turns when he kisses her. She felt a little guilty. At least if nothing else he will have tonight. The one night she didn't fight him or argue with him about their future or anything. Just let them be themselves in his own fantasy world. At least tonight she was able to make not only her friend but the others happy to. She wanted to leave them on a good memory. Even for her. No matter how wrong it actually felt talking about those plans for the future that will never happen, at least they had that. Going through everything in her mind trying to be prepared and ready for when the time comes. Everything would be the same as to leave no suspicion she made sure she had clothes in the dryer and food in the fridge.


 Nothing should be left to raise alert. She even made sure all things D'marlian was on a blood lock container buried in her cabins back yard under the flowers in ways no one will ever find. Especially since now some are listed as endangered and can't be touched. She made sure her lab had nothing out of the ordinary and that it was scrubbed clean for all other types of DNA although thanks to her mother some D'marlian DNA was ok to have. Since they at one point was there before. She was so good at cleaning her tracks. There was nothing left to do but wait.


 Denarius had already told them all their luggage was on the ship waiting for them. He himself was there on the ship waiting for them. He let others believe he is still on their planet working. However there was no way in hell he was just going to not come and be on the first ship to see his brothers and sister after all these years. He maybe the ultimate king but he was an older brother first. He always made sure his siblings knew that as well. After talking so much with the small human crew about to join his people he felt like he knew them all so well already like close friends. He even talked about having a welcome party to welcome them to their people and culture and if they feared it was too much it could be a small intimate ceremony at the palace. Which was almost as big as about eight towns here put together. It was crazy big.


 They tried to show how big it was on the video call but the palace couldn't fit in the screen it took a long while to see it around from front and back it was like an hour long conversation just looking at it from the outside. There was a small lab built with rooms for all of them like a medium sized laboratory that could house the small crew and their families. Which was fine by them. It was catered to each of their taste and should be ready by the time they get there. There was a small clinic down the way from the palace that they would run and be apart of when the process was to start. The subjects would stay for three days to see if there is any type of negative reaction by their own doctors, nurse and staff as they get the shots for each of the three days they are there. Than they can start trying for babies.


 Analeigh was so happy in thoughts of everything that has happened when her phone rang. Picking it up she heard him. "Huckleberry." "You're a daisy if you do Jace." "Hey I just wanted to let you know no changes on the Ashlynn front. Someone saw her go to her car and no one has seen her since. Her parents aren't' worried since they heard from her and that's it. She's lying low or something. She hasn't been around town but she's also embarrassed her family and herself. In fact her getting fired even help Archer and his family out of the arranged marriage it fell through. Everyone's talking shit about her. Looks like no prospects for her for a very long time." Jace said with a chuckle. "No surprise there." Ana added.


 "Now for the weird part. Ellie. Ms. Millow has been acting off lately. Trying to hide it but you can tell if you really know. Also she isn't in today in fact she signed off as doing field work for the next few days. I don't know where she is doing this on there was no specific place detailed on her form but she is definitely not going to be in the building for a while. Quinn thinks she got ahold of some of his men because they were signed on to go with her. They have reported in but everything seems normal except her behavior. So I guess time will tell. Alright that's all I had for you today. Sleep well." "Thanks Jace goodnight."


 The next day went by fast and quick. Quinn put in for the five of them to do off sight research which her father quickly approved of. All of their work has been basically like gold in his hands since they all started. He didn't even question what type of work it was he just waited for the results and was always pleased. They made sure to have all their favorites food at her moms cabin as they all shared stories about the past. Filling the house with laughter and love one last time before they made their departure. In the morning. As everyone made their way out. Quinn pulled Analeigh's hand back and took her to their mothers favorite part of the garden. Pulling her face and hugging her tightly they smiled as he took a couple of selfies together which was nothing new. Looking at each other he kissed the top of her head and they hugged tightly and walked over to the jeep like car they had. Smiling to each other they had the radio on as they went up the mountain.


 Everyone was happy and keeping their eyes opened for anything off but nothing appeared out of the ordinary. Looking at each other everyone but Quinn hopped out and rolled to safety and Quinn set the car up to make it look like car failure and set it to crash into a rock and roll down the mountains opposite side it would take days to find it as everything would be cremated to nothing. But certain parts left. After dusting him off and checking each other over the five of them made their way to the spot. They knew the four D'marlians were there they felt their eyes on them. They felt smart after they changed their plans to only have Quinn and Analeigh be on the off sight research Eddie, Sienna and Jace all took six months time leave. Eddie said he had sick family. Jace and Sienna said it was related to the wedding and the fact they wanted to try for kids. Which was always an instant approval.


