[114] Quarter finals

A week later...

On the opposing side of the arena, a formidable figure loomed. Zhao-Feng stood tall and lean, his physique reminiscent of a great cedar, slender yet robust and unbending. His obsidian hair was neatly tied back in a warrior's ponytail, bouncing slightly with every movement, reflecting the sunlight in its silky strands. His eyes, a striking amber, burned with a fierce intensity, an innate warrior spirit reflected in their depth.

Clad in his uniquely crafted jade armor, he was an embodiment of raw power and elegant craftsmanship. The armor was meticulously detailed, with intricate dragon carvings that wound around his body like mythical serpents. Each scale of the dragons was etched with an uncanny precision that reflected a kind of sacred ancient artistry. The dragons seemed to come alive under the bright sunlight, adding a terrifying dimension to his overall persona.

He held a long spear in his grip, its shaft as black as the night sky, complementing his jade armor perfectly. The spearhead, a beautiful piece of jade carved with ancient runes, seemed sharp enough to cut through the tension in the air. It emanated a quiet yet potent energy, just like Zhao-Feng himself, promising a battle that would be remembered for ages.

A hush fell over the boisterous crowd, as the host, a portly man with a booming voice, raised his hand. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Warriors and Maidens, hold your breaths as we introduce our first quarter-finalist!"

"The Jade Dragon of the East, the master of the spear, the L-tier champion renowned across the continents! Holding the rank 64 in the world, it's the formidable... Zhao-Feng!" His words echoed through the arena, and a thunderous applause followed. The crowd roared in approval, the anticipation tangible in the air.

Without wasting a moment, the host continued, riding on the wave of the crowd's energy. "And his opponent! An underdog who leapt from F tier to S tier in less than a year! The arena champion of Roma, the man who now holds SSS-tier status! Accompanied by the fame of the white phoenix and his remarkable team of companions! I give you... Chang!"

The crowd exploded in cheers and applause again, this time even louder, as supporters from both sides let out their battle cries. The name 'Chang' echoed across the arena, amplifying the tension and excitement of the upcoming match.

Zhao-Feng wasted no time in launching himself into action. A blur of motion, his jade tipped spear lanced towards me with a speed that would have been a deadly surprise to any lower-tiered opponent. The crowd gasped collectively, their eyes riveted on the fast-moving figures in the sandpit, their cheers morphing into a muted anticipation.

Zhao-Feng's spear was a deadly whirlwind of jade, each of his movements flowing seamlessly into the next in an unending sequence of attacks. His superior reach, combined with the speed and precision of his thrusts, put me on the defensive from the onset.

Each time I parried an attack, another would follow, faster and stronger. I was forced to fall back, step after step, my boots kicking up clouds of sand as I moved. I could hear the crowd roaring in anticipation, their cheers growing louder with each of Zhao-Feng's attacks. Despite my SSS-tier strength, I was struggling to keep up with his relentless assault.

A particularly fierce jab of his spear sent me skidding back, narrowly avoiding a potentially lethal strike. My chest heaved as I regained my footing, sweat trickling down my temple. The echo of the crowd's cheer sounded distant in my ears as I realized I was slowly losing ground. The fierce glint in Zhao-Feng's amber eyes told me he was far from finished.

As Zhao-Feng continued to press his attack, he spoke, his voice loud and clear over the thunderous applause from the crowd. "Is this all you have, Chang?" he taunted, a smirk playing on his lips as he twirled his jade-tipped spear expertly.

"No, it isn't," I replied, gritting my teeth as I barely managed to parry a ferocious stab. "Just warming up, Zhao-Feng."

My comment drew laughter from the crowd. They loved the bravado, the banter. But I was barely keeping my defenses up. He was a force to be reckoned with. "You're going to have to do better than that, Chang!" he said, landing a solid hit that sent me sprawling into the sand.

As I rose to my feet, I felt a spark of anger flare within me. "Don't underestimate me, Zhao-Feng!" I shouted back, my grip tightening on my sword. The crowd erupted into cheers again, the atmosphere thick with anticipation for the ensuing battle. But in my heart, I knew that I was gradually being outmatched by his relentless onslaught.

In the space of that brief respite, I backed away, buying myself a moment's time to think. There was an odd calm in Zhao-Feng's demeanor. A predator waiting for the prey to make its move, a subtle tension thrummed in the air between us.

His amber eyes watched me, calculating, like he was reading my thoughts. I knew he was a formidable opponent, even more so than I had anticipated. I had underestimated him, and it was costing me.

As I stood there, my thoughts raced. I had a choice to make. I could continue at SSS tier and risk losing, or I could push my limiter to L tier. But that would mean revealing my true strength to the world, something I had been careful to hide.

I could feel the weight of the limiter, like a physical chain binding my powers. If I break it, I would be fully exposed. My identity, my abilities, everything. I felt a pang of anxiety. Was I ready for this? Could I handle the consequences?

The crowd around me was a distant hum as I lost myself in thought. My mind was a whirl of possibilities and consequences, a knot that I needed to unravel quickly. Time was running out, and Zhao-Feng was waiting.

My hand tightened on the hilt of my sword. Every path had its risks. Every decision, its repercussions. I took a deep breath, my resolve hardening. If I wanted to win, if I wanted to keep moving forward, I would have to take the risk.

I looked up at Zhao-Feng, a newfound determination in my eyes. I would break my limiter. I would reveal my true identity. Because I wasn't just fighting for myself now. I was fighting for my team, for Sera, Kuroko, Aurelia and Lila. I couldn't let them down.

I could feel the power surge within me, as if it was waiting to be unleashed. I braced myself for what was to come. "Get ready, Zhao-Feng," I muttered under my breath. "You haven't seen anything yet."

As I released my hold on the limiter, the transformation was immediate. My body hummed with power, a wild, untamed force that flooded my veins like liquid fire. My normally brown eyes began to emanate a brilliant golden light, radiating an intense energy that seemed to pulsate with each beat of my heart.

The reaction in the arena was instantaneous. An eerie hush descended over the crowd as thousands of pairs of eyes stared at me in stunned silence. The roar of the spectators seemed to recede into a faint whisper, as if time itself was holding its breath in anticipation.

The host, taken aback by the sudden shift in energy, stuttered momentarily before managing to find his voice. His words echoed in the sudden silence, loud and clear.

"Un-unbelievable," he gasped out, his voice shaking with a mixture of awe and surprise. "Ladies and gentlemen, it seems we are witnessing a historical moment right here in the grand arena of Roma. After disappearing from the face of the world for almost seven decades... He...He has finally returned!"

His voice rose in volume, riding on the wave of anticipation that gripped the crowd. "Presenting the legendary L tier adventurer, the strongest human in existence, ranking third in the world... Wang-Yi-Fei!"

Q: How would you make an entrance?