[123] Hear me roar

A thunderous roar left Kadar's lips as he flexed his enormous muscles, crouching low and then springing off the ground. "Primal Meteor Strike!" he bellowed, his voice echoing throughout the arena as if the very heavens were acknowledging his might.

The crowd watched in stunned awe as Kadar, bathed in the golden light of his primal form, launched himself high into the sky, his powerful lion form momentarily blotting out the sun. For a moment, it felt as if time itself had paused, as all eyes were riveted on the airborne beast-kin.

As he reached the apex of his leap, Kadar coiled in mid-air, like a predator readying to pounce on its prey. And then, with the speed and ferocity of a meteor, he began his descent, his massive clawed hand extended in front of him.

His golden mane streamed behind him, his primal energy forming a dazzling trail of light in his wake. The pressure in the air around him built up as he hurtled downward, causing a shuddering shockwave that rippled across the arena floor. His claws gleamed ominously as they prepared to unleash their devastating power, threatening to strike with the force of an otherworldly meteor.

Summoning every ounce of my concentration, I called out, "Qi Xing Zhan!" As my voice echoed through the stadium, I brought my arms in a swift arc, forming an intricate pattern in the air.

In response to my command, seven radiant ethereal swords materialized, pulsing with golden light and raw energy. They hung ominously in the air around Kadar, their points directed at him as he continued his cataclysmic descent.

The audience could barely blink as the dramatic tableau unfolded. My energy swords seemed to be in a suspended state for a moment, basking in an otherworldly glow, before they sprang into action. The energy connecting them pulsed, and a dazzling burst of light filled the air, blinding the crowd temporarily.

In the next instant, a sight beyond belief occurred. Each ethereal sword lunged forward, striking at Kadar with blinding speed. Each strike was precise, coordinated, a spectacle of sheer power and mastery over swordsmanship. It was as if time had condensed, the world focusing on this one moment. Seven swords, seven strikes, all within an impossibly short span of 0.1 seconds.

A maelstrom of energy erupted around Kadar as each sword found its mark. The once intimidating figure of the lion beast-kin was lost in the explosion of brilliant light. The arena fell silent, the crowd unable to comprehend the level of skill and power on display. The spectacle was over as quickly as it began, but its impact was unquestionable. It was a testament to the prowess of the legendary Sword Master.

A deep silence hung over the arena, everyone's breath held as they processed the swift finale of the highly-anticipated battle. Kadar, the primal Lion Prince, had fallen to the ground, unconscious after the lightning-fast strikes of the legendary Sword Master.

The crowd waited with bated breath, their eyes flitting between the unmoving form of Kadar and the majestic figure of Wang-Yi-Fei, standing tall and seemingly undisturbed by the fierce fight. The moment of silence was only broken by the host, his voice echoing powerfully through the arena.

"Ladies and Gentlemen..." The host began, swallowing hard as he looked down at the silent battlefield, "After a stunning display of unmatched power and skill, we have our winner..."

He paused for a moment, his eyes flicking to me, "Wang-Yi-Fei, the Sword Master, the living legend himself, has claimed victory!"

The audience erupted into an uproar of applause and cheers, a resounding wave of awe and respect for the legendary figure standing in the center of the arena. Their voices were deafening, echoing throughout the entire stadium, resounding in a powerful, unified tribute to their victorious hero.


That night we settled in the lavish expanse of the presidential suite, the air was filled with a palpable mix of tension and excitement, heightened by the after-effects of today's incredible victory.

Sera, with her golden hair cascading down her shoulders, crossed her arms with a huff, trying her best to conceal her admiration behind a veneer of cool indifference. "Well... it's not like it's a big deal or anything," she said, pretending to be nonchalant. "You're already a legend, after all."

A smirk played on Kuroko's lips, her hazel eyes sparkling with excitement. "Oh, come on, Sera!" she exclaimed, raising an eyebrow teasingly. "Admit it, you're impressed! Our old man here just knocked down a lion king."

"Sera is just too shy to admit it," Aurelia chimed in, her silver hair shimmering under the opulent suite lights. Her eyes gleamed with a mix of respect and competitive fire. "And why shouldn't she be? We are in the presence of the world's third strongest adventurer."

There was a moment of silence before the soft-spoken Lila added her thoughts. Her blue eyes glowed with pure admiration and respect. "I... I think it's amazing, Yi-Fei," she said quietly, casting a shy glance in my direction. "You... you're really incredible."

Their varied reactions painted a lively picture of our unique dynamics, a team forged in the fires of countless battles, bound by shared victories and struggles. The night was still young, and as we settled in to celebrate, I couldn't help but feel grateful for their camaraderie. After all, it was moments like these that made all the fighting worthwhile.

Q: How would you react to admiration?