A Power Close to Godhood

Wang Yan had appeared and stayed there to attract the Skrulls' attention.

The Skrull fleet had now wholly surrounded him, forming a tight circle. Although their fleet had suffered significant losses, they were unwilling to let go of the person who had caused them such damage, pointing countless enormous cannons at him.

Wang Yan remained calm, watching the scene with a serene expression, unfazed by the numerous cannons aimed at him.

"Human, how dare you approach the sacred land of the Skrulls!"

The Skrull High Priest's voice boomed from the starship, filled with an overwhelming sense of intimidation.

"You must know why I am here, don't you?"

Wang Yan responded with a laugh, his voice amplified by his immense power, resonating like thunder. The mental impact of his words was so powerful that some weaker Skrulls fainted instantly.

The Skrulls began to understand why this human was here.

"Since you have said that, it means you are prepared to die, correct?"

The High Priest, glaring at Wang Yan, raised his hand. The cannons on the surrounding starships started to charge with powerful energy. Despite this, the Skrulls hesitated to fire, fearing a repeat of the earlier scene where their attacks were ineffective, and Wang Yan's counterattack was devastating.

"Your technology is impressive, but against true power, it is insignificant."

Wang Yan shook his head. He knew that the peak of technology could rival the gods with weapons capable of destroying the universe or resetting the timeline. However, the Skrulls had yet to reach that level.


The High Priest ordered, unable to bear the thought of their fleet hesitating before a lone human. In an earlier time, such hesitation would have been unthinkable.

The earlier encounter left them unnerved, as their computers couldn't calculate the terrifying power Wang Yan had displayed.

Boom, boom, boom!

Countless blasts erupted towards Wang Yan, unleashing a terrifying, destructive force that illuminated the entire cosmos. This firepower was reserved for the most formidable enemies, yet it was used against a single human.

Every Skrull watched intently, anticipating Wang Yan's obliteration by the blinding light. But as the light faded, Wang Yan's silhouette reappeared unscathed.

The powerful blast had caused considerable damage to the surrounding fleet, with circuits and systems breaking down.

At that moment, a figure was ejected from the most enormous starship. Wang Yan noticed this Skrull, who, despite their typically resilient bodies, would perish in space without protection. Yet, this Skrull was enveloped in arcs of electricity, similar to Thor's energy.

Wang Yan's eyes narrowed. This Skrull emitted Thor's aura without transforming into Thor's likeness. Typically, Skrulls had to transform to wield the powers of those they replicated. Could the Skrulls now use powers without changing form?

Traditionally, Skrulls needed to transform to use another's abilities. If they had found a way to bypass this, their strength would increase significantly, as each Skrull could wield multiple powerful skills.

"You are unique, able to use another's power without transforming."

Wang Yan remarked, intrigued by the Skrull.

"I am the Skrull High Priest, Rochel!"

"Today, I will kill you, take your power, and integrate your genes into the Skrull genome!"

High Priest Rochel proclaimed, his voice filled with arrogance and confidence.

Wang Yan was surprised. Despite Rochel not being as strong as Thor, he was confident. Perhaps Rochel wasn't aware that his forces on Earth had been annihilated.

"You don't understand. I am the perfect fusion of Skrull genetics!"

"You can't fathom my strength. I have seamlessly integrated the power of thunder!"

As Rochel spoke, more thunderous energy surrounded him.


Rochel paused dramatically.

"Am the Thunder!"

Endless lightning gathered around him. Even in the vacuum of space, where there were no clouds, the sheer amount of lightning demonstrated his immense power.

Wang Yan found the display astonishing. Rochel could still conjure such terrifying lightning in space, explaining his confidence.

Crackling thunder echoed, resonating through space. Rochel appeared enveloped in lightning, genuinely becoming the master of thunder. His flesh seemed to transform into pure energy, his skin turning translucent.

Wang Yan observed Rochel, noting his transformation into a near-energy state. This transformation indicated extensive genetic modifications, allowing Rochel's cells to convert into energy, a feat Wang Yan couldn't replicate.

Facing such an anomaly, Wang Yan realized he needed special measures to fight effectively. His magical powers, based on ethereal energy, were ideally suited to counter Rochel's abilities.

With this thought, Wang Yan's hand glowed with the light of the Vishanti Sword. Yet, Rochel showed no fear, even grinning in excitement as he sensed his power.

"Do you feel it? This is my strength!"

"I am the Thunder!"

"Not even the strongest weapon can harm me. You can't defeat me!"

"I am invincible!"

"And you will become a research subject for the Skrulls!"

Rochel boasted, stepping closer to Wang Yan, his power growing with each step. He seemed godlike, every move radiating dominance.

As he approached, he gathered more lightning, launching a massive bolt at Wang Yan.

The thunderous attack descended upon Wang Yan, only to dissipate suddenly.

"How can you withstand my thunder?!"

Rochel was incredulous, as his power was overwhelming, capable of melting special alloys.

Yet, Wang Yan had split the lightning with his sword as if absorbing it.

"Let's see if you can withstand all my thunder!"

Rochel raised his hands, drawing in all available lightning. He merged the energy within himself, his eyes glowing with electricity.

He charged at Wang Yan, transforming the space around him into a charged field.

Rochel believed his attack, merging all his power, could destroy a star. As a being capable of controlling unlimited thunder, he thought his power, focused on one point, was unimaginable.

His godlike power brought him close to godhood, a force he believed unstoppable.