[145] Center of envy

As the orchestra played a slow, melodic tune and we began to dance, the room erupted in cheers and applause, although some of the spectators held an undeniable hint of jealousy in their eyes. A murmur ran through the crowd, the words whispered in various tones of wonder, awe, envy, and even resentment.

"Look at them!" a young dwarven noblewoman said, clenching her fist. "Wang-Yi-Fei has all the luck!"

"Well, he is the most powerful human," a fox beastkin murmured, her tails swishing back and forth as she watched us with a hint of longing in her eyes.

"Still, I would have loved to dance with him..." sighed a mermaid princess, a wistful look on her face as she stared at us from her floating bubble.

Meanwhile, my companions watched with a mix of emotions. Sera turned away with a huff, crossing her arms over her chest, a blush rising to her cheeks. Kuroko clenched her fists, her lips pressed into a thin line. Aurelia turned her gaze away, her jaw set in a firm line as she stared at the dancing crowd. Lila, on the other hand, was watching us with a soft smile, although her eyes held a glint of sadness.

A wave of palpable jealousy swept over the crowd of male spectators, their faces etched with an array of disgruntled expressions. The refined nobles of various races whispered to each other, their tones laced with envy.

"Damn it, the human gets all the attention," a tall ogre noble grumbled, clenching his massive fists.

"Why him? Just because he's an L tier adventurer doesn't mean he gets to hog all the ladies!" a young elf prince added, his elegant features twisted in frustration.

"I bet I could out-dance him any day," a beastkin noble, sporting a pair of mighty horns, declared loudly, puffing his chest out in a futile attempt to draw attention.

And so it continued, the air thick with envy, as the noble men of all races begrudgingly admired the grace and skill with which I led the elven queen on the dance floor. Some of the braver souls contemplated challenging me to a dance-off, but the majority were content to brood and watch from a distance. Their grumbles and whispered comments added a peculiar harmony to the enchanting melody that filled the grand ballroom.

As I continued to twirl the elven queen gracefully on the dance floor, I could see my companions watching us from the side, a mix of emotions visible on their faces.

Sera crossed her arms and huffed, her cheeks puffed out slightly. "Hmph. He thinks he's so great, dancing with the queen like that," she muttered under her breath. Her tone was a mix of envy and admiration, a tell-tale sign of her tsundere personality.

Next to her, Kuroko folded her arms over her chest, a playful smirk on her face. "Oh, look at Mr. Fancy Feet, trying to impress us," she commented, her tone filled with feisty amusement. However, her eyes betrayed her, showing a hint of envy as she watched our performance.

Aurelia, always the fiery one, watched me intently. Her arms were crossed, and her eyebrows were furrowed. "He's so full of himself... And yet..." she started, her voice trailing off. It was clear that she was envious, and yet there was a touch of pride in her gaze as she watched me dance.

Lastly, Lila, ever the introverted one, was watching quietly from the sidelines. She was holding her hands together in front of her, her face a mask of mild envy. "Master looks so gallant... I wish I could dance with him like that," she murmured, her voice soft and almost inaudible.

I could feel their gaze on me, their emotions rolling off them in waves. But amidst their jealousy, I could also sense their pride and respect for me. It was a peculiar mix, but it was something that I had come to expect from these extraordinary girls.

As I continued to lead Elandra in the dance, my companions couldn't help but steal glances at the Elven Queen.

"Of course, he picks the Elven Queen," Sera said, her voice laced with annoyance and jealousy, her face a bit flushed. "I bet she's not even that good of a dancer."

Kuroko, however, was looking at Elandra with an envious yet curious gaze. "She's pretty, I'll give her that," she commented, her feisty personality shining through, "And those moves... I guess she really knows how to make an impression."

Aurelia's fiery eyes were focused intently on Elandra. "Why her?" she muttered, her pride clearly pricked. "Just because she's a queen? I bet I could match her grace if given the chance."

Lastly, the usually reserved Lila voiced her feelings, her gaze filled with a mix of admiration and envy. "The Elven Queen looks so elegant... It's no wonder Master chose to dance with her. I wish I could be more like that."

