[94] Back to the surface

"Prop her up, Lila," I commanded, my tone steady but urgent. Lila nodded, quickly moving to Sera's side. As Lila gently raised Sera's torso, cradling her in her arms, I reached into my pouch.

I pulled out a small glass vial, filled with a liquid that glowed with an ethereal light. It was unicorn blood, a potent healing agent. Uncorking the vial with a swift movement, I knelt down beside Sera. I delicately lifted her chin, carefully positioning the vial at her lips.

"Stay with us, Sera," I said, trying to keep my voice from wavering. She looked up at me, her gaze hazy but determined. I slowly poured the unicorn blood into her mouth, the silver liquid shining brightly against the harsh sunlight. I watched as Sera swallowed, the glow seeming to spread throughout her body, illuminating her from within.

With a weak nod, Sera gritted her teeth, her fingers gently brushing over the stump where her arm once was. The surrounding air seemed to pulsate with energy as she called upon her blood magic.

There was a faint shimmering around her severed arm and the open wound, a crimson glow that pulsated in sync with her heartbeat. It was her blood, responding to her command, the essence of her magic. It began to wriggle and twist, tendrils of the glowing substance snaking out and reaching towards the severed limb.

With a visible effort, Sera raised her hand, her fingers outstretched. The tendrils of blood reacted, latching onto her arm and beginning to pull it towards her. The arm hovered for a moment before aligning itself with the severed joint. There was a soft glow, and then the sound of sizzling as the blood worked to mend flesh and bone.

Her face was etched with pain, but she didn't make a sound, her eyes tightly closed as she focused. After what felt like an eternity, she finally let out a shaky breath, her arm fully reattached. It was an unsettling process, but it worked. Sera then started to crawl towards Kuroko, ready to use her blood magic to reattach Kuroko's leg.

Sera crawled over to where Kuroko was lying, her face pale from the loss of blood but her eyes determined. She placed her newly reattached hand over the severed stump of Kuroko's leg, crimson magic illuminating the grim scene.

A similar process started, tendrils of glowing blood weaving their way from the severed part of Kuroko's leg to the remaining portion. The blood tendrils, almost like thread in a needle, began to stitch the separated flesh back together. The spectacle was gruesome but fascinating, a testament to Sera's peculiar yet powerful magic.

Kuroko's expression twisted with pain as Sera worked, but she clenched her teeth, her knuckles white as she balled her fists to endure it. After a tense few minutes, the leg was reattached. It wasn't a perfect fix, there would be healing time required, but it was far better than losing a leg.

With the ordeal over, Sera collapsed, her energy spent. Her chest heaved with labored breaths, but there was a triumphant glint in her eyes. They'd survived, they'd beaten the odds and now they could continue their journey.

Lila nodded, worry evident in her eyes. However, she squared her shoulders, ready for the task. She dashed over to where Aurelia laid, her elegant elven figure sprawled on the sand.

She knelt beside Aurelia and slipped one arm behind her back, while her other arm slid under Aurelia's knees. With a gentle yet firm grasp, Lila lifted the unconscious elf. Despite Aurelia being taller than Lila, the petite maid displayed unexpected strength.

The sudden jolt of being lifted roused Aurelia slightly, a low groan escaping her lips. But she was too disoriented, too exhausted to be fully awake. Lila adjusted her grip on Aurelia, ensuring she was secure in her arms. Her master's order fulfilled, she then looked up at me, ready for the next instruction.

I rummaged through the pack strapped to the giant gaiko, my hand skimming over various pouches and items, until I felt the familiar texture of the parchment scrolls. Pulling out a handful of them, I counted to ensure there was one for each of us.

Unfurling a scroll, I took a moment to appreciate the magical symbols inscribed on it, the powerful glyphs woven together in an intricate dance of letters and images. I handed one to Lila, who accepted it with her free hand, shifting Aurelia slightly to accommodate the transfer.

"Sera, catch," I tossed one lightly in her direction. Despite her injuries and the fatigue evident on her face, her reflexes were still sharp. She caught it in mid-air, giving me a small nod of acknowledgment.

Lastly, I moved over to Kuroko, who was leaning heavily on her newly reattached leg. She extended her hand, and I placed the scroll gently into her open palm.

"Use it wisely," I cautioned them all, my gaze sweeping across the group. "These escape scrolls are our ticket out of here. Let's use them and get back to safety." With a shared sense of understanding, we all prepared to activate the scrolls and escape the perilous 8th floor of the abyss.

Under the dim light of the ruined arena, the scrolls in our hands began to glow with a soft, ethereal light. The air around us seemed to shimmer as the magic within the parchment came to life, responding to our silent commands.

Simultaneously, we all began to recite the incantation inscribed on the scroll. The words, foreign and archaic, echoed around us, reverberating through the air with a tangible energy. Each syllable we uttered increased the intensity of the glowing scrolls, their light pulsating in sync with our chants.

Beside me, I saw Lila adjusting her hold on Aurelia to clutch the scroll firmly. A look of determination on her face as she spoke the incantation with clear and precise enunciation.

Meanwhile, Sera and Kuroko, despite their exhaustion and pain, mustered the strength to complete the spell, their voices mixing with ours in a symphony of magical resonance.

With the incantation complete, the scrolls vibrated with unleashed power. In a burst of dazzling light, our bodies began to disintegrate, dissolving into a thousand particles of light. The sensation was akin to being gently pulled apart by a force that defied physicality, a sensation that felt both alien and strangely calming.

Even the giant gaiko, who had been quietly observing the spectacle, began to glow and disintegrate, its massive form slowly becoming a constellation of light.

In what felt like an instant, the world around us changed. The harsh, sandy floor of the arena was replaced by the cobblestone streets of the town. The musty smell of the underground was replaced by the fresh air of the surface. Our bodies reassembled, solidifying from the particles of light, and we found ourselves standing in the bustling town square.

We had successfully escaped the abyss and returned to the safety of the city of Luha, but not without an arduous battle.

No pain no gain...

Q: Do you agree with the saying "No pain no gain"?