[122] Man vs beast

With a sudden burst of speed, Kadar and I charged toward each other, the sand underneath our feet churning up in our wake. The roar of the crowd was deafening, like a tumultuous sea, but it all faded into a distant echo as I focused my entire being on the formidable beastkin before me.

His giant form loomed over me, and I could see the muscles under his golden fur ripple with power as he darted forward. His claws, now encased in cold, gleaming steel, flashed under the sun as they lashed out, intending to strike me down.

I met his strike head-on, my sword colliding with his steel claws with a resounding clash. Sparks flew from the point of impact, illuminating our faces in a spectacle of light and power. The force of our clash sent a shockwave rippling through the arena, stirring up a cloud of dust around us.

The ground beneath my feet trembled with the impact, but I held my ground, gritting my teeth against the onslaught. Despite the beastkin's size and power, I refused to be pushed back. I could feel the power humming in my hands as I held my sword against his clawed gauntlets, the vibrations ringing up my arms.

As our battle continued, Kadar and I danced a brutal ballet of strength and precision in the sand, a dizzying blur of steel and power. The crowd was hushed now, their collective breath held as they watched us circle and spar, lunge and retreat.

Kadar was fast and ferocious, a testament to his natural strength as a beastkin. His every swipe was like a small tornado, stirring up the sand and threatening to knock me off balance. But I was faster, my movements fluid and precise.

With every strike, I made sure to counter, my sword meeting his steel claws with a resounding clash that echoed through the arena. I could see the surprise flicker in his eyes every time I successfully parried one of his powerful blows, each block shifting the momentum of the fight in my favor.

But I didn't just defend; I also attacked. With lightning-quick lunges and swift strikes, I pressed my advantage. A swipe to his flank, a thrust at his chest, each move forcing Kadar to take a step back, each step taking him closer to the edge of the arena.

Despite his larger build, I was leading the dance. My footwork was agile, darting in and out of his reach, my attacks sharp and decisive. I could see the strain starting to show in Kadar's eyes, sweat starting to mat his golden fur. But he wasn't backing down, and neither was I.

The match was far from over, but as we continued to spar, I felt a strange sense of satisfaction. It was clear that I had the upper hand, but it was also clear that this was a fight worth fighting. This was a fight between equals, a test of strength and skill, and I was determined to win.

In the thick of our fight, our words were exchanged just as rapidly and powerfully as our blows.

"Is this all the mighty Kazadu prince has to offer?" I challenged, parrying a forceful blow with a sideward flick of my blade.

Kadar grunted as he attempted to regain his balance, his bright golden eyes flashing. "You've not seen the last of my strength, Wang-Yi-Fei."

Undeterred, I spun to evade his counterstrike, my voice ringing out clear above the sounds of our clashing weapons. "I hope not, because I'm just getting started."

Kadar roared in response, a guttural sound that reverberated throughout the stadium, drawing gasps from the crowd. But I stood firm, my confidence unwavering. "Roar all you want, Kadar. It won't save you from defeat."

Laughing, he lunged at me once more, his movements becoming more desperate. "We shall see, sword master. We shall see."

Our dialogue was a testament to our ongoing battle – two warriors, neither willing to back down, both hellbent on victory. The tension hung thick in the air, the weight of our words matching the intensity of our battle. The fight was fierce, but in this moment, I had the upper hand – both in battle and in banter.

But this was just the beginning. Our eyes met across the small space between us, both of us prepared for the fierce battle that was only just starting.

Kadar breaks from the engage and jumps back. "You sure live up to your stories, sword master." he said. "But I am not done yet, hear me roar!"

Kadar's transformation was a sight to behold. As he roared, a golden aura seemed to erupt from within him, spreading over his massive form like a second skin. His fur, already a rich golden hue, took on a radiant glow, shimmering as if lit by the sun itself. His size increased, adding another foot to his towering stature, making him an even more imposing figure.

His muscular frame became even more defined, each muscle rippling beneath the golden coat with raw, untamed power. His mane, previously a thick bush of dark brown, was now ablaze with a golden light that seemed almost ethereal. It fanned out around his head, radiant and wild, as though it were a crown forged of pure sunlight.

But it was his eyes that underwent the most dramatic transformation. Previously a bright amber, they were now a blazing gold, the same color as his luminous aura. They shone with an inner light, seeming to reflect his unyielding determination and formidable power.

He stood there, every bit the majestic beast, embodying the very essence of his lineage. The transformation complete, Kadar lowered himself into a battle-ready stance, his newly glowing claws flexing as he prepared for another round of combat. His deep voice rang out through the stadium, sending chills down the spines of all who heard it.

"Behold, the Primal Lion of Kazadu!" He roared, his voice reverberating throughout the arena. His golden aura flickered and flared around him, a testament to the raw, primal power he now wielded.

Kadar's golden eyes locked onto mine, his gaze full of fierce determination. "I only ask you to fight me with the same seriousness you showed Zhao-Feng, Sword Master," he implored, his deep voice resonating across the silent arena.

The crowd held their breath as they waited for my response. I studied Kadar, feeling the primal force emanating from him. After a moment of contemplation, I straightened my posture and tightened my grip on my sword. I took a deep breath, and as I exhaled, I closed my eyes, focusing my energy and collecting my thoughts.

When I reopened my eyes, they were filled with an intense and unwavering determination. The playful glint was gone, replaced by a deadly seriousness that matched the intensity in Kadar's gaze. A faint golden light danced in my eyes, reflecting the golden hue of Kadar's own. A murmur swept through the crowd as they felt the shift in my demeanor.

"If that is your wish, then it is granted," I declared, my voice echoing throughout the stadium. The words hung in the air, a pledge to engage Kadar with the utmost earnestness, matching the intensity of his Primal form. The crowd erupted in cheers, and I felt a rush of adrenaline surge through me. This was the moment they had all been waiting for. The true clash of titans was about to begin.

Q: What's your favorite animal?