[69] Campfire in the abyss

"Sera, can you set up a protective perimeter using your magic?" I asked, turning to the elf who nodded in agreement. "Kuroko, start gathering anything useful from the fallen monsters. They might have some rare materials we can use later."

"You got it boss." Kuroko said as she walk over to the fallen monster corpse.

"Lila, you and I will prepare the campsite. Let's get the sleeping bags ready and start cooking something for everyone."

"Yes master." Lila replied, as she walked over to the fetch our gear from the giant gaiko.

Aurelia," I said, turning to the fiery dragonkin, "Can you scout the area a bit? Just to make sure there are no immediate threats."

"You don't have to tell me what to do." Aurelia said with huff, but did her given task nonetheless.

Each of us took on our designated tasks, our movements perfectly synced from days of training and battles fought together. The giant Gaiko patiently stood still as I unbuckled the hefty packs strapped to its scaly back, its eight-legged stance stable and strong despite the massive weight.

I bent down and pulled a heavy bag, containing our sleeping bags and other camping essentials, from one of the compartments attached to the beast. Lila stepped forward to help me, her slender fingers working efficiently to release the straps and handles. Despite her delicate appearance, I knew she was stronger than she seemed, as proven time and time again in the adventures we had shared.

Together, we carried the large bag to a flat patch of land nearby, working in sync to unload its contents. Sera, in the meantime, was chanting in her smooth, melodic voice, as her hands drew arcane symbols in the air, creating a protective barrier around our chosen campsite.

With a flourish of her hands, four sleeping bags rolled out from our pack, each landing perfectly on a designated spot within the magic circle. Once set, Lila went to fetch our cooking gear, while I started on a fire, using a fire starter I always kept in my pocket.

In the background, I could see Aurelia scanning the surroundings, her eyes glowing in the dim light, and Kuroko was skillfully extracting valuable materials from the fallen monsters, her nimble fingers working efficiently in the dim light.

Lila then set up a camp fire with magical fire stones. She then started cooking. Once she was ready, she called out to us:

"Dinner is ready everyone!"

We gathered around and stared at the contents inside the pot.

"Lila, the smell is intoxicating. I'm sure it will be delicious," Sera commented, eyeing the simmering pot with a gleam in her eyes.

"Thanks, Sera," Lila responded with a smile, her cheeks tinged with a light blush from the compliment.

From my spot, I could see the bright green flame flickering underneath the iron pot, casting dancing shadows against the dark abyssal walls. The magical fire stones were a brilliant invention, providing heat without smoke and consuming no fuel.

"Alright everyone, dinner is ready!" Lila announced, standing back to admire her handiwork. The aroma of the stew filled the camp, a comforting scent against the harsh, damp smell of the cave.

"Finally!" Kuroko exclaimed, tossing aside her tools and bounding over to the campfire with an eager grin. "I've been drooling from the smell!"

"Careful, Kuroko," I chuckled, shaking my head at her enthusiasm. "We wouldn't want you to trip and fall into the pot."

"I'd rather fall into the pot than wait any longer," she retorted, snagging a bowl and ladle from Lila's hands before she could serve the meal.

Aurelia merely rolled her eyes at the interaction, a slight smile playing on her lips as she took her own bowl from Lila. "Thank you, Lila. Your cooking is always a high point of these adventures."

As we settled down around the fire, each with a steaming bowl of Lila's delicious stew, the stark reality of the abyss seemed to fade for a while, replaced with a cozy camaraderie around a campfire. It felt like home, even in the most unlikely of places.

As we ate, Sera asked: "Why do you pretend to be a noob boss?"

A quiet settled over the group at Sera's question, a brief pause in the merry chatter. All eyes turned to me, curiosity sparkling in their expressions.

"Hmm?" I hummed nonchalantly, buying myself a moment to frame my response. "Well, I suppose there are a few reasons."

I set down my bowl, rubbing my chin thoughtfully. "But the main reason is..." I let my voice trail off, giving them a small smile.

"I wanted to start over, to experience the thrill of adventuring anew. When you're at the top, everything becomes easy, mundane. There's no challenge, no excitement. There are no surprises. You don't get to feel the adrenaline rush, the exhilaration of overcoming the odds. It's just... routine."

"I wanted to feel that excitement again, the uncertainty, the risk, the joy of discovery... the thrill of being an adventurer, stepping into the unknown," I confessed, my gaze falling into the heart of the campfire.

The girls were silent for a moment, processing my answer. Then Kuroko broke the silence, "Wow, Boss. I never thought about it like that."

Sera nodded thoughtfully, her gaze softening, "It's a strange answer, but... it kind of makes sense."

Aurelia merely grunted, giving me an appraising look. "It's a foolish reason," she declared, though there was a hint of amusement in her tone, "But it's very like you."

As for Lila, she merely smiled at me, her eyes warm with understanding, "You always did love a good adventure, Boss."

"So what is your real identity boss?" Sera asked again, the other girls leaned in as well.

I met Sera's piercing gaze with an air of mild amusement. Her persistence was admirable, I had to give her that. But, there were some secrets I had to keep close to my chest, at least for a while longer.

"Well now," I chuckled, tilting my head slightly, my eyes twinkling with mischief. "Isn't the mystery part of the thrill? You wouldn't want to spoil the surprise now, would you?"

Sera crossed her arms over her chest, her lips pursing in a playful pout. I couldn't help but chuckle at her obvious frustration.

"You'll all find out one day, I promise," I reassured them, raising my hands in a gesture of surrender. "But until then," I looked at each one of them, grinning cheekily. "I think I'll keep you girls guessing."

I punctuated my statement with a playful wink, my grin broadening at their collective groans. I couldn't help but laugh, their reactions adding to the fun of the whole thing.

"Honestly, Boss..." Kuroko began, shaking her head but with a smile on her face.

"But that's unfair, Boss!" Lila protested, her face flushed from the fire and her eyes twinkling with a hint of anticipation.

As for Aurelia, she merely rolled her eyes, a smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth, "You're impossible, you know that?"

A chorus of laughter rang out, echoing against the rocky walls of the abyss. Their joy was infectious, and I found myself swept up in the moment, laughing along with them. For now, the secret could wait. The journey was what mattered.

Q: Do you cook marshmallows at a campfire?