[76] Group stage

The enormous coliseum thrummed with anticipation, a wild sea of spectators, their cheers and roars echoing off the towering stone walls. In the audience, I could spot Lila, Sera, Kuroko, and Aurelia, their faces filled with excitement and anxiety.

The host, a man with a booming voice and flamboyant style, stepped into the center of the arena. He raised his hands, and the roar of the crowd quieted down into a tense hush.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, dear spectators of Roma!" His voice echoed through the silent arena, his energy palpable, infectious. "Welcome to the heart of the annual championship, the much-awaited elimination rounds!"

His announcement ignited a thunderous cheer from the crowd, their excitement ricocheting off the walls of the coliseum.

"Our first contender!" The host's voice rose above the noise as he gestured towards me, standing in my designated area. "A dark horse, rising from obscurity! He's proven his worth in the pits and now stands before us, ready for the real challenge. Ladies and Gentlemen, let us give a huge round of applause to the mighty Chang!"

As the crowd erupted with cheers and applause, he then turned to the other side of the arena, his arm sweeping towards my opponent.

"And standing against him!" His voice carried an undercurrent of thrill. "A man who needs no introduction! A force of nature, a hurricane on the battlefield! Please welcome, the fierce and formidable Titanos!"

The crowd roared with excitement once again, their cheers and shouts mixing with the growing tension in the air, setting the stage for the battle about to unfold.

The moment the horn sounded, a powerful roar echoed throughout the coliseum, an electrifying signal that set the heart of every spectator racing. The excitement was palpable, the air itself seeming to tremble with anticipation.

With measured steps, I moved forward, my eyes never leaving Titanos. He was a burly man, muscles rippling under his combat gear, his stance screaming power and confidence. He wielded a massive, two-handed sword that looked like it weighed more than a small horse. He was an imposing figure, a veritable force of nature.

But I had faced bigger and scarier adversaries. Calmly, I adjusted my grip on my own weapon, a sleek short sword that was perfect for quick, precise movements. As I approached Titanos, I steadied my breathing, my mind razor-sharp, ready to react to the slightest movement.

Titanos was the first to move, charging forward with a war cry, his sword raised high for a crushing downward strike. The crowd roared in anticipation. But I was ready.

I sidestepped his strike, the wind from his sword passing close enough to ruffle my hair. In the same motion, I swept my sword up, aiming a quick, precise strike at his exposed side.

Titanos reacted just in time, swinging his massive sword around in a wide arc, barely managing to deflect my blade. Our swords clashed, the impact resonating throughout the arena.

It was a dance of power against agility, brute force against precise strikes. The audience watched, breathless, as we traded blows, each trying to find an opening in the other's defense.

The duel was a spectacle of flashing steel, of calculated maneuvers, and sudden, explosive movements. Every time our blades met, the sound echoed throughout the coliseum, a testament to the fierce battle being waged.

Despite Titanos's strength and size, I managed to hold my ground, using my speed and agility to evade his powerful strikes and counter-attack. His raw power was terrifying, but his size also made him slower, giving me an edge.

The battle raged on, neither of us giving an inch, a whirlwind of action and anticipation, until the match's climactic conclusion was all that remained.

With a fresh surge of adrenaline, I darted towards Titanos once more, this time feigning a high attack. My sword whistled through the air as I swept it upwards, aiming for his head. Titanos predictably raised his enormous sword, preparing to block the incoming strike.

But it was a ruse.

Just as he moved to parry, I twisted my body, switching the direction of my attack. My real target was his exposed midsection, now unguarded due to his defensive maneuver. It was a gamble, but it paid off.

Swiftly, like a striking serpent, I redirected my sword and plunged it into his side, catching him off guard. He roared in surprise and pain, his own weapon falling from his hands as he clutched his side where my sword had struck.

The crowd gasped, then fell into a hushed silence, staring wide-eyed at the sight of the seemingly unbeatable Titanos faltering.

With a final push, I kicked him away from me, sending him stumbling backwards. He attempted to regain his footing, but the pain and surprise were too much. His knees buckled and he fell to the ground, defeated.

A hush fell over the arena, the audience too stunned to make a sound. Then, slowly, a wave of cheers erupted, filling the coliseum with a deafening roar of applause and victory chants. I had won. The underdog had triumphed over the titan.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" the host boomed, stepping out into the center of the coliseum, his voice amplified by magic to carry across the roaring crowd. His arms stretched out wide as he basked in the attention of the audience, a broad grin on his face. "You have just witnessed a remarkable display of skill and cunning!"

He pointed a hand towards me, his voice rising in excitement. "I give you, the victor of this match, the C-rank adventurer who has astounded us all... Chang!"

The crowd erupted in cheers, their applause resounding throughout the coliseum. The host continued, his words rolling over the audience like thunder. "Against all odds, he has triumphed over the mighty Titanos! This is a day for the records, ladies and gentlemen! A day we will remember in the annals of the Roma Coliseum! Give it up for Chang!"

As his words rang out, the crowd's cheers rose in intensity, the air vibrating with their excitement and approval. I stood in the center of the arena, taking a moment to let it all sink in. This was just the beginning, and I was ready for whatever lay ahead.


"Chang! That was incredible!" Lila exclaimed as I emerged from the arena, her eyes wide with admiration. The excitement hadn't yet worn off, and her words were filled with fervor.

"Didn't expect anything less from the boss," Aurelia said, a smirk playing on her lips as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Even Sera, with her usual tsundere act, couldn't hide the hint of a proud smile. "Don't let it get to your head," she warned, attempting to maintain her cool demeanor, though the admiration in her eyes betrayed her.

Kuroko, ever the playful one, winked at me and said, "Watch out, boss, you're starting to outshine me. And I thought I was the star of this team."

I laughed at her remark, appreciating the camaraderie between us. "Thank you, everyone," I said. "We're all in this together. Now let's see what the next round brings."

The crowd murmuring around me went silent as a striking figure approached. The hush was palpable as she navigated her way through the onlookers, her long golden hair cascading down her armor-clad shoulders, catching the sunlight. The sheen of her silver knight armor seemed almost ethereal against her vibrant blue eyes, which twinkled with intrigue.

She came to a halt before me, a playful grin spreading across her features. "I've been watching your battles since you became the pit boss," she began, her voice chiming through the silence. "I admit, you do have some impressive moves." Her eyes danced with amusement as she sized me up.

Stunned, I blinked at her for a moment before managing to stammer out, "And you are...?"

As if amused by my confusion, she stretched out a hand, her grin widening. "Alicia," she introduced herself, her tone warm and welcoming. "Nice to meet you." Her gaze was steady and full of expectation as she held out her hand.

Recovering from my surprise, I grasped her outstretched hand firmly. "Chang," I offered in response, my own smile taking shape.

Suddenly, her grip tightened and she gave my hand a playful, vigorous shake that sent a ripple of laughter through the surrounding crowd. With her eyes twinkling in anticipation, she released my hand and took a step back.

"I look forward to dueling you in the arena, Chang!" she called out, her voice echoing through the silence. Her words carried an undeniable challenge, but her tone was light, almost playful. "Don't lose before then!"

With a final broad grin, she turned on her heel and began to skip away, her golden hair bouncing with each step. The crowd watched her departure in awe, their murmurings picking up once again as she disappeared from sight.

What an interesting girl...

Q: How would you respond to a dueling challenge?