[162] Showdown

The crowd held its collective breath as Asus, with the flourish of a seasoned gambler, fanned his cards out on the table. "Straight flush," he announced, his voice carrying the satisfied tone of imminent victory. The room fell silent, the only audible sounds the rustle of his cards as they slid across the polished table and the hushed gasps of the onlookers.

His cards lay there, gleaming under the chandelier lights - a straight flush, an almost unbeatable hand. Five consecutive cards of the same suit; a thing of beauty, a rarity. His smirk widened into a triumphant grin as he leaned back in his chair, a victorious king on his throne.

His eyes, glittering with anticipation, turned to me. The suspense hung thick in the air as all eyes followed his gaze, waiting to see what hand fate had dealt me.

As Asus laid his hand on the table, the crowd gasped, the sound echoing like a wave through the room. The chatter among the spectators immediately amplified into a murmur of astonished voices.

"Impossible... A straight flush! The Demon Prince has won!" a nobleman in a silken doublet exclaimed.

"Seems like the game has been decided!" an elven woman in a shimmering green gown added, her voice tinged with shock.

"The poor human didn't stand a chance!" a dwarven man chuckled, his voice a rumble in the din.

Whispers and exclamations filled the room, their words weaving a symphony of disbelief and resignation. A hum of excitement bubbled from the crowd as they contemplated my imminent defeat.

The girls, standing to the side, each showed their own reactions. Sera clenched her fists, her face pale. Kuroko bit her lower lip, worry etched into her features. Aurelia crossed her arms, her fiery eyes filled with defiance. Lila clasped her hands, her lips moving in a silent prayer. Nia's eyