[70] Growth

As fought the monster of the 5th floor day in and day out for the next 1 month, the changes were palpable. The girls grew stronger, their confidence blooming like a flower nurtured by the sun. At the end of the week, as we sat around the campfire, Sera and Kuroko's news brought a fresh wave of excitement.

"Look at this!" Sera exclaimed, her face glowing with pride. Her hand was enveloped in a vibrant, sanguine glow - the distinct hue of a B-tier blood mage.

"Whoa," Kuroko whistled, her eyes wide with genuine admiration, and a touch of playful envy. "Getting a bit cocky now, aren't we, Miss High-and-Mighty B-Tier?"

Sera rolled her eyes, the tinge of red on her cheeks betraying her otherwise indifferent facade. "Oh, shut up, Kuroko."

Before the teasing could go any further, Kuroko swiftly stood up, her eyes gleaming with an intense fire. She then flashed her own new badge of strength - her shadowy aura, stronger and more powerful, signaling her transition to A-tier.

"I don't mean to steal your thunder, Sera," Kuroko began, a smirk playing on her lips, "but it looks like I've levelled up too. A-Tier, if I do say so myself."

A stunned silence washed over us for a brief moment before we all burst into cheers, the campfire seeming to roar in celebration with us.

"Outstanding work, you two!" I praised, clapping Sera and Kuroko on their backs. "Keep this up, and we'll conquer this Abyss in no time."

"Here's to getting stronger and proving we've got what it takes," Lila toasted, raising her cup high, her eyes shining with unshed tears of joy.

Aurelia snorted, her lips twitching into a grin, "Impressive. I guess you're not just all talk after all. Keep up the good work."

As the time came for us to depart from the sixth floor of the Abyss, I reached into the pocket of my tunic and pulled out the escape scrolls. The scrolls were simple in appearance, but the magic within them was complex and powerful. Each scroll bore intricate arcane symbols etched in a vibrant, shimmering gold ink that seemed to dance and move under the flickering firelight.

I handed a scroll to each of my companions, their faces a mirror of anticipation and excitement. "Alright, everyone," I started, my voice firm and resolute. "Hold onto these scrolls tightly and visualize the surface. The scroll will do the rest."

They nodded, and each gripped their scroll firmly, their eyes falling shut as they concentrated. I did the same, holding the scroll in one hand and touching the rough, scaly skin of the giant gaiko with the other. An integral part of our team, the gaiko too needed to come back with us to the surface.

As the thought of the surface filled my mind, a rush of energy surged through me. The scroll in my hand started to hum softly, the vibrations growing stronger and stronger until the air around us seemed to ripple and warp.

Then, with a final, resounding 'crack', we were enveloped in a blinding white light. The dank, musty air of the Abyss was suddenly replaced with the fresh, invigorating air of the surface. The hard, uneven ground beneath our feet gave way to soft, dew-kissed grass.

As my vision cleared, I took in the sight of the surface, a stark contrast to the dim, dangerous depths of the Abyss. The giant gaiko let out a low, rumbling groan, shaking its massive head as it too got its bearings.


We bade our farewells to the gigantic gaiko, patting its robust side in gratitude for its faithful service through our journey. The creature's reptilian eyes blinked slowly, as if in acknowledgment of our gesture. We then returned it to its owner at the beast center, she was a burly woman with a warm smile and a lively laugh who heartily thanked us for bringing back the creature unscathed.

With the gaiko's duty fulfilled, we next turned our attention to the white phoenix, our grand flying ship. It sat majestically in the dock, a sight to behold. The white phoenix was a splendid fusion of technology and magic, a colossal vessel made of sturdy, polished mahogany that gleamed under the sunlight, its sails shimmering with a kind of iridescence.

Large, wing-like appendages extended from its sides, studded with magical crystals that hummed with a soft glow. These crystals were the life force of our ship, providing the magic needed for it to defy gravity and sail through the skies.

Boarding the white phoenix, we each took our places. Aurelia moved to the helm, her hands expertly gliding over the controls as she readied the ship for departure. Kuroko secured the ropes and stowed away our gear, while Sera and Lila prepared the living quarters for the journey ahead.

I, as the captain, raised my hand and commanded, "White phoenix, to the skies!" With a gentle hum, the ship responded, the crystals on its wings sparking to life as the ship lifted off the ground. The dock slowly faded away beneath us as we ascended, the white phoenix slicing through the clear blue sky with ease.


We stood on the deck of the ship over looking the land below. From this altitude, the plains below looks like a giant green carpet.

About 10 minutes into the flight, Sera was the first to break the silence: "So, boss, where are we headed next?" she asked, her gaze fixed on me with expectation.

With a light smirk playing on my lips, I replied, "We're going somewhere your skills will truly be put to the test."

"Oh, so you're finally going to make us work?" Sera scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest and trying to sound unimpressed, even though her eyes were practically sparkling with excitement.

"That's right," I replied, meeting her defiant gaze with a knowing smirk.

"Don't expect us to be all grateful just because you're finally giving us a real challenge, alright?" Sera shot back, her cheeks puffing out slightly in her classic tsundere pout. Despite her gruff words, I could tell she was looking forward to whatever was coming next.

Kuroko, ever the bold one, threw her arm around Sera's shoulders. "Oh, lighten up, Sera," she teased. "You know you're just as excited as the rest of us."

Sera pushed Kuroko's arm off, huffing indignantly, "I am not!" Her flushed face, however, told a different story.

Lila, usually quiet and reserved, nodded her agreement, her gentle voice carrying a surprising amount of resolve. "I may not be able to fight. But I will do my best to support everyone."

Lastly, Aurelia turned from the helm to face me, her fiery eyes meeting mine. "Whatever it is, we'll face it head on. We've grown stronger together, and we're ready for anything," she declared, the determination in her voice unmistakable.

Their responses brought a genuine smile to my face. "That's the spirit," I commended, "Prepare yourselves. We've got an interesting journey ahead."

I looked at each one of them - Sera, with her fiery spirit and competitive nature; Lila, with her ever-so-kind demeanor, yet brimming with determination; Kuroko, daring and adventurous, never backing down from a challenge; and Aurelia, radiating strength and pride, but also carrying a deep passion for her art. They were all more than ready for whatever was coming next.

Q: Have you ever played any game with a dungeon?