[38] Stepping up

The 3 of us got dressed in our new fancy outfit, as we stepped into the hall of a luxury hotel. I then approached the front desk.

"Welcome to The Grand Luxe, how may I assist you today?" The clerk, a young woman in a crisp uniform, greeted us with a polished smile.

"I'd like to book the presidential suite for tonight," I replied, placing my black card on the counter.

Her eyebrows rose, her gaze flicking between me, my card, and the girls standing behind me. "I see," she said, the surprise evident in her voice. "The presidential suite is indeed available. The rate for a single night is 10,000 gold."

"Perfect," I replied nonchalantly, maintaining my composed demeanor.

She was still for a moment, clearly not expecting us to afford such luxury, but professional training soon took over. She picked up my card, processing the transaction. "Very well. I'll have our bellboys prepare your room right away. We hope you enjoy your stay at The Grand Luxe."

As we left the counter, Sera and Lila trailed behind me, their eyes wide as they took in the grandeur of the hotel. "Master, this place is...amazing!" Lila exclaimed in awe, her voice a soft whisper.

Sera, ever the tsundere, mumbled under her breath, "Well, it's not like it's that special..." Yet, I noticed a hint of appreciation in her eyes as she glanced around the luxurious interior of the hotel.

"Now I am really curious...Who really are you?" Sera asked with a raised brow.

I glanced at Sera, seeing the mix of curiosity and suspicion in her eyes. "Well, aren't you full of questions today?" I teased with a faint smile.

Sera blushed slightly but quickly composed herself, her stubborn tsundere personality kicking in. "It's not like I'm interested or anything, baka! It's just...we've been traveling together for a while and I realized I know almost nothing about you."

Before I could reply, Lila gently intervened, her voice soft, "Sera, we shouldn't pry. Master has his own reasons for his secrecy. As long as he's not endangering us, we should respect his privacy."

I was quiet for a moment, considering their words. "Perhaps you're right, Lila. But... let's just say, I am someone who isn't as simple as I seem. There are layers to my life that you may not be ready to understand. For now, isn't it enough to know that I am on your side?" I answered, hoping that it would satisfy their curiosity for the moment.

Sera snorted, rolling her eyes, yet didn't push further. "Fine, keep your secrets. Let's just get our rooms ready."


We were inside the presidential suite, after poking around for a bit, I called the girls to the main bed room.

"I still don't get this plan." Sera said.

"Oh you two will get it tomorrow." I said, as I lied comfortably at the center of the bed.

"If you have so much money why not get separate rooms for us!?" Sera protested.

Seeing Sera's flustered face, I couldn't help but chuckle. "Now where's the fun in that?" I said, propping my hands behind my head.

Sera shot me a glare, her cheeks reddening. "It's not funny, you...you pervert! And it's not about fun. It's about decency and..." she stammered, her words trailing off as she fumbled for the right ones.

"Lila, don't you agree?" Sera asked, turning towards Lila, hoping for some support.

Lila, who was already settling on the edge of the bed, just smiled gently and said, "As long as Master is comfortable, I am comfortable. It's not an inconvenience."

Sera let out a frustrated huff, her hands balling into fists at her sides. "Lila! Don't just go along with whatever he says," she chided.

Still grinning, I said, "Calm down, Sera. Now get some sleep, we got a big day tomorrow."

Q: Would you want a personal maid?