 It didn't take long for the pod to come. Nix informed them there would be two pods to make it more room for all them to fit comfortably. They never saw the first one coming. When it opened the door it took Jace, Sienna, Eddie, Melana and Nikolan. They went invisible again and silent there was nothing showing any life had been here before. Looking around to see if anything suspicious was around she felt like she could finally breath. She felt nervous her life was finally going to start. Knowing there was something better for her out there and was in hands grasp. She didn't even know how to thank who ever was looking out for her at this point. She was tired of feeling like a forgotten soul only being brought up for the sacrifice.


 It wasn't until a pod came and opened did she notice him. It was a small group of soldiers that were always covering things up for her father and Ellie they were part of the black list crew. Only known for doing things in secret they had no families so no one would come look for them if they disappeared and if they did that meant they were dead. The only two people she knew in the small group of soldiers who were now firing their guns at the pod was Ellie and Jaxon. Jaxon face was in shock not knowing what to do. Guns were firing at the pod but almost hitting Quinn and Analeigh who were still covered in dirt form the fall earlier.


 "RUN LITTLE ONE!" She heard and brought her back to reality. Quinn had already set off thinking she was behind him gone a different way. As she was running she notice some of the men were still shooting at her. "KILL THEM! THEY MUST NOT LEAVE!" She heard Ellie scream. Jaxon was confused they only people he saw was Quinn and Analeigh how could Ellie try to hurt her. The pod got his attention once it was gone. No way it can't be." He thought to himself. Running towards where Analeigh went he started shooting the men shooting at her. No one caught on it was friendly fire. They were only focused on the mission thinking to kill her.


 Phoenix was going though the trees and managed to catch her and throw her on his back. "What about Echo?" "He's covering Quinn he knows where to go. Don't worry I got you." He told her as he was quickly making his way jumping and running using the big trees. Jaxon managed to get some soldiers while Analeigh managed to get the rest it wasn't until a huge snake fell down and broke the branch Nix was about to get to next that they slipped and she fell the height alone could easily break some bones. Nix quickly grabbed her hand. The soldiers that were shooting at her were shocked to see her floating in the air but still kept trying to get her.


 Nix forgetting about the situation and only focus on Analeigh was holding her by her fore arm as she had his. "Just let go they don't know about you. Just let go get Echo and leave." She told him as she was squirming around trying not to get shot and stay from falling. "I won't leave you here like this. We made a deal." He told her trying to keep them on the branch that wanted to snap. "It wont hold both of us for long big guy. I Analeigh Alderman speaking for myself and Emerie Alderman free you Prince Phoenix from any and all deals made between the blood lines." She said making his heart snap in half. "How did you… know?" "Denarius taught me how to free you. Now you are. Go home Nix we can always try this again another time in the future." "WE DON"T HAVE A FUTURE WITHOUT YOU ANA!" Nix told her grunting through his teeth.


 The branch broke and they fell three branches down getting hit along the way. "The fall will be too much who knows what you will break." He added. It was then he heard her scream as two bullets went through her left arm. She dropped her arm. Jaxon was outnumbered but he was taking them down quickly. When Quinn came and helped shoot them black listed men. Phoenix saw the pain in her eyes. "Please. Please just go. While you got the chance. You waited for so long. Think about your family." Seeing the blood run off her and the pain in her eyes. Watching her beg him to finally save himself after all this time. He felt so many emotions flow through him and anger was the biggest one. He was starting to glow in anger. "Everything I lost on this planet. YOU WILL NOT BE ONE OF THEM!" A huge blow came right off them and flowed through the whole forest. Knocking everyone off their feet.


 "Oh shit." Quinn said as he got up and looked at how Nix and Analeigh were somehow on the ground and all were dead but Jaxon who was looking at them in shock. The golden glow finally went away as they just stood there. Jaxon looked at him as Nix looked at him as if he were to bust into flames. Yup they definitely remembered each other. "Quickly put her into the jeep. I can get her back before this gets bad." Jaxon said as Quinn was following in another jeep three of his solders had Ellie hog tied in the back. Luckily none of them saw any pods, Echo or Phoenix that was all the black listed soldiers. Nix looked down at Analeigh neck nothing. Shoulder nothing it wasn't until he saw her torn shirt on her left breast that he noticed an actual tattoo on her of a Phoenix in flames with the name Phoenix written so small it wasn't noticeable unless you were one of his kind.


 The realization hit hi in that moment. He just imprinted on her. Just like what happened to Paige and her mother. He had imprinted on Analeigh. She was unconscious at this point. "We have to go now she's injured." Quinn yelled as she was losing some more blood. The look Nix gave Jaxon would have put the fear of God in any man but Jaxon was too angry to worry about that. Jaxon quickly got to the Lab as he took her to the infirmary. It was a mess and everything was moving quickly. They got her into surgery to get the bullets out and thankfully she didn't need any blood.


