
"I know I sound selfish maybe I am, I am already jealous of the things you two do without me please don't share our memories with her" she said and hugged him tightly

"I am sorry, it won't happen again but you know what I am glad she came with us today

At least I got to know how much you value our time together" he smiled and kissed her forehead

"Oh Aileen will we ever be something else? Can we be this close without any title on our relationship so that I can fall without feeling guilty and pushing you away? But even if we don't I wish we remained like this. You're also very important to me" Julius thought

Nina waited for Julius but he wasn't coming

She called him and Aileen noticed who was calling

"I will be back" he got up to receive the call

"Oh I guess it's time for him to leave she probably needs him….. oh Aileen what's going on with me" she said sadly as she hugged the pillow he was on

"Are you on your way?" Nina asked


"Then hurry back it's late, I am waiting for you" Nina said

"Don't wait for me I am not coming home" he said and hang up

Nina was so angry

"Are you ok" sel asked when she called to Check up on her

"No I am not sel"

She told her everything

"Oh Aileen"

"I know this is messed up, I don't understand why I am feeling this way. I feel like I am going to lose him and my heart is scared and will break if that happens"

"Relax Aileen you're not going to lose him he cares for you too much to leave you" sel said

"I am sorry for disturbing you when you're in this condition" Aileen said and hung up

"Oh Aileen I used to think it was good to not understand your feelings towards him because he has a girlfriend but not understanding is also causing you more pain maybe you should free yourself from this burden but I know after understanding comes another burden of watching him with another.. oh my sister is really unlucky with love" sel said

Julius came to see her crying

"Hey what's wrong with you?" Julius asked

"It's nothing, tell me do you want to leave"

"No do you want me to leave?"

She shook her head and he got on the bed and hugged her

"Now tell me what's wrong? Does it have to do with Rìan" he really found it hard saying the last question


"Then what is it?"

She cried and

"Julius I don't know, I just don't feel well today"

"Ok cry it all out" he said and comforted her until the fell asleep in each other's arms

She woke seeing him

"I wish every morning was like this" she said and closed her eyes when she saw him moving

"Good morning beautiful I wish every morning was like this" he said and got up to cook for her

"Do you really mean that Julius?" Aileen said softly

"Maybe we can be more than this?" Her conscience shouted at her after saying that

"What are you saying Aileen Nina is your friend" she got up and went outside to help him

They are and Julius had to leave for work

"Are you sure you're going to be alright" he asked her and she said yes so he left

Nina called him and he told her he was at work so she went there

"How could you spend the night there"

"Nina for your information this is not the first time so no reason to get shocked"

"Are you two sleeping together?"

"Nina !!!!! Watch it I won't explain anything to you about my relationship with her but don't disrespect it either. Leave I have things to do" he said with anger that Nina had to leave

That day two he didn't go home he went to Aileen's place

"Well I told you am ok"

"Well I hope I just don't get to stay here only when something is wrong with you"

"No you can come here anytime just that I was concerned about your girlfriend"

"Hey Aileen do me a favor and never say these things when we are together"

"Ok" she agreed because she wanted it to always be about just them

"When did I become this selfish and self centered" she questioned herself

"Come let's have fun" Julius said and they had lots of fun like they used to do

Nina was upset and planned to do something about this relationship of theirs

Julius couldn't stay with Aileen forever so he had to return home but was keeping a distance from Nina

Mika told Rìan she will be going back abroad

Rìan didn't know how to feel, he was so confused that he called Aileen for them to talk

Nina saw them together and intentionally called Julius

"You said it was urgent what is it?

"Did you bring the dress"

He gave it to her and she went inside a washroom to change

"Thank you for saving my honor today"

"Can I leave now?"


"It seems your friend has come back to Rìan look at them being all lovely"

Julius saw them

"Thank you for forgiving me and allowing me close again, this time in love I will do better" Rìan said and Julius heard and was hurting and left

Nina smiled and followed him

"Don't lose her, go get her" Aileen said to Rìan

Aileen went to see sel

"So you guys talked?"

"Yes about a lot of things and we needed that talk"