They Attack, But They Also Get Hurt

On the Skrull Empire's homeworld.

The Skrulls' technology had reached an unimaginably high level.

Even compared to Iron Man's technology, they looked down on it.

Soon, they detected an anomaly in their star system.

"High Priest, we have detected unusual energy fluctuations in a nearby planetary belt, and it's very close to us!"

A Skrull on a starship near the Skrull homeworld reported with a frown.

An elderly Skrull looked severe.

"I see. How are our forces on Earth?"

The elderly Skrull asked, frowning. Their god ordered this invasion of Earth.

The High Priest held supreme authority and reverence within the Skrull Empire.

"Reporting to the High Priest, everything is normal…"

The Skrull began checking the status of the Skrull forces on Earth upon hearing the High Priest's question.

He instinctively reported that everything was normal.

Despite their advanced technology, transmitting information took time.

The Skrulls on Earth had gained absolute control.

There shouldn't have been any issues, given their strength.

"Something's wrong, High Priest! We're detecting life signal losses from our forces on Earth!"

Life signal losses indicated no detected life, implying something had happened.


The High Priest was incredulous. These elite Skrull forces carried powerful genes, perfectly replicating superheroes and even surpassing their strength.

Yet now they were undetectable.

"High Priest, we have identified the source of the energy fluctuations. It's from a human!"

A Skrull monitoring the powerful energy reported, his heart sinking upon realizing it wasn't a Skrull but a human.

There shouldn't have been any human presence nearby.

Given the situation on Earth and the appearance of a human here, it couldn't be a coincidence.

"Prepare to attack, regardless!"

The High Priest ordered coldly.

"Yes, sir!"

The Skrull fleet wasn't the most powerful in the universe, but wit as among the top.

Equipped with devastating weapons, they felt confident.

These weapons could turn planets into cosmic dust.

They believed their firepower could make any intruder regret coming here.

Simultaneously, the High Priest wondered how a human could be here.

"Weapons charged and ready to fire!"

Following the High Priest's command, the Skrulls prepared their powerful weapons.

Once charged, these weapons contained immense energy.

They awaited the High Priest's order to fire once the target was in range.

"Locate the target. Fire as soon as it's in range!"

The High Priest commanded.

Every one searched for the human.

Suddenly, a human appeared before them.

He wore a silver-white cloak, looking mysterious.


Regardless of who this human was or how he could survive in space, he was a threat.

At the High Priest's command, the fleet opened fire.

Main guns, secondary guns, laser weapons—all fired simultaneously.

The fleet's firepower could decimate a planet.

Some weapon attacks were invisible to the naked eye, detectable only by the powerful energy waves in space.

Asteroids and space debris disintegrated into their primary particles.

Their attack was like a raging storm, obliterating everything in its path.

Upon arriving nearby, Wang Yan realized he had veered off course from the Skrull homeworld.

He needed to find it quickly for their plan.

With his power, he could travel through space using cosmic energy, and after locating the Skrull homeworld, he headed there directly.

Suddenly, he sensed a terrifying energy wave.

This wave felt like a collapsing star before him.

Though it was light-years away, its power could threaten him.

Without hesitation, Wang Yan stopped and conjured numerous magical lights.

He raised his hand, creating a massive magic shield.

The shield, known as the Seraphim Shield, enveloped him completely.

As the most potent defensive shield of Kamar-Taj, its strength was immense.

With the power of the Celestials and Infinity Stones, the Seraphim Shield had become even more vital.

The High Priest noticed the change.


As Skrulls, they had seen magic before but viewed it as mere tricks, not powerful enough to withstand their weapons.

They thought their great technology would easily overpower magic.

The High Priest anticipated seeing this human destroyed by their weapons, only for his shield to become even stronger.

A massive shield appeared, outshining the nearby star.

Their powerful attacks reached Wang Yan, engulfing him in a wave of destruction.

The High Priest's confident expression turned severe.

"This human is a sorcerer, but no sorcerer can withstand our power!"

"Yes, our weapons can destroy planets. How could a human withstand that?"

"He'll realize his magic is nothing compared to our might!"

Skrulls believed the humans would disappear.

Their confidence in their weapons was unshakable.

However, as the waves of destruction subsided, they saw an incredible sight.

The shield remained intact, and the human was unharmed.

They couldn't believe their eyes.

From the screen, they saw the human looking at them and pointing.

A powerful energy shot towards them.


One of their ships exploded, seemingly struck by a devastating force.

They couldn't detect what had hit them.

Even larger ships felt the impact but had more robust defenses.

Yet their energy shields flickered and drained rapidly.

Damage reports showed significant losses.

"High Priest, our fleet is under attack!"

"Ship One is 12% damaged."

"Ship Two is 25% damaged."

The High Priest's eyes filled with shock.

He roared in anger. As Skrulls, how could they fail against a human?

"Damn it! Attack with everything we've got! He can't be invincible!"

"Just a human. Find out what's damaging our fleet!"

The High Priest issued orders but couldn't hide his panic.

No one had ever posed such a threat to their fleet.

A single human was resisting and destroying their ships?

Skrulls frantically operated their instruments to find out.

One finally discovered something.

"High Priest, we're being attacked by an unknown energy!"

"This energy is powerful. We've lost a tenth of our fleet!"

"The instruments can't identify it yet!"

Reports came in, filled with disbelief.

The High Priest's face darkened.

"Why? Can anyone tell me what's happening? Why is this happening?"

He couldn't understand. They attacked, but their advanced technology couldn't kill this human. Instead, the human was causing massive losses.

It was simply unbelievable.