You Actually Figured It Out

After healing the Sorcerer Supreme, she recovered as usual.

Wang Yan managed to avoid becoming the Sorcerer Supreme once again.

So, the following days were very leisurely for him.

Apart from studying the Book of Vishanti, he spent his time learning magic.

His power increased daily, perhaps not significantly, but enough to make Wang Yan feel fulfilled.

One day, while Wang Yan was reading related books in the library to help him understand the Book of Vishanti better.

The Vishanti, as a trinity of deities, possessed immense knowledge and were considered the omniscient and omnipotent source of magic.

The Book of Vishanti contained all the world's white magic.

Even Wang Yan needed time to comprehend it fully.

But just as he was engrossed in reading, Mordo approached him.

"Wang Yan, how long have you been here?"

Mordo looked at Wang Yan with a bit of amazement.

This kid seemed obsessed with training, almost bewitched by it.

He never got tired of training despite spending months in the library.

Could this be why his talent was so extraordinary?

But even with Wang Yan's immense talent, such relentless effort was excessive.

"Wang Yan, you need to balance your study of magic with rest. You can't keep this up!" Mordo said earnestly.

Wang Yan sighed, "Master Mordo, I understand, but I just want to train hard so I can protect Kamar-Taj!"

"I know, but you need to balance training with rest, or if you fall ill, who will protect Kamar-Taj?"

Mordo acknowledged that several times, if not for Wang Yan, Kamar-Taj might have been lost.

Wang Yan paused and nodded.

He understood Mordo's point.

"I'll take a break."

Wang Yan stood up and stretched, his joints cracking from prolonged inactivity.

Mordo watched Wang Yan leave the library.

Despite his immense power, he still worked so hard.

No wonder his magic was so formidable.

Mordo followed him out of the library.

Wang Yan took a shower and honestly stopped thinking about magic.

Lying on his bed, he felt a bit bored.

He took out his long-neglected phone.

Living with magic, Wang Yan rarely used his phone, and only a few people contacted him.

Having solved the Galactus issue, he expected no further problems.

So, he turned off his phone to focus on training.

Turning on his phone.

He found countless missed calls and messages.

Who still sends messages these days?

Seeing Tony Stark among the missed calls, he frowned.

Why was Tony Stark calling so much?

Did he want him to attend a party?

Since Tony Stark and others often came near Kamar-Taj, it was now hidden in the Mirror Dimension, accessible only through the sanctum.

Even to contact Wang Yan, they needed his number.

Wang Yan opened the messages.

As expected, they were from Tony Stark.

"Skrulls, if you join us, our plan will be more complete!"

"Skrull secret invasion?"

Wang Yan was surprised but more surprised that Tony Stark seemed to have discovered the secret invasion and contacted Nick Fury.

Nick Fury, who is closely tied to the Skrulls, has previous experience with their invasion, making this plan more thorough.

The plan was sent a week ago.

So, it had already begun.

If nothing went wrong, Wang Yan thought there should be no issues.

A week ago.


After Thanos's plan failed, Vision and Wanda had retreated here to live peacefully.

They wanted to leave the fighting behind and live a quiet life.

They built a small house together, living peacefully like an average couple.

Vision and Wanda often joked around, getting along well with their neighbours and leading a peaceful life.

Vision even found a job, while Wanda became a full-time homemaker.

One day, Vision returned home and felt something was off with Wanda despite her looking the same. She seemed more mysterious, hiding something.

"Vision, you're back. How was work today?"

Seeing Vision return, Wanda smiled like a devoted housewife.

Then she turned to walk inside.

Watching her, Vision suspiciously asked, "Wanda, are you hiding something from me?"

Wanda turned, looking confused, "Why would I, dear?"

Vision couldn't see anything wrong, but his intuition told him this wasn't the Wanda he knew.

"You're not Wanda, who are you!"

Vision stepped back, his clothes vanishing as he returned to his Vision form.

Seeing this, Wanda seemed anxious, "Vision, have you lost your mind? Did your circuits short out? If I'm not Wanda, who else could I be?"

Vision didn't respond; they just stared at her.

Wanda raised her hands, red energy gathering around her, vibrating.

"My powers, don't they prove I'm Wanda?"

Feeling Wanda's power, Vision knew it was hers.

But Wanda's personality had changed.

Others might not notice, but Vision sensed the subtle differences as her closest person.

This wasn't Wanda.

Though he no longer had the Mind Stone's power, Wang Yan's cosmic energy still gave him strength.

His forehead's cosmic energy crystal glowed, releasing a powerful beam.

Wanda's energy clashed with Vision's, blocking his attack.

"Damn it, I knew I should have killed you!"

Wanda growled, "How did you figure it out?"

Vision ignored her question, demanding, "Who are you? What did you do to Wanda?"

Looking at this unfamiliar Wanda, Vision felt anger.

Seeing Vision's reaction, Wanda stopped pretending, "When we capture you and modify you, you'll know!"

"Can't believe you figured it out, but never mind, since you did…"

Wanda's expression turned sinister, controlling a powerful force—Wanda's Chaos Magic.

Chaos Magic instantly ensnared Vision.

Even with the Mind Stone's power, Vision would struggle against Wanda.

"How can you have Wanda's power if you're not Wanda!"

The Chaos Magic immobilised the vision.

Such powerful energy made resistance nearly impossible.

"My power is beyond your understanding!"

"Since you discovered it, come with me, and I'll modify you!"

Wanda said calmly.

They were Skrulls. Unable to replicate Vision's non-organic form, they had left him alone.

Confident in fooling Vision, they had yet to expect him to see through the deception.

Now discovered, they had to capture Vision for modification.

Vision, seeing Wanda's confident expression, felt a terrible crisis.

His forehead's cosmic energy exploded, spreading out.


Wanda's Chaos Magic shattered, and Vision took the opportunity to fly away.

Vision, still confused, wondered what had happened. When was Wanda replaced, and what organisation was behind this?

Even Wanda couldn't handle it, suggesting a powerful organisation.

Honest Wanda must have been swapped without his notice.

He worried about who else might have been replaced, especially among the superheroes.

If the superheroes were replaced, what would happen to the world?

Even Vision, usually logical, felt overwhelmed and cold.

"I need to find the other Avengers, someone I can trust!"

Vision quickly decided to find someone he trusted to deal with the fake Wanda.

Knowing Tony Stark best, he headed towards him, believing Stark's technology could find the other Avengers.

Flying quickly, he landed near a cabin in Atlanta.

After various battles, Tony Stark settled down with Pepper Potts and their daughter, Morgan.

"Who are you looking for?"

As Vision was about to knock, a voice spoke behind him.

Worried others might be replaced, Vision turned cautiously, scanning the newcomer.