[111] Crossing swords

With a determined spark in her sapphire eyes, Alicia lunged forward. Her boots kicked up sand, forming a trail behind her as she barreled towards me. The silver armor she wore gleamed in the sunlight, accentuating her agile form. Her golden hair, free and untamed, whipped around her face as she ran, seeming to echo her indomitable spirit.

In her right hand, she tightly held her silver sword, the blade shimmering with an eerie light. It was raised high, ready to strike. In her left, she wielded her shield, her fingers wrapped firmly around the handle as it caught the sunlight, throwing dazzling rays into the air.

Her youthful, innocent features were set in a determined grimace, her mouth a firm line and her brows furrowed. Yet despite the tension in her stance, there was a grace to her movements, the kind only a skilled warrior could possess. Each step she took was precise and measured, a silent testimony to her mastery over the sword and shield she held.

As she neared, the sound of her armor clanking and her rhythmic footfalls echoed through the silent arena. The crowd watched with bated breath as Alicia, the seventh princess of Ayre, charged with all her might towards me.

Alicia launched herself at me with an impressive burst of speed. With a swift twist of her body, she brought her silver sword down in a wide arc, the blinding glint of metal slicing through the air. Her attack was fierce, fueled by her determination, and her face was a mask of focused concentration.

But I was ready for her.

With a measured calmness that starkly contrasted her fiery attack, I moved to meet her. Shifting my weight onto my back foot, I twisted my torso and lifted my own blade to intercept her descending strike. The sound of clashing metal echoed across the silent arena, a clear ring that pierced the tension-filled air.

Our swords met in a shower of sparks, each speck of light reflecting the intensity of our clash. My blade vibrated against her forceful attack, the vibrations traveling up my arm and rattling my bones. But I held firm, my grip unyielding, my stance unwavering.

With a strong push, I managed to redirect her sword, the metal sliding against metal with a grating noise, effectively parrying her attack. I moved with a speed that belied my size, quickly stepping aside to avoid the forward momentum of her charge.

In the aftermath of the parry, the silence of the arena was broken by the collective gasp of the crowd. Their cheers and exclamations filled the air, creating a backdrop of noise for our continued duel. The battle was far from over.

The clash of our swords became a rhythm, each strike met with a parry, each lunge countered with a dodge. We danced a deadly dance, circling each other in the sand-filled arena, our movements mirroring each other's. A strike from me, a counter from her. A feint from her, a parry from me. The sounds of our blades colliding were interspersed with the shifting of our feet on the sandy floor, the sporadic grunts of exertion, and the breathless whispers of the watching crowd.

Alicia was swift and unrelenting, her attacks growing in ferocity with each passing minute. She had a style that was incredibly dynamic, a mix of aggressive slashes and precise stabs, each intended to keep me off balance. She was constantly on the move, her petite build allowing her a level of agility and speed that was breathtaking to behold.

For every move I made, she had an answer. My attempt at a downward strike was met with a deft sideways dodge and a swift counter-attack that had me stepping back. An attempted lunge from me was easily sidestepped, her quicksilver blade flickering in the sunlight as she immediately launched a retaliatory slash that left a shallow cut on my arm.

The more we clashed, the more apparent it became: Alicia was gaining the upper hand. She was pressing her advantage, keeping me on the defensive with a barrage of quick, relentless attacks that had me moving backwards, my blade a blur as I tried to deflect her strikes. The crowd roared in approval, the cheers for Alicia growing louder with each passing moment. It was clear - I had to change the tide of this battle, and soon.

Our blades clashed in a series of exchanges, each more heated than the last. Sweat trickled down our faces as we traded blows, our breathing growing harsher with every move.

Alicia, in her youthful exuberance, was playful despite the gravity of our duel. "Not bad, handsome," she taunted, a mischievous glint in her sapphire eyes as she twirled her sword deftly, parrying a heavy strike from me with an effortless flick of her wrist.

"Oh, is that your best swing?" she goaded, pressing forward, her shield brushing mine. "You won't win my hand with such weak moves!"

I grunted in response, teeth gritted as I thrust forward in an attempt to force her back. "This isn't about your hand, princess!" I retorted, adding a sharp twist to my blade, aiming for her exposed side.

But Alicia was nimble, effortlessly deflecting my strike and retaliating with a swift cut that nearly caught me off guard. "Sure, it isn't," she mocked, her laughter echoing in the vast arena as our blades clashed once more.

I was losing ground, her youthful vigor and skill slowly overpowering me. The crowd was aware of it too, their cheers for the petite princess rising with each successful strike she landed. Her taunts, coupled with the cheers, echoed in my ears, spurring me to push harder, to fight smarter. I couldn't afford to lose, not here, not to Alicia.

As we separated, I allowed myself a moment's reprieve. Drawing in a ragged breath, I felt the familiar hum of my limiter tucked neatly into my pocket. Alicia was relentless, but she was not unbeatable. The question was: could I defeat her while still retaining control?

My mind ran calculations, dissecting every movement, every feint, every successful strike she'd made so far. I replayed them all, seeking for weaknesses, for patterns. But at the same time, I was acutely aware of the energy thrumming inside me, straining against the boundaries I'd set for it. The limiter was designed to keep me in check, to prevent my power from spiraling out of control. But it was also a hindrance, holding me back from my full potential. I knew it was risky, yet the thought of unleashing my full power was too tempting to ignore.

Drawing another deep breath, I closed my eyes and reached into my pocket, my fingers brushing against the cool metal of the limiter. I adjusted it, pushing my boundaries to match Alicia's. From S to SSS tier. The surge of energy was immediate, flowing through me with a rush of exhilaration. My senses heightened, my heartbeat thrummed in my ears like a war drum, and my body felt like it was on fire. But it was a fire I could control, a fire I could harness.

As I opened my eyes, I caught Alicia's surprised expression. A slow smirk spread on my face. "Now, the real fight begins," I thought to myself, readying my stance once more. The crowd's murmurs grew louder, the anticipation was palpable. This was far from over.

Q: Would you ask for a rematch if you lose in a game?