[112] Turning the tide

With my newfound power surging through me, I lunged forward. My feet barely touched the ground as I closed the distance between us with newfound speed, my sword gripped firmly in my hand. The air whistled as I swung, cutting a sharp path towards Alicia.

In that instant, the world around me seemed to slow. I saw her widen her eyes in surprise at my unexpected speed, barely having a moment to bring her own sword up in a defensive posture. The ringing sound of our swords clashing echoed through the arena, an intimate harmony of metal on metal.

I could see it all - the shock that rippled across her face, the flecks of sand that scattered under our feet, the spray of sweat that splattered into the air from our exertion. Our swords met, the impact vibrating through our arms, and for a moment, everything was still. A single, frozen tableau, a dance on a razor's edge between victory and defeat.

Then, just as quickly, the world sped up again. Our blades slid apart with a screeching sound, each recoiling from the clash. But I was ready, already moving for the next strike, my every sense acutely tuned into the battle.

As our swords clashed once again, I turned my blade at the last moment, hooking it around Alicia's shield. With a forceful yank, her arm swung out wide, unbalanced, and the shield flew from her grasp. It landed with a thud in the sand, a few feet away. The crowd erupted into a crescendo of cheers, and I saw a flicker of panic cross Alicia's face.

Next, I let my sword go slack in my grip, feigning vulnerability. Seeing an opening, Alicia lunged forward, her sword cutting through the air to strike at me. But it was a ruse. I let go of my weapon, letting it be knocked high into the sky by her blow. At the same moment, I sidestepped and lunged forward.

My underhand strike connected with the crook of her elbow, a precise hit at the joint. I felt her muscles spasm under the impact, the sword slipping from her grip. It clattered to the ground, the metallic sound echoing through the arena.

Alicia was now unarmed, her eyes wide with surprise and alarm. But the fight was not yet over. My sword, previously sent flying, was now descending from the sky. My hand shot up, perfectly timed, to catch it in mid-air. It was a seamless, fluid action - from the moment of catching the blade to the swift, precise motion of pointing it at Alicia's exposed throat.

And then, everything was still once more. The only sound that could be heard was the collective gasp from the crowd, the silence echoing louder than any cheer.

In the sudden silence that enveloped the arena, Alicia's pained voice rang out, her fingers gingerly cradling her elbow, "I...I surrender..." The words were a whisper, but they echoed like a roar through the hushed crowd.

Immediately, the host's booming voice resonated throughout the arena, cutting through the silence, "And the winner is Chang!" The announcement was met with an uproarious wave of cheers and applause, the crowd's exhilaration palpable.

"He has proven yet again that he is a force to be reckoned with," the host continued, his voice filled with awe. "An unexpected turn of events, indeed! Alicia, the 7th princess of Ayre and a formidable opponent, was rendered weaponless and forced to surrender. This goes to show the unpredictable nature of the Grand Tournament and the skill level of our fighters. We cannot wait to see what happens in the upcoming rounds. Stay tuned, folks!" The crowd roared again in response, the air charged with excitement.

There was a determined edge in Alicia's voice that cut through the fading cheers of the crowd, stopping me in my tracks. "That isn't your full strength, right?" she called out, her words echoing in the vast arena.

"No," I answered, my voice firm, and yet coated with a hint of regret. A mere syllable, but it resonated with the gravity of our duel.

An indignant gasp echoed through the arena as Alicia's fingers clenched in the sand, her youthful pride stinging. "I want you to fight me with your full strength!" she yelled defiantly, her voice rising above the murmurs of the crowd.

Her words hung heavy in the air as I stood still for a moment, my back towards her. And then, with a deep sigh, I answered, "I will... when you are ready," the softness of my tone a stark contrast to the thunderous cheers around us.

As I resumed my walk away from the center of the arena, her next words struck me like a lightning bolt. "Quit looking down on me! I will make you regret this!" she yelled, her fiery spirit blazing through her words.

But her challenge fell on deaf ears. I kept walking, her words fading away with each step I took. The crowd's noise drowned out any further words, the excitement of the match far from dying down.

Q: What would you do if you were snubbed?