[75] The gladiator

The contestant list for Roma's 300th annual duel competition appeared on the bill board inside The gladiator. People were bustling around it, some out of pure curiosity, others trying to gather as much information as they could before placing their bets.

Names began to appear one by one, each of them accompanied by their power ranking and a short summary of their accomplishments. The crowd erupted in cheers and gasps with each name announced.

Chang – S-tier: Unknown contender with formidable skills. Recently emerged and overcame every challenge with ease.

Aurelia - S-tier: Famed pyromancer, known for her powerful and unrivaled fire magic.

Titus - S-tier: Renowned for his strength and unwavering courage, a legend in the arena.

Zephyr - S-tier: A skilled wind mage with the ability to control the battlefield.

Elysia - S-tier: Healer and warrior. A rare combination that makes her a formidable contender.

Brutus - S-tier: After losing to Chang, Brutus remains a crowd favorite with his brute strength.

Cassia - S-tier: Nimble and precise, her speed is her greatest asset.

Orion - S-tier: His astral magic is said to be able to shape the stars themselves.

Scipio - S-tier: A master tactician known for outsmarting his opponents.

Noctis - S-tier: An assassin whose attacks are as swift as they are deadly.

Cygnus - SS-tier: The newly revealed mage with control over time magic.

Juno - S-tier: A charm witch, entrancing and devastating.

Draco - S-tier: A dragonkin, known for their resistance and deadly flame breath.

Bellona - S-tier: A valiant warrior maiden who fights with the ferocity of a lioness.

Vega - S-tier: His illusion magic can make him an unpredictable adversary.

Alicia - SS-tier: The champion of the last Roma's annual dueling competition.

The crowd hushed in anticipation as the last name appeared, clearly recognizing the skills and reputation of the contestants. The air was filled with excitement and anticipation. The elimination round was going to be a spectacle indeed.

"There's no denying that Alicia has the upper hand," said a gruff adventurer, his eyes flicking to the display board visible through the tavern window. "She's an SS-tier after all. Beat the wits out of that kleptomaniac rogue."

"Not so fast," interjected a roguish figure with a smirk. He was leaning casually against the tavern bar, a half-empty mug in his hand. "Have you seen the new comer? Chang? He's something else. He has this calm, controlled manner about him, as if he knows something we don't."

"Chang? Really?" scoffed a merchant nearby, adjusting the spectacles on his nose. "His abilities might be impressive, but he's up against proven warriors."

"Well, I'm placing my bet on Aurelia," announced a woman dressed in archer's gear, drawing all eyes to her. "She's not just powerful, she's smart. And her control over fire... it's unmatched."

"Each to their own," the roguish man shrugged, finishing his drink. "But mark my words, there's more to Chang than meets the eye."

While the people in the tavern debated, we pushed open the creaky doors of the tavern, the chatters and cheers inside softened and all eyes turned to us. The patrons appraised us, their eyes taking in our attire and expressions, and then they landed on me. Murmurs of recognition rippled through the room as hushed whispers echoed, "That's him... the new contender, Chang."

A gruff man at the bar squinted his eyes, then as realization dawned on him, he roared out, "Well I'll be damned! It's the new pit boss, Chang!" His proclamation was met with cheers and whistles, the atmosphere in the tavern lighting up like a torch.

"Chang! Come over here, mate!" an adventurer called from a corner table, waving me over, "We were just talkin' about ya. Have a seat, have a drink!" His friends around the table chuckled and raised their mugs in welcome.

A trio of women at the bar eyed me with interest, one of them fluttering her eyelashes as she teased, "So you're the famous Chang? I've heard the stories, but seeing you in person... you're more than the stories say."

The tavern erupted into lively chatter once again, punctuated by laughter and the clinking of mugs. Everywhere I turned, faces were lit up with anticipation, eyes reflecting the excitement of the upcoming tournament. It was clear that my entrance into the elimination round had set the tongues wagging and the hearts throbbing in the city of Roma.

No sooner had the cheers for me started to quieten down, Aurelia made her entrance. Even in a place filled with adventurers and warriors, she was hard to ignore. With her fiery hair, emerald eyes, and a demeanor that dared anyone to challenge her, she exuded a raw, mesmerizing power that demanded attention.

A wide-eyed adventurer gaped at her, stuttering out, "B-bloody hell... That's Aurelia, the Dragonborne!" His awe-filled voice was a drop of water that caused ripples across the room, as realization spread.

"And in her humanoid form too!" a woman gasped in excitement, her eyes fixed on Aurelia with undisguised admiration. "She's even more radiant than the stories tell."

Another one, a burly man with a bushy beard, hollered from the other side of the room, raising his mug in a respectful salute, "To Aurelia, our fiery queen! May her flames burn brighter in the tournament!"

Aurelia, undaunted by the sudden attention, smirked, her prideful aura even more palpable now. She coolly flipped her crimson hair over her shoulder and retorted, "Well, isn't this a warm welcome! But save your cheers for the arena, that's where I'll truly set your hearts ablaze."

Her retort drew laughter and more cheers from the crowd, their excitement filling the tavern. With us two in the room, it felt like the entire city was holding its breath, the anticipation for the tournament reaching its peak.

Leaning on the counter, I took a swig of my ale and turned to the man sitting beside me. He was an older man, his face marked by wrinkles and scars that told stories of numerous battles and adventures.

"Tell me, what do you know about Alicia, the ninth princess of Ayre?" I asked casually, trying to keep my tone neutral despite my curiosity.

The man blinked in surprise, perhaps at my question or my interest in Alicia. Then, he chuckled, stroking his grizzled beard as he studied me thoughtfully.

"Aye, Princess Alicia," he began, his eyes shimmering with respect and perhaps a hint of fear. "She's known across the land, not just for her royal blood, but for her skill with the blade. Trained by the finest masters in Ayre, she can match even the most seasoned knights."

His gaze narrowed a bit as he leaned closer to me, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "And there's an oath she made, a promise that's made many a fool rush into a duel with her."

"Oh?" I prompted, raising an eyebrow. The crowd around us was starting to listen in, their conversations growing quiet as they anticipated the tale.

He nodded, his voice loud again as he announced, "Whichever man defeats her fair and square in a sword duel, she swore she would marry. But mind you, it's not as easy as it sounds. Many tried, and all failed, left humbled and bruised by her blade. She is not just a princess, my lad, she is a warrior, a true queen of the arena."

He finished his tale with a deep sigh, a twinkle in his eyes, leaving me and the others at the bar contemplating the formidable girl named Alicia.

Q: Have you watched Blade dance of the elemental before?