[153] Notions passed

Elandra cleared her throat, regaining everyone's attention once more. "Now that our ranks have been adjusted, let us proceed with the vote once again. The question at hand is whether or not we form a united front against the Demon King and his army. Please, state your votes aloud for all to hear."

"King Alaric?" Elandra directed the question to the human leader.

"Yes," King Alaric confirmed, his blue eyes reflecting his determination.

"Chief Tall-Tail?"

"Yes," the Beastkin leader answered, his voice a deep rumble.

"Representative Aurelia?" Elandra turned to the newly appointed representative of the Dragonborne. Aurelia met her gaze and nodded.


"King Thorgal?"

"Yes," the Dwarven King said, his voice echoing off the marble walls.

"War-chief Gromash?"

"YES," the Orc leader bellowed, his vote reverberating through the chamber.

"And lastly, Princess Aquaria?"

"Yes," came the Mermaid Princess's soft voice, harmonizing with the resonating sounds of the other votes.

A palpable wave of relief swept through the room. "The vote has passed unanimously," Elandra declared, her voice ringing out clear and strong. "We will form a united front against the Demon King and his forces."

Elandra cleared her throat once again. "The second notion is choosing a leader to lead our united front. I'll start. As queen of the elves, my people have always been seen as peacekeepers and negotiators. We have vast knowledge of magic and tactics that could be instrumental in our fight against the Demon King. I am prepared to lead our united front to victory."

King Alaric rose from his chair, his deep-set eyes glimmering with resolve. "The human kingdom is central to all of our nations. Our lands are vast and our numbers are plenty. I have led my people through trials and wars. I offer my experience, my resources, and my leadership."

Next, Chief Tall-Tail stood. His amber eyes were steely as he addressed the leaders. "The Beastkin are known for our physical strength and combat prowess. I have led my warriors into many battles and our war cries have echoed across the lands. If chosen, I will use my experience to lead us in this fight."

Aurelia, newly appointed representative of the Dragonborne, stood to speak. "My people are known for our strength, both physical and magical. We have faced the Demon King's forces before and survived. I am young, but I am willing to lead, to use my strength and the knowledge handed down to me by my ancestors to guide us to victory."

King Thorgal then rumbled, "The Dwarves are well known for our resiliency. We are warriors, craftsmen, and masters of the earth. Our fortresses are impenetrable, our steel is unyielding. I am a battle-tested leader and will lead our combined forces to triumph over the Demon King."

War-chief Gromash roared, "The Orcs are feared and respected as warriors. We are fearless in the face of danger. I, as War-chief, have led my people to countless victories in the field of battle. If you choose me, we will not just fight, we will conquer."

Lastly, Princess Aquaria spoke with her ethereal voice, "The Merfolk are known for our wisdom and ability to adapt. Our oceans are vast and deep, filled with secrets and mysteries. I can provide a fresh perspective and strategic prowess in our fight against the Demon King."

King Alaric huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "If I remember correctly, it was the humans who pushed back the beastkin tribes during the Borderlands Skirmish."

Chief Tall-Tail snarled, baring his sharp fangs. "A petty skirmish! In the Battle of the Blood Moon, it was my warriors who crushed the human army."

As the arguing heated up, King Thorgal joined the fray. "Well, if we're bringing up the past, it was the dwarves who defeated the beastkin in the Battle of the Cavern Depths!"

"I do believe the orcs had the dwarves retreating in the Battle of Thunder Plains," War-chief Gromash interjected, a smirk on his face.

"Each of your races have had your losses too!" Aurelia cut in, her gaze sharp. "In the War of the Waning Moon, the dragonborne routed both orcs and humans. We all have our victories and defeats."

"The merfolk have never suffered defeat," Princess Aquaria added, her voice echoing in the silent chamber.

"Yes, because you hide in the ocean depths!" King Alaric shot back. "This is pointless! We all have our victories and defeats. We need to focus on the task at hand."

The arguing continued, with each leader trying to one-up the other, bringing up past victories and defeats. The room filled with tension as tempers flared.

With a thunderous slam of her hand on the table, Elandra silenced the bickering heads of state. "Enough!" Her sharp voice echoed in the ornate chamber, a stark contrast to the previous clamor. All eyes turned to her as she slowly stood up from her chair, her countenance grave yet composed.

"I knew this was going to happen," she said, her voice firm. "Every one of us here has our own pride and past victories to boast. However, this is not the time for meaningless squabbles over past glories. We need a leader who can unite us all, someone who has proven himself not just to one race, but to all."

She paused, her gaze sweeping over the room, before settling on one person. "And I believe that person is Wang-Yi-Fei."

As she uttered these words, every eye in the room followed her gaze, landing on me. Silence filled the room as everyone processed Elandra's words. I could feel the heavy weight of their stares, their eyes filled with surprise, contemplation, and expectation.

I met their stares head-on, my determination burning bright in my eyes. "I do what I must," I said, my voice echoing throughout the silent room. It was a simple statement, but it carried the weight of all the trials I had faced and the burdens I had borne.

The voting process began again, this time with a new proposal: me as the commander of the united forces. Elandra was the first to cast her vote, her voice ringing out clearly. "Elven Kingdom: Yes."

Next came Alaric, his blue eyes fixed on me as he cast his vote, "Human Kingdom: Yes."

Chief Tall-Tail followed, his amber eyes glowing with a predatory intelligence, "Beastkin Tribe: Yes."

Aurelia, now representing the Dragonborne, spoke up, "Dragonborne: Yes."

The Dwarven King, Thorgal Ironhammer, slammed his armored fist onto the table, his voice reverberating through the chamber, "Dwarven Kingdom: Yes."

War-chief Gromash gave a nod, his voice gruff, "Orc Tribes: Yes."

Finally, Princess Aquaria's enchanting voice echoed from her water bubble, "Merfolk: Yes."

Each of their voices echoed in the grand chamber, a chorus of agreement that drowned out any remaining doubt. The result was unanimous. I, Wang-Yi-Fei, was chosen as the commander of the united forces.

Q: Do you play WoW?