[115] My true identity

The crowd erupted in a deafening cheer, the sound wave nearly tangible as it washed over the arena. The sudden reveal of my identity had turned the atmosphere electric. People were on their feet, their faces a mix of shock, awe and excitement as they absorbed the monumental truth.

The girls, still standing in the audience, were momentarily struck dumb by my transformation, staring at me with wide, disbelieving eyes. They quickly recovered, their shock turning into an intense curiosity and a mixture of feelings, each of them processing the revelation in their own way.

Sera, with her tsundere personality, was the first to break the silence, her voice a mix of annoyance and awe. "That dummy... Why didn't he tell us sooner? Still... That's pretty amazing," she murmured, her face reflecting the battle between irritation and admiration.

Kuroko, ever feisty and daring, grinned broadly, the spirit of competition lighting her eyes. "Woah, so boss was hiding such a big secret, huh? Well, now things are really heating up!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands together eagerly.

Aurelia, her fiery, prideful and arrogant personality shining through, tossed her free-flowing blue hair back, an intrigued smile playing on her lips. "Hmph, I knew there was something different about him. Well, he's finally shown his true colors. This should be an interesting match," she declared confidently.

Lastly, Lila, the kind and introverted one, clasped her hands together, a look of amazement and concern in her eyes. "Master... So that's his real strength. But, why did he hide it from us? I hope he's okay," she whispered, the worry evident in her soft voice.

Zhao-Feng's demeanor changed significantly in the wake of my revelation. The air around him shifted, losing its earlier intensity and gaining a solemn, respectful quality. He straightened his posture, his amber eyes taking on a new, earnest light.

"It is an honor to cross spears with you, Master Wang-Yi-Fei," he said, his voice echoing across the stunned arena. Each syllable was pronounced carefully, the tones layered with reverence and awe. "To have the chance to test my mettle against the sword master... It is a privilege I never dreamed of."

There was a humble tilt of his head, the typical arrogance of an L-tier adventurer replaced with an admiration for the legendary swordsman standing before him. The crowd watched, spellbound, as the mighty Zhao-Feng acknowledged my true rank, setting the stage for a duel that promised to be one for the ages.

"The honor is mine, jade dragon warrior," I returned, my words firm and brimming with respect. As my voice resonated across the silent arena, I subtly shifted my stance, poised and ready.

"Enlighten me, sword master," Zhao-Feng urged, the anticipation clear in his eyes. His previous confidence was replaced with a solemn determination, a raw eagerness to learn from this unexpected duel.

"I will," I vowed, voice unwavering. In response to my command, sixteen ethereal swords shimmered into existence, hovering in the air beside me. The golden light they emitted was piercing, as if each blade was forged from concentrated sunlight. The sheer energy radiating from the swords painted a stark contrast against the sand-covered arena, casting long shadows on the ground.

The crowd gasped collectively as the swords appeared, their whispers a gentle murmur against the awe-inspiring sight. They were a mesmerizing spectacle, imbued with a power that held the audience captive. I could sense the anticipation hanging heavy in the air, a silent testament to the gravity of the showdown that was about to unfold.

Q: Which anime have you seen overpowered MC reveal their true identity?