[161] All in

The crowd drew in a collective breath, their whispers hushing abruptly as I leaned forward, my gaze steady. "All in," I declared. The words echoed around the vast hall, the stunned silence amplifying their weight.

Asus's smug grin wavered slightly, a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes. The dealer, a picture of composure till then, blinked in disbelief, his ears perking up. A soft murmuring erupted around the room, but it barely registered in my ears. My focus was entirely on the game, the cards, and the demon sitting opposite me.

"As you wish, Sir Wang-Yi-Fei," the dealer replied, shuffling the deck with practised efficiency. He began to deal, the cards sliding smoothly across the plush table. Their motion was mesmerising, catching the light as they turned over, each one a new step in the high stakes dance we had engaged in.

My heart pounded in my chest, but I willed myself to maintain a calm exterior. All eyes were on me now, anticipation thick in the air. Would my gamble pay off, or would I fall into Asus's trap? Only time, and the turn of the cards, would tell.

The crowd drew in a collective breath once again, waiting for Asus' next move. His eyes were shrouded in mystery, a glint of something unreadable sparking in his gaze as he turned his attention to me. Then, with a sly grin that curled his lips upward, he pushed his stack of chips into the center of the table, meeting my daring wager.

"All in," Asus declared, his smirk never leaving his face. The murmurs erupted once again, the audience taken aback by the sudden turn of events. The room seemed to be buzzing with electric energy as the stakes had now gone through the roof.

"Very well," the dealer responded, keeping his professional calm intact despite the escalating tension. He glanced at both of us once before he proceeded, his hand moving deftly over the cards.

His announcement had sent another ripple of excitement through the onlookers, their attention riveted on the unfolding drama. The turn of the cards, their faces hidden from view, added to the suspense. The whole casino seemed to hold its breath in anticipation, awaiting the climax of our high-stakes gamble.

Among the sea of spectators, my seven companions watched the unfolding game with bated breath.

Sera was the first to speak up, her tsundere nature evident in her tone, "He better know what he's doing," she huffed, her arms crossed over her chest. Her usual aloofness couldn't mask the concern she held for me.

Kuroko's eyes flickered with excitement, her feisty and daring nature reflecting in her words, "Now that's a bold move, going all in...let's hope his hand's strong."

Aurelia, her fiery pride never wavering, interjected, "He's more strategic than anyone gives him credit for. Trust him."

The soft-spoken Lila, who normally preferred to stay quiet, murmured a gentle "Good luck," her hands clasped tightly in her lap. Her concern was palpable in the air, a testament to her kind and introverted nature.

Nia, ever the playful spirit, chuckled, "Oh, this is getting interesting." Her eyes sparkled with a certain lightness, a stark contrast to the tense atmosphere surrounding them.

Meanwhile, Isolde's dominating personality and confidence in me didn't falter, "He's got this. He's faced worse before." Her gaze didn't waver from the table, observing each move with an analytical eye.

Lastly, Yuki's gentle voice soothed the atmosphere, "He knows what he's doing. Let's have faith in him." Her words had an unspoken power, offering a sense of calm amidst the tension.

The crowd was abuzz with both excitement and anxiety, their chattering voices filling the room.

"He's gone mad!" one noble gasped, her fan fluttering with increased vigor as she turned to her companion, eyes wide with disbelief.

"I can't believe it...all in? He's playing with fire," a well-dressed gentleman said, his hand clutching a wine glass tightly, his eyes never leaving the table.

"Maybe he's got a plan, or perhaps it's a bluff," another commented, stroking his beard thoughtfully, his gaze on the unfolding game sharp and curious.

"The stakes have never been this high before," a noblewoman sighed, her fingers tracing the delicate jewelry that adorned her neck. Her eyes, filled with anticipation, didn't stray from the game.

"Is he relying on luck or does he truly have a winning hand?" a youthful voice piped up from the back, his hands clasped tightly in front of him as he leaned forward to get a better view.

"Whatever the outcome, this is a game for the history books," the elderly noble beside him murmured, a knowing glint in his eyes. He had witnessed countless games but this one, he knew, was like no other.

A hush fell over the room as Asus, smirking confidently, leaned back in his chair. His hands casually rifled through his dealt cards. "You ready to be my boyfriend, Yi-Fei?" he taunted, his tone laced with a sinister undercurrent that sent shivers down the spines of the onlookers.

I met his predatory gaze without flinching, the corner of my mouth quirking up into a half-grin. "I'm not exactly looking forward to getting bent over, Asus," I retorted, my voice steady despite the tension that had filled the room. My eyes remained locked with his, unwavering, as I picked up my cards, the hushed whispers of the crowd fading into a deafening silence.

Q: Are you hyped for the results?