Their mixed feelings of jealousy and admiration for Elandra were palpable, adding another layer of complexity to the atmosphere in the ballroom. Despite their feelings of envy, I could see a newfound determination in their eyes, a resolve to become better. After all, we were a team, and every experience was an opportunity for growth.

As I danced with Elandra, I couldn't help but overhear the murmurs of the other noblewomen. Their voices were filled with envy and curiosity, their eyes were glued to us as we moved gracefully across the dance floor.

A noble women, dressed in a fancy red dress, said sharply, "Typical, always the elf queen. She always manages to garner the attention."

Nearby, a mermaid princess, her ethereal beauty shining as she floated in her water-filled bubble, sighed, "Look at how elegantly they dance. It's so...charming." Yet her voice was tinged with a hint of regret and longing.

A tall and regal orc lady, with striking green skin and muscular form, sneered, "She gets all the men. It's not fair, she's not even that great."

Finally, a dwarf lady, with her beautiful locks of gold, muttered bitterly into her mug of ale, "Why does the elf queen always get the spotlight? We have our own charm too, don't we?"

Even amongst the sea of envy, there were also voices of admiration and awe, painting a myriad of emotions that filled the air of the ballroom. The elf queen, as always, was the center of attention, invoking an array of reactions among the crowd.

As we danced, Elandra leaned in close, her sapphire eyes twinkling with mischief as she spoke in a voice barely louder than a whisper, "Look at them, Wang-Yi-Fei. The entire room is green with envy."

Pausing for a beat, she continued, her voice taking on a teasing tone, "Who would've thought that the strongest human and the Elven queen would create such a spectacle?"

Her laugh, light and musical, echoed softly in my ear. "I must say, I am rather enjoying this. The look on their faces... it's simply priceless. Don't you think?" Her words carried a touch of delight and satisfaction, the thrill of being the center of attention clearly not lost on her.

A sigh escaped Elandra's lips, soft and full of regret. For a moment, her brilliant sapphire eyes looked distant, as if peering into a memory buried deep within her. Her smile faltered, and her grip on my hand tightened.

"Why did you leave me, Wang-Yi-Fei?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper, full of lingering sadness and confusion. "After everything we've been through, after everything we shared..."

Her gaze shifted to the side, an unusual hint of vulnerability flickering within her eyes. "My husband," she began, her voice laced with a disdain she made no effort to conceal, "he is... far from the man you are. He does not challenge me, nor does he strive to better himself. He is content with mediocrity, content with being... a bystander in his own life."

A pause, then, "I find myself longing for our days together. The excitement, the passion, the companionship... Why did you leave, Wang-Yi-Fei?" Her voice was soft, the question more to herself than to me, the words filled with decades of unspoken longing and unanswered questions.

A soft, melancholic smile graced my lips, my gaze meeting hers. "I'm sorry, Elandra," I began, my voice laced with a gentle regret. "I had my reasons... reasons that I couldn't share, not even with you."

I changed the subject gently, veering away from the past that was best left untouched. "Is your husband here tonight?" I asked, trying to steer the conversation onto a less emotional terrain.

"Yes," she affirmed, her voice bearing an undertone of coldness. "He's right there," she said, pointing to a side with a subtle tilt of her head.

Her eyes twinkled with a playful mischief, and she suddenly moved closer to me. The distance between us vanished in an instant. The soft curve of her breasts pressed against my chest, as she boldly invaded my personal space. The gasps and whispers around us amplified, but Elandra only laughed, a melodious sound that danced around the grand hall.

"I think this should give him a jolt, don't you?" she whispered, her voice barely audible above the music, her eyes brimming with a playful defiance.

Feeling the heat rise to my cheeks, I gave Elandra a good-natured smirk. "You're as daring as always, Elandra," I chuckled lightly, secretly appreciating her brazen nature.

The melody came to an end just as our words did. Applause erupted throughout the ballroom, a shower of admiration and envy cascading over us. The atmosphere was electric, and in the heart of it, I stood with the elf queen, our laughter mingling with the clapping of the audience.

"Well, that was a dance to remember," I said, slightly breathless and looking into her eyes. "Thank you, Elandra."

As the applause gradually subsided, I gently released her from our dance, bowing slightly to signify the end of our performance.

Q: Do you know how to dance?