[146] It's complicated...

As the main dance began and people started pairing up, I walked off the dance floor with Elandra, making our way to the side. Not far from us, I saw a figure making his way towards us. The timid, apologetic look on his face was all too familiar. It was Eldon, Elandra's husband.

"H-Hello, Wang-Yi-Fei," Eldon stammered, his eyes quickly flicking towards Elandra before they returned to me, filled with a strange mix of resentment and awe. He was a tall, gangly elf, his features were soft and gentle, contrasting sharply with Elandra's fiery disposition.

"Hello Eldon," I responded, my tone respectful but firm. "I trust you've been well?"

"Yes, I-I'm doing well," he replied, stuttering slightly. His eyes darted towards Elandra again, a flicker of unease visible in his gaze. "I see you've been... catching up with Elandra."

"Indeed, it's been a while since we last danced," I answered calmly. "She's as amazing on the dance floor as ever."

"Yes, she... she is." Eldon murmured, the look on his face was a complex mix of emotions. It was clear that despite his seemingly docile nature, his feelings were complicated.

The girls, having seen my exchange with Eldon and Elandra, immediately surrounded me as I moved away from the couple. The four of them wore expressions of surprise, curiosity, and a hint of jealousy.

"S-seriously?!" Sera stuttered, trying to hide her surprise with a huff. "You dated the Queen of Elves?!"

Aurelia crossed her arms, her face hardened with a fierce scowl. "No wonder you are so comfortable around her," she growled.

Kuroko laughed heartily, "Wow, never knew you were such a player, boss! The Elven Queen, huh? That's quite the catch!"

Lila, who had been quiet, finally spoke up, her voice was soft and barely audible. "Was... was she nice?" she asked, a hint of sadness echoed in her voice.

"She is," I replied, meeting each of their gazes in turn, "We had our good times, but ultimately, it wasn't meant to be. That was many decades ago, and now, we're simply old friends."

A young woman, all golden curls and fierce blue eyes, approached me confidently, her tall and slender body adorned in Valkyrie armor. She extended her hand to me, "Good evening, Sir Yi-Fei. I'm Astrid, the current head of the Valkyries."

I stared at her, blinking in surprise. "You look familiar, Astrid. Are you related to anyone I might know?"

Astrid's expression softened and a hint of sadness shadowed her eyes. "I believe so. My mother, Sigrid, used to know you. She fought alongside you in the old days."

Sigrid. The name hit me like a bolt of lightning. I had indeed known Sigrid. We had been more than just fellow adventurers. We had been lovers.

"I'm sorry to hear about Sigrid. She was a good woman." I said, my voice thick with nostalgia.

Astrid's gaze was piercing. "She spoke fondly of you, Sir Yi-Fei. She always admired your courage and strength. She used to recount your adventures together to me when I was a child."

Sera, Kuroko, Aurelia, and Lila were listening to our conversation attentively. "Wait a minute. What's your relation to Sigrid?" Sera asked Astrid, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Astrid turned to face them, a gentle smile on her lips. "Sigrid was my mother, and from what she used to tell me, Sir Yi-Fei was her boyfriend once upon a time."

A murmur of surprise rose among my companions. Sera was the first to break the silence. "Really? You had another affair with another woman? And she was a Valkyrie?"

Kuroko gave me a teasing grin, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Wow, Yi-Fei, you sure have a thing for powerful women, don't you? First an Elven queen and now a Valkyrie leader."

Lila looked at me with an unreadable expression, her soft voice barely a whisper. "You certainly have a rich past, Yi-Fei."

Aurelia was the last to speak, her fiery eyes flashing with curiosity. "Is there anyone else in this room you've had an affair with, Yi-Fei? Or should we just assume everyone is a potential ex-lover?" she teased, earning a chuckle from the others.

With a hearty laugh, Astrid casually responded, "Well, it's not uncommon for us Valkyries. We're immortal, save for falling in battle. Many lovers come and go in our lives. It's just how it is."

Her expression softened as she continued, "But with my mother, Sigrid, it was different. From what she told me, when Yi-Fei was around, he was the only one in her heart, despite him being... well, a bit of a ladies man."

A soft laugh escaped her lips as she glanced over at me, her eyes twinkling with a mix of respect and fondness. "My mother was a strong, brave Valkyrie, but when it came to Yi-Fei, she was uncharacteristically tender. It was clear to anyone who saw them together that she held a special place for him in her heart."

The girls glanced at each other, surprise flashing across their faces. Sera was the first to respond, her eyes slightly widened in disbelief, "Wow, you were quite the charmer, weren't you Yi-Fei? To even charm a Valkyrie... I didn't know you had it in you!"

Aurelia, arms crossed, snorted, "And here I thought you were just a sword-swinging meathead. Seems like you've been breaking hearts left and right without us knowing."

Kuroko, eyes sparkling with mischief, grinned, "Didn't expect you to be such a player, Boss. You've got some explaining to do."

Lila, who had been quiet throughout, blushed slightly and looked down, "It's clear that you've lived...a very colorful life, Yi-Fei. But I guess...that's part of what makes you, well, you."

Oh boy...

Q: Do you gossip often?