[154] First order of business

Elandra rose from her seat and turned her emerald eyes towards me. "The notion has passed unanimously," she declared, her voice ringing through the room. "Wang-Yi-Fei, as the united commander of our allied forces, what is your first order?"

I stood from my chair, my gaze meeting each leader's as I outlined my plan. "First, we'll need to fortify our defenses across Pangu, and set up watchtowers for any sign of the demon king's forces. Second, we need to establish a means of fast communication between all our kingdoms. We need to be able to relay information at a moment's notice. Lastly, I will need each of your help in rallying your armies and preparing them for the battle to come. We stand together or we fall separately."

The room fell into a heavy silence, the weight of my words sinking in. This was the reality of our situation. It was time to prepare for war.

"Each of us has a unique strength that can contribute to this fight," I began, turning to address each leader individually.

"King Alaric, you command the vast legions of the Human Kingdom, renowned for their discipline and versatility on the battlefield. I task you with forming the core of our united army. Train your soldiers to fight alongside other races, building a harmonious force that can adapt to any situation."

"Chief Tall-Tail, the Beastkin are unmatched in tracking and survival skills. Your people will be our scouts and rangers, relaying vital information on enemy movement and ensuring our forces are never caught off guard."

"Aurelia, as the new Dragonborne representative, your people's strength and mastery over the elements are unparalleled. They will form our vanguard, taking the brunt of the enemy assault and holding the line."

"King Thorgal, the Dwarves are famed for their engineering prowess. We'll need your people to build our defenses, fortifying our cities and erecting the watchtowers we need."

"War-chief Gromash, your Orcs are fierce warriors, able to strike fear into the heart of any foe. They will be our shock troops, breaking the enemy lines and spreading chaos in their ranks."

"Princess Aquaria, your Merfolk have dominion over the seas. Use your control over the waterways to hinder the enemy's movements and supply lines, and provide a rapid transport network for our forces."

I paused for a moment, allowing the room to absorb my instructions before concluding, "Our survival depends on us working together, utilizing our strengths where they're needed most. This is a war like no other, but if we stand united, we will triumph."

"Ah, and I can't forget about our gracious host," I said, turning to Elandra. "Queen Elandra, the Elven Kingdom is home to the finest archers and mages in all of Pangu. Your people's marksmanship and magical prowess will be essential for our success. You will form the backbone of our ranged and magical attack force. Your mages will also be essential for maintaining communication and transportation magic across the united front."

"I know this is a daunting task," I continued, looking around at each of them. "But remember, we are not just fighting for ourselves. We are fighting for our homes, our people, and for the future of Pangu. Together, we can defeat the demon king."

All heads turned towards me at once, a mix of shock, confusion, and disagreement etched across their faces.

"Are you mad, Wang-Yi-Fei?!" King Alaric spluttered, his brows furrowed in disbelief.

"The demon prince? Really?" Gromash grunted, his hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of his axe.

Elandra raised her elegant hand to quiet the ensuing murmurs, her emerald eyes meeting mine with a questioning gaze. "Are you certain of this, Wang-Yi-Fei?" she asked, her voice steady despite the contentious suggestion.

"Yes," I affirmed, meeting each of their disbelieving stares head-on. "We need him. He's our key to understanding the enemy. His knowledge about the demon king, his tactics, the capabilities of his army... it's invaluable. I don't like it any more than any of you do, but this is not about what we like. It's about what we need to do to survive."

Q: Have you watched LOTR?