[151] Un-United kingdoms

The Elven Queen Elandra welcomed the other leaders with her usual grace and elegance. The various heads of states made their entrances in a display of their races' distinctive aesthetics and cultural traits.

From the Human Kingdom came King Alaric. A man in his early fifties with sharp, keen blue eyes that held a wealth of wisdom. He had a short graying beard, a stark contrast to his black, neatly trimmed hair. He wore a deep blue tunic adorned with gold trimmings, signifying his status. His sturdy frame and stern features echoed the determination and resilience of his people.

Representing the Beastkin was Chief Tall-Tail, a tiger-like humanoid with large amber eyes that glowed with a predatory intelligence. His muscular frame was draped in a leather vest and pants made from the hides of formidable beasts he had slain, showing off his strength and the warrior culture of his race.

Representing the Dragonborne, Lord Rojenos stood tall. His humanoid form was a striking sight with its ash-grey skin and piercing crimson eyes. His long hair, white as fresh snow, was pulled back from his face in a high ponytail. Unlike his dragon form, Rojenos bore no scales here, only the sign of his dragonborne heritage in the form of sharp, elongated canines that peeked out when he spoke. He was dressed in a fine tunic of rich maroon and gold, adorned with intricate draconic motifs. His lean muscular build bore the telltale strength of his kind, and an air of cold arrogance clung to him. This was the man who had brought so much suffering to Aurelia, her parents' murderer. Despite his dark deeds, he maintained a facade of respectability and importance.

The Dwarven King, Thorgal Ironhammer, was a stout, muscular figure. His fiery red beard was intricately braided with gold and jewels, as was his long hair, highlighting his status. The heavy armor he wore was of the finest dwarven make, engraved with ancient runes that glowed faintly.

Representing the Orcs was War-chief Gromash, an imposing figure standing almost seven feet tall. His green skin was covered in battle scars, and his eyes burned with a fierce warrior spirit. He wore minimal armor, displaying his bulging muscles, and carried a large, double-headed axe on his back.

Finally, for the Merfolk, Princess Aquaria made her appearance in a large bubble of water. Her beautiful tail shimmered in the light, displaying all shades of the blue-green spectrum. Her long, flowing hair was as dark as the ocean depths, and her eyes were a vibrant, captivating turquoise. A crown of seashells and pearls adorned her head, matching the jewelry that decorated her bare torso.

Now, with all the leaders present, the chamber was filled with a palpable sense of tension. Every individual here carried the weight of their race's expectations, and their decisions could drastically alter the course of Pangu's future.

Elandra stood, her serene poise commanding the room's attention. "The rules for voting are simple yet decisive," she began, her voice crystal clear and unwavering. "Every race here has one vote. You may cast your vote in favor, against, or abstain altogether. To ensure unity and fairness, a notion can only pass if it receives unanimous approval from all the voting races."

Her sapphire eyes swept the room, ensuring each leader understood. "If even a single race votes against the notion, it fails to pass, regardless of how many have voted in favor. An abstention does not count as a negative vote, it is merely a withdrawal from the decision-making process. Therefore, if a race chooses to abstain, the notion can still pass provided all remaining votes are in favor. Are we all clear on the rules?"

She ended her explanation, looking to each representative in turn, awaiting any questions or disagreements.

Elandra started the voting process, "Let us commence the voting. Please, one by one, voice your decision, starting with King Alaric of the human kingdom."

King Alaric didn't hesitate, his voice firm as he voiced his decision, "The Human Kingdom votes yes. We stand united against the demon king."

Next was Chief Tall-Tail, he gave a low growl before saying, "The Beastkin also vote yes. We are ready to fight."

The attention shifted to Rojenos, who calmly met everyone's gaze, an uncanny smirk on his face. "The Dragonborne vote no."

There was a momentary silence in the room, shock registering on most faces. Despite this setback, the meeting proceeded to the next leader, Thorgal Ironhammer. He gave Rojenos a hard look before thundering, "The Dwarves vote yes. We'll not let fear dictate our fate."

War-chief Gromash, followed, pounding his chest with his fist, he declared, "Orcs vote yes. We are not afraid of battle."

Finally, all eyes turned to the Mermaid Princess, Aquaria, who looked around the room with determination in her vibrant turquoise eyes. "The Merfolk vote yes. We stand with our allies."

Elandra noted down the votes, her sapphire eyes hardening with resolve. The 'no' vote from the Dragonborne was a severe blow to the united front. Their resistance could pose a serious problem in the days to come. The room was heavy with tension as the voting process concluded.

Q: What do you think of UN?