 "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY DAUGHTER?!" Gabreil screamed as he came barging in the infirmary as Quinns men had now brought in Ellie who was now shouting at the top of her lungs to be let go. "QUINN WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" "Analeigh and I were on sight going up the mountain when the brakes wouldn't work. They were tampered with we jumped out in time as the car went off the cliff. It exploded into something awful. Next thing I know Ellie and a bunch of black listed soldiers were shooting at me and Analeigh she was screaming 'Get them we can't let them leave.'" I think she tried to kill us. Ana was using the trees to avoid the gun fire until she slipped and the men shot her twice they got the bullet out and she is now in recovery. Uncle I. I was scared she was going to actually kill us. It wasn't until Jaxon and these guys came that we had any hope." Quinn told him as The tied woman was still screaming.


 "Gabriel we can't let them leave. They are here. They have been here this whole time. We have to find them and kill them." She was a mess looking completely crazy with the look in her eyes. "WHY WON"T YOU BELIEVE ME?!" She snapped. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! YOU TRIED TO KILL Y DAUGHTER?!" Gabriel screamed at her trying to get Jaxon's gun. "Sir. Stop." "I'm going to be your father soon son now give it to me." "NO sir." Jaxon said as he got away. "IT IMPRINTED ON ANALEIGH!" Ellie snapped within her crazy mess. Bringing Gabriels ahead to snap at her instantly. "It did. It imprinted on her to hurt us. They have been here this whole time and they took her. They were going to take her." Ellie said tears streaming down her face.



 "You finally have lost your shit you know that Els? All these years and you have finally lost it." Gabriel growled to her. "It's true. You know where to look. Go see for yourself." She snapped. Walking over to her recovery stall he opened the curtain. "Jaxon lift her in a small hug to your chest." "Mr. Alderman she just had surgery." "Quinn help him with her arm." Both men just nodded. Quinn went to the side of the bed to make sure the arm didn't move as much as Jaxon sat on her bed and pulled her close to hi tears in his eyes as he could only wonder if her was hurting the woman he loved. Praying they wouldn't find an imprint he remembered everything about the D'marlians and he didn't want to lose the only woman he ever loved to an alien male.


 Looking over her neck and back a little there was no mark. He looked over her right arm nothing looking over her left arm after carefully unwrapping it only to see stitches. They all let out a breath of relief. Looking back to Ellie. "Take her to the solidary basement." Gabriel told them they knew what that meant. It was a basically a torture center for enemies of the country. "No, no that can't be. I saw it. I saw the golden light. I SAW IT! IT WAS HIM! YOU CAN"T DO THIS TO ME!" "Quinn, Jaxon I'm only going to ask you one time. Did you see anyone else out there in the mountain?" "No." "No. Uncle G. Ellie was totally losing her shit out there and was desperately trying to shoot us. There was nothing else there. We even lost our samples. Anas going to be annoyed by that when she gets up. You know how she is. I can't believe she got shot because of Ellies men. Uncle can I personal be there for questioning?" Quinn asked Gabreil could feel the hatred rolling off his beloved nephew.


 "Of course you can son. Just as soon as you get checked out too. Get some rest. She wouldn't wan you being this worried over her not taking care of yourself. Jaxon you make sure her this brother here gets the care he needs." "Sure thing dad." He said with a smile. Making Gabriel smile back and came in to hug him. "I'm going to let you call me that since you risked your life for her today like a true man in love. I am so glad she has you two guys in her life." Gabriel walked away after rubbing his daughters head and hand. "Are you going to tell me what that was about?" Jaxon asked him. "You heard me tell you what it was about. What happened was the truth. You can go find the car on the side of the cliff if you like. You heard Ellie she was a nut case." "I meant the alien trying to protect Ana." "You ok Jaxon? I think whatever thing Ellie caught has gotten to you. DO you have anything you want to say maybe as to why you were with Ellie shooting as us on a mountain?" Quinn asked him.


 "I was never shooting at you and you know it." "But you were there for here than?" Quinn told him flatly. "I was asked to go for help on a research site I didn't know any details I just got in and went with her. She has been weird lately and I thought I could find out why if I went with her. I had no idea you guys would be there or any of that would happen. You think I would ever let her go just walking in to danger like that. I LOVEHER QUINN!" Jaxon snapped at him loudly in a quiet way. "Yeah I know you do. I've never questioned you about that. I never given you any crap either have I? We all go back to far for too long. But you can't expect me now to just not wonder why all of a sudden Ellie went straight to you for help. Why is that out of everyone here it was to you. Does she have some dirt on you or something you wouldn't just agree to someone who angers Ana like this no matter what the reason was." Quinn pushed him


 "How the hell could you say that to me?" Jaxon asked hurt. "How the hell could think I can believe anything different when it was YOU who told my soldiers to stay put while you lead the black listed soldiers to us and it was you who was one of the first people shotting at us until you finally say who it was. You were on a mission for someone who didn't know exactly what it was you sure knew where you going." Quinn told him pushing past him. Leaving Jaxon there with his thoughts. His heart dropped how the hell was he really going to explain why he was there to Analeigh. It was the next day when Analeigh felt better and Quinn helped her escape the hospital ward in a disguise as the cleaner.


