[152] Unexpected turn

Elandra turned to Rojenos, her sapphire eyes cool and measured. "Lord Rojenos," she began, her tone calm but carrying a trace of steel. "You have voted 'no' to our proposed alliance. May we ask for your reasoning?"

Rojenos' ruby-red eyes held a cynical glint as he met her gaze. He rose from his seat, commanding the attention of the room. His voice was a cold whisper that resonated in the silent chamber, "I will not lead my people into a futile war. I refuse to rally our forces, our young and brave, just to have them slaughtered."

He paused, sweeping a look over the silent faces around the table, "We may be mighty, but we cannot delude ourselves. The demon king... His strength, his armies... they are unmatched. Even combined, we do not stand a chance. I will not endorse a suicide mission."

Rojenos' gaze then flicked back to Elandra, the cynical glint in his eyes intensifying. "I will not spill Dragonborne blood in vain. It is wiser to bend the knee and negotiate a future under the demon king's rule. At least then, our people will live."

The room was deathly silent as his words hung in the air, leaving a chilling tension behind. The implication of surrendering to the demon king, of becoming his subjects, was not a prospect any of the other leaders seemed ready to entertain.

I leaned forward in my chair, fixing Rojenos with a hardened gaze. "Negotiate a future under the demon king's rule? That's a rather self-serving suggestion, isn't it Rojenos?" I said, my voice reverberating in the chamber.

His eyes flashed with indignation, but I continued. "Perhaps your readiness to submit isn't about saving lives but rather preserving your own position. After all, you have a history of throwing others under the cart to save your own skin, don't you?"

Rojenos sneered, "Empty accusations. Where is your proof, Wang-Yi-Fei?"

As if on cue, Aurelia stepped forward from behind me, her gaze fixed on Rojenos. Her expression was steady, her voice clear, "I am your proof, Rojenos."

All eyes in the room widened in shock and anticipation as the tension in the room thickened.

Aurelia's voice was steady as she spoke. "Rojenos, you falsely accused my parents of being in league with the demon king. But the truth is, it was you who was the traitor."

Gasps echoed around the chamber, yet Aurelia continued, not missing a beat. "You killed my parents because they discovered your secret alliance with the demon king. They planned to reveal your treachery to the emperor, my grandfather. To silence them, you made them out to be the traitors."

Rojenos scoffed dismissively, yet his eyes flickered nervously. "Preposterous! I had nothing to gain from such a thing."

Aurelia countered, her gaze hard and her voice unwavering. "Yes, you did, Rojenos. You sought power, and allying with the demon king was a quick path to it. You would sacrifice anything, anyone, for your own ambition, even your own kin."

The chamber was engulfed in a tense silence as Aurelia's accusations echoed, the weight of her words sinking into every heart and mind present. The air became thick with anticipation for Rojenos's rebuttal.

As the words left my lips, Rojenos' face paled. "Yuki, the kitsune, has the ability to delve into the minds of those weaker than her. We can verify Aurelia's words," I stated, staring unflinchingly at the dragonborne ambassador.

Rojenos' eyes widened in panic. Without thinking, he lunged towards Aurelia, his face contorted with fear and rage. But I was quicker. In a blur of motion, I unsheathed my sword and stepped between Rojenos and Aurelia, the blade's edge pressing against Rojenos's throat.

"Back down, Rojenos," I said, my voice a low, dangerous growl. The threat was clear in my words and in the glint of my sword, the tension in the room rising to an unbearable pitch. The scent of fear and the undercurrent of defiance radiated from Rojenos, but he remained frozen under the threat of my blade.

"Guards," Elandra called, her voice echoing through the hushed room. "Take Rojenos into custody. He is to be placed in a basement cell for now until we can decide on a fitting punishment for his treachery."

A pair of guards, their expressions stern, immediately moved to execute her command. They seized Rojenos, restraining him despite his struggles, and hauled him out of the chamber. The tension seemed to ease slightly with his departure, but the air remained charged with unease and uncertainty.

"Now," Elandra continued, turning to face Aurelia. "Aurelia, as the highest rank dragonborne in the room, its only right for you to take up the position of the Dragonborne representative."

Aurelia nodded solemnly, stepping forward to take Rojenos' vacant seat. Her expression was resolute, but I could see the mixture of relief and sadness in her eyes. She had finally found justice for her parents, yet the cost had been high. The other leaders watched her, their eyes revealing varying degrees of surprise, respect, and concern. But they said nothing, allowing the proceedings to continue.

Q: What do you think of politics?