[93] Only one champion standing

Feeling the raw energy surging within me, I lunged towards the Undead Champion. The world seemed to slow as I moved, the once fast-paced monster now matched my speed. Each clash of our swords sent shockwaves rippling through the air, and the very ground beneath our feet trembled under the onslaught of our blows.

My sword danced in my hand, moving so swiftly it was a mere blur to the naked eye. Each swing was powerful, aimed at critical points with deadly precision. The Undead Champion matched me blow for blow, its own sword darting out to counter my attacks with a speed and agility that was frightening for its size.

We exchanged a flurry of strikes, our weapons clashing in a blinding spray of sparks. The force of each impact reverberated up my arm, but I ignored the discomfort, my focus solely on the monster before me. I ducked beneath a sweeping strike, retaliating with a swift slash towards its unprotected side. It grunted, quickly raising its shield to block my attack.

The fight went on, a deadly dance of sword and shield. Despite the Undead Champion's immense strength, I managed to keep pace, my every move fueled by the power coursing within me. Round after round, our deadly dance continued, neither of us willing to yield to the other.

As our fight continued, I began to notice a slight delay in the undead champion's movements. Capitalizing on this, I started circling it, matching its pace but keeping a safe distance. My eyes keenly observed its every move, studying its rhythm and searching for a weak spot.

Then, in the midst of one of our exchanges, I noticed it. A small gap in its armor, right above where its heart would be if it were alive. It was a minuscule window of opportunity, almost negligible, but it was enough. I quickly formulated a plan in my head, knowing I had only one shot at this.

Without hesitation, I put my plan into motion. Just as the Undead Champion swung its massive sword in a downward arc, I pivoted on my heel, skillfully avoiding the deadly edge. Using the momentum of my dodge, I sprinted forward, closing the distance between us in an instant.

As I neared the creature, time seemed to slow down. The Undead Champion attempted to bring up its shield, but it was too late. I was already in striking distance. With a shout, I thrust my sword forward, targeting the small weak spot in its armor.

My sword slid into the gap with ease, piercing the Undead Champion's thick hide. It let out a bone-chilling roar, but it was too late. I had already made my mark. I quickly yanked my sword out, stepping back just as the creature flailed in a futile attempt to hit me. It was a critical hit, and the Undead Champion staggered, momentarily stunned by my attack.

With a renewed sense of determination, I gripped my sword tighter and mustered all the energy I had left. Not wasting a single moment, I darted toward the undead champion as it was still disoriented. The wind swept across my face, roaring in my ears as my boots dug into the sand below, propelling me forward.

With a swift and fluid movement, I raised my sword high, letting the sunlight glint off the sharpened blade. With a final burst of energy, I brought it down with all my might, slicing through the air with a sharp whistle. The blade cut cleanly through the undead champion's neck, not halting until it met the empty air on the other side.

For a moment, everything went silent. Then, the colossal creature's head toppled from its shoulders, hitting the ground with a dull thud. Its lifeless body swayed for a moment before collapsing onto the sandy ground, disintegrating into a heap of ash that was quickly carried away by the wind.

Among the dissipating ashes, a faint purple glow caught my eye. It was an orb, hovering silently above the ground where the Undead Champion had once stood. Without missing a beat, I sprinted towards it, my heart pounding in my chest. I reached out and swiftly grabbed the orb from the air, its cool surface sending a strange sensation up my arm.

I didn't have time to examine it, however, because my attention was quickly drawn back to my friends. With the orb securely in my hand, I turned and ran towards Sera, my heart pounding with worry.

Q: What would you do if your friends are hurt?