[44] New recruitment

Kuroko flicked her tail, a playful glint in her green eyes.

"Well, aren't you an interesting one? You've got me all figured out, don't you?" She chuckled, rolling the Star of Veridian between her fingers thoughtfully.

"But if you think I'll just roll over and submit to you...," she flashed a feral grin, "you've got another thing coming. You're interesting, I'll give you that. But I ain't one for masters." I raised an eyebrow at her declaration.

"I'm not asking you to submit, Kuroko. I'm offering you a partnership. We can benefit from each other's skills." Kuroko eyed me, her smile slowly fading into a thoughtful look.

Then, she smirked again, "So, we're partners, huh? Interesting...But remember this, I don't play nice. If I join your team, I do things my way. Are we clear?" As an answer, I extended my hand.

"Crystal clear." She stared at my hand for a moment before shaking it, as I clapped her wrist with my other hand.

As she pulled away, she gradually shifted her way to the window.

"On 2nd thought, I will choose option 3, you can keep the rock, but I am not sticking around." she said, tossing the Star of Veridian to me, before leaping out of the window.

I smirked.


The moment Kuroko attempted to extend her distance beyond the hundred-meter radius, the Archon Link came alive. Its once silent shimmer grew more pronounced as it exerted its magical pull. A ripple of energy sparked around her, and her agile leap was suddenly met with an unseen force.

It was like watching someone collide with a trampoline mid-air. She soared forward as if anticipating the freedom of the escape, but when she hit that hundred-meter mark, her momentum recoiled. The unseen force of the bracelet acted like a tether, pulling her back in an arcing path.

Her eyes widened, surprise flashing across her features as she was drawn back towards me against her will. She landed much closer than she intended, skidding slightly on the cobblestones as she tried to regain her footing.

"What the--" she began, looking back at the bracelet on her wrist, then to me, and then to the space she'd tried to leap beyond. Her tail flicked in annoyance, but also curiosity, as she quickly started to understand the nature of the magical device now locked around her wrist.

With a huff of annoyance, Kuroko made another attempt to defy the invisible boundary, this time on foot. She started off with a confident stride, her tail flicking assertively behind her. Yet as she neared the hundred-meter radius, her steps began to falter. Each movement became more laborious, her body leaning into the resistance like she was trying to push against a solid wall.

Her muscles strained visibly under the exertion, and after several more steps, she stopped altogether, panting lightly. She glanced back over her shoulder at me, her eyes narrowed with an intriguing mix of defiance and curiosity. Then she turned and began trudging back towards me, the invisible resistance melting away as she reduced the distance.

"When did you put this on me!" she held up the archon link on her wrist for me to see.

"When I clapped your arm back there." I smiled.

"You think you're clever, huh?" Kuroko grumbled as she came to a stop in front of me, arms folded across her chest. Her green eyes bored into mine, her tail flicking irritably behind her. "What is this, some sort of leash?"

She held up her wrist, the bracelet gleaming in the dim light. "You think I'm some sort of pet you can control?"

"Now, now, Kuroko," I replied smoothly, meeting her gaze with a cool one of my own. "I think we both know that's not the case. It's just insurance, for our...partnership."

"Tell me how to break this damn bracelet!" she yelled.

"You can automatically break it if you are S tier or above." I said.

"Are you kidding me?!" Kuroko exclaimed, her voice echoing off the surrounding walls. She looked down at the bracelet again, frustration etched across her face. "And how am I supposed to do that?"

"I guess you'll just have to work your way up, won't you?" I said, my voice laced with a hint of amusement.

She shot me a glare, her tail lashing behind her. "Fine, but I'm not doing it for you. It's just convenient...for our partnership, of course."

"That's the spirit, Kuroko," I replied with a chuckle. "And remember, you're not doing this alone. We're a team now."

Kuroko didn't respond immediately. Instead, she huffed and turned her back on me, but I could see the subtle shake of her head and the almost imperceptible smirk tugging at her lips. She was definitely going to be an interesting addition to the team.

Q: How do you keep playful naughty people in check?