[158] Gamble of the century

The moment I stepped inside The Magnifique Casino, a cacophony of whispers and gasps echoed throughout the grand hall, followed by a hush so sudden, you could hear a pin drop. A sea of faces turned to me, their expressions ranging from awe to fear, curiosity to anticipation. Nobles of every race, from the graceful elves to the fierce beastkin, had gathered in large numbers, their vibrant and extravagant attire creating a stunning kaleidoscope of colors.

As I navigated through the crowd, the silence gradually broke, replaced with excited whispers and murmurs. Murmurs turned into a hum, the hum turned into chatter, and before long, the entire hall was buzzing with life, each individual engrossed in their own conversation, speculating about the upcoming game.

At the far end of the room, Asus sat at a grand poker table, his grin shark-like, his eyes gleaming with malicious amusement. He was the calm in the center of this storm, waiting with a predator's patience for his prey to walk into his lair.

As I approached the table, the crowd parted for me like the Red Sea, their eyes following my every step with avid interest. I took a seat across from Asus, the plush velvet of the chair contrasting with the cold dread that was slowly creeping up my spine.

A beastkin man was chosen as the dealer. His feline features were set in a neutral expression, showing no hint of favor or disfavor towards either player. His paws shuffled the deck with a swift, almost hypnotic rhythm, the clicking sound of the cards mixing with the hushed whispers of the onlookers.

I glanced around the room one last time, my gaze meeting the expectant eyes of hundreds of spectators. All chatter ceased, the air grew thick with anticipation, and the fate of the continent seemed to hang in the balance. The game was about to begin.

The seven girls stood off to the side, their eyes locked on the poker table.

"Yi-Fei is taking a huge risk." Aurelia murmured, her fiery eyes narrowed as she watched the game intently.

"I don't like that demon. He's too smug for my liking." Sera grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. The tsundere princess looked like she was ready to draw her sword and charge at Asus.

Kuroko, ever the daring and bold one, replied, "Relax, Sera. Our guy's got this. He wouldn't make this bet if he didn't have a plan."

Lila, the kind and introverted elf, wrung her hands anxiously. "I just hope he knows what he's doing..."

Nia, with her playful demeanor, tried to lighten the mood. "Come on, girls. We should have a little faith in Yi-Fei. He always pulls through in the end."

Isolde, the domineering succubus, watched the game with a seductive smile. "Indeed, Nia. Our man is full of surprises."

Lastly, Yuki, the gentle and seductive kitsune, added with a soft smile, "And let's not forget, he's doing this for all of us, for everyone. We need to trust him."

As the seven of them watched, whispered, and worried, the tension grew, the air in the grand hall felt electric, and the poker game progressed.

The clamor of the crowd grew louder as they started to place their bets. A multitude of voices, each one expressing their opinions and speculations about the outcome of the game.

"A thousand gold pieces on Asus! Demons are known for their cunning after all," a dwarf bellowed, his hand full of gold coins as he slammed them onto the betting table.

"Five hundred on Yi-Fei! He's the smartest human alive," a young elf maiden countered, placing her bet with a hopeful gleam in her eyes.

"Are we really betting on whether the Demon's Ambassador is going to win our commander's heart? How did we get here?" a beastkin muttered, looking bewildered yet amused as he reluctantly put down his bet.

"I've heard tales about Yi-Fei's intelligence and strategy, I think he stands a chance," an orc chieftain declared, putting a hefty bag of gold on the table.

"If Yi-Fei loses, it would be quite a scandal for him. Being the demon's lover?" an older mermaid chuckled at the thought, her trill laugh filled with mirth.

The hall buzzed with a whirlwind of discussions and debates about the unusual wager. It was not every day that a poker game could decide the fate of a war, and more interestingly, the romantic involvement of the continent's united commander. As the stakes rose, so did the anticipation.

Q: Are you good at poker?