 Going with her down to her lab it was like a regular thing no one questioned it. There was no guard on sight and there wouldn't be for a few days. When Quinn got her in she took off the disguise and shook her hair out to let it fall down. Looking around her heart raced. She had to see both of them She had to know if everyone was ok. When she saw them she came running ad threw her good arm around Phoenix hugging him tightly letting a tear fall. "IS everyone ok? Did they make it to the ship? Is Melana pregnant still? Did Sienna, Jace and Eddie get there alright?" "Calm down little one breathe. They are all safe and accounted for. They are happily aboard right now like heroes." He told her smiling to her softly.


 Going to Echo to hug him and hugging him tightly then looking him over. "You're alright. Nothing happened to you right?" She asked him rubbing her chest for a moment she got a sharp feeling of jealousy but it quickly faded. Weird. She thought shaking her head. "I am so sorry for what happened. I didn't know Ellie would lose her shit and come at us side ways like that. I knew she was off for a while but I had no idea just how far her crazy would go. I think Jaxon knows you're around now. I 'm so sorry I blew your chances of leaving right now you could finally be on your way home. But your stuck here with me. You two should have left when you had the chance." She told them as she softly pushed Nix's chest.


 "I was not going to leave him behind again. I will never leave my general commander again. Especially now when I'm going to have to be reeling his ass in for awhile until you guys adjust properly." Echo said as Nix shot him a glare quickly. "Adjust properly for what? What's he mean Nix is there another plan? Did Denarius call." Quinn looked down quickly as he already knew. "I have been in touch with him. He is waiting for us to tell him another date to have a re-go if you will. The thing. Ugh funny story actually. Your mom, Paige and you seem to have a lot more in common now than most of us and least my species you should say would have thought. I mean you all have Chinses food as your favorite. You all love blue, black and grey. You all love things like the same t.v shows and movies. You all dance to the same old songs are song types and you all have mated and imprinted on by a high ranking D'marlian." He said in a mumble that was clear to understand.


 "I'm sorry I must have like strokes out on the last part say it again." "You each have been imprinted and mated to a higher ranked D'marlian while he was saving you." He said in a more hopeful way. "You were hanging there shot and bleeding. Begging me to leave you. Every time you begged me to let you go my heart cracked in half. How could I leave you like that? You could have died Analeigh. I wasn't thinking about anything. I wasn't thinking of my family. I wasn't thinking of saving my race. I wasn't even thinking about being hurt myself all I could see was you. The Analeigh who has been my best friend for this year. The one I learned from, laughed with and ate with. The one who has busted her ass with me in working everyday to make things better for every species. I could only see you and I was only thinking on how to get you safely out of the situation we were in." He said grabbing her hand to his surprise she let him.


 "I guess all that time together must have brought a bond between that went deeper than either of us realized. You know how this works Analeigh your mother even told you on the videos. We only mate and imprint once. Its not on a whim. It's not because of anything other then the two species involved. I can't imprint on you alone. Your heart and soul have to be in the same place as mine as is. Even if we ourselves weren't completely aware how far our bond has went. It happened. I for one am glad its you. You're a beautiful person inside and out. The last thing I want you to feel is like you just left one arranged marriage to fall into something else against your will. That's not how this works and you know it. Analeigh please say something." He begged as he was just mumbling there in front of her.


 "So your saying I'm your mate right now. I mean how my dad inspected me all over in front of everyone even Jaxon and Quinn they found nothing." She took her free hand and pushed her hair back. "That's because they only know where to check for regular blood D'marlians. I am a prince little one." He told her showing her his chest with a beautiful Phoenix with flames around it with the name Analeigh written small but she knew it was there. Taking his free hand pulling her collar down a bit so she could see the top part of her chest that had the same things only with Phoenix's name on it. Taking a deep breathe just staring at it. "It's so pretty." She whispered. "Yeah it is." He agree quietly. "I check you in front of Jaxon as well he didn't know I found it on your chest. I didn't want him to have a reason to look there." He said with a bit of a growl. She felt the possessiveness kick in through her chest. "Oh crap I am your mate?" She said realizing it now as it was sitting in. He nodded and agreed. "I'm your mate."