[43] Choices

"What's your name?" I asked.

"My name? Why should I tell you?" she countered defiantly, a spark of rebellion flashing in her emerald eyes. The sword at her throat didn't waver, the gleaming edge pressing into the soft skin without breaking it.

"Because I asked," I responded evenly, as I inched my blade towards her a little closer.

She swallowed, the movement bobbing the blade. Her eyes flickered to the weapon, and then back to mine. She let out a shaky breath, before straightening her posture defiantly. "Alright then. If you must know, my name is Kuroko."

"And why did you steal the Star of Veldrian, Kuroko?" I asked, not taking my eyes off her.

"I'm a thief, aren't I?" she responded, trying to sound flippant but her voice held an edge of fear. "I steal things. It's what I do. And I heard about this jewel... Well, who wouldn't be tempted?"

"Tempted to steal a 10 million gold jewel?" I prodded. Her response to this would give me some insight into her motivations.

She laughed, though the sound was hollow, and it lacked any real humor. "Money doesn't mean anything if you're dead. But the thrill, the danger, the adrenaline... That's what life is all about. And a jewel like this," she pointed toward the Star of Veldrian, "It's not just about the money. It's the challenge, the legend behind it. That's what's worth stealing."

The fear in her eyes was replaced by a fierce determination, her adventurous spirit taking over. Her kleptomaniac tendencies were clear: the thrill of the theft, the danger, the adrenaline, they were all a part of who she was. And despite being cornered, she was unapologetic about her nature.

"Zahare Decor isn't your real name either isn't it?" Kuroko said.

A chuckle escaped my lips as I withdrew the sword from her throat. "Sharp, aren't you, Kuroko?" I praised, taking a step back but still keeping a wary eye on her. "And you're right. Zahare Decor is just an alias. My real name...that's something only a few people in this world know."

I took another step back, sliding my sword back into its sheath, never taking my eyes off Kuroko. Her green eyes, full of curiosity, were watching my every move, calculating and analyzing.

"So, what do they call you?" Kuroko asked, her tone filled with defiance but also a hint of curiosity.

I chuckled again, "That, Kuroko, is a story for another day. For now, you just need to know me as Chang."

A smirk spread across my face as I laid out the choices before her. The room was tense, the air heavy with anticipation. "Kuroko," I began, my voice calm yet assertive, "you have two choices. One, you join my party, hand over the Star of Veridian, and I'll let bygones be bygones. We'll forget all about tonight."

I paused, allowing the proposition to sink in before continuing, "Two, you refuse to cooperate, and I'll hand you over to the authorities, along with the Star of Veridian. They would be very interested in meeting the infamous 'Nine Lives.'"

Kuroko looked taken aback at first, her cat-like eyes widening in surprise. But then, a sly grin appeared on her face, replacing the initial shock. "Why, Chang, or whatever your real name is," she said, crossing her arms across her chest, her tone teetering on the edge of mockery and amusement. "Who would have thought you're offering such a deal? But how can I trust you won't stab me in the back once I join your little party?"

I shrugged nonchalantly, maintaining my casual demeanor, "Because right now you have no choice. Its either you join us, or you go to jail."

Q: What would be your method of recruiting adventurers?