[157] Headlines

The headlines of the "Pangu Daily", the most widely read newspaper across Pangu, carried the news on their front page. It read:


Below the headline, a large, well-lit photograph of me and Asus, our hands clasped in a formal handshake, took up much of the front page. A subheading beneath the image added: "Outcome of the Game to Determine Fate of Pangu Continent."

The article went on to describe the meeting of the heads of states at the Elven capital, Illyria, and the shocking announcement that followed. It laid out the stakes of the poker game in stark detail:

"The Commander of the United Armies, Wang-Yi-Fei, has proposed a high-stakes poker game to the Demon Prince, Asus, who accepted the challenge with eager anticipation. This game is set to take place at the Demon Prince's own residence, a detail agreed upon by both parties.

The wager, readers, is of the gravest nature. If Wang-Yi-Fei is victorious, he will command the Demon Prince to execute one order without question or hesitation, the details of which have not been disclosed. However, if the Demon Prince emerges victorious, Wang-Yi-Fei has agreed to become Asus's boyfriend, as per the Prince's unusual demand.

The game is scheduled to take place tomorrow at 7 pm, and the entire continent awaits with bated breath. The result of this game will not just affect the two players involved but will have profound consequences for all of Pangu."

The article concluded with quotes from various leaders and people from all corners of Pangu, expressing their hope, fear, and anticipation. This was a high-stakes gamble like no other, and it had the whole world on edge.


I was in the cabin of the white phoenix with the girls.

Sera was the first one to speak up, her arms crossed over her chest, her brows furrowed in a deep frown. "I can't believe you went ahead and did something so reckless, Yi-Fei!" she scolded, her tsundere personality on full display. "What if you lose?!"

Kuroko was next, her feisty and daring personality shining through. "You always have to be the big hero, don't you?" she said, throwing her hands up in exasperation. "Why not just let us take him on? We can handle it!"

Aurelia, fiery, prideful and arrogant, was seething with anger. "How dare you gamble our future on a card game! This is not about just you, Yi-Fei. We all have stakes in this!"

Lila, usually the quiet one, her kind and introverted personality always made her the calm in the storm, chimed in with a voice that trembled slightly. "Yi-Fei...I believe in you, but please...be careful."

Nia, who was usually playful and chill, frowned, clearly concerned. "You sure know how to stir up a mess, don't you? But hey, no pressure or anything. Just the fate of the entire continent riding on your poker skills."

Isolde, always the dominating and seductive one, smirked at me. "Yi-Fei, I have to say, this is the most outrageous thing you've ever done. And that's saying something. But I trust your judgment. You better not lose."

Yuki, gentle and seductive, simply smiled. "I believe in you, Yi-Fei," she said softly. "I know you wouldn't make such a bet without being confident in your abilities. We're with you all the way."

Their responses were a mix of concern, frustration, and trust, reflecting the gravity of the situation and the weight of their faith in me. It was clear that the outcome of this bet would change everything, for better or worse.

"Don't worry, I am not looking forward to getting bent over by Asus now." I chuckled.

Their reactions were mixed, each one reacting in their own unique way.

Sera immediately turned a deep shade of red, spluttering incoherently before she finally managed to speak. "Y-Yi-Fei! You...you can't just say things like that!"

Kuroko couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head in amusement. "You sure have a way with words, Yi-Fei," she said, a grin spread across her face.

Aurelia rolled her eyes, her fiery personality still blazing. "You're making light of this situation, Yi-Fei. I expected better from you."

Lila gave a shy smile, choosing to stay silent, though her flushed cheeks showed that she'd clearly heard my joke.

Nia chuckled, her playful personality shining through. "I didn't realize you had such a wicked sense of humor, Yi-Fei. I like it!"

Isolde smirked, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Don't make promises you can't keep, Yi-Fei," she teased, causing the other girls to laugh.

Yuki giggled softly, shaking her head in fond exasperation. "You always know how to lighten the mood, Yi-Fei," she said, a soft smile on her face. "I admire that about you."

Q: Do you watch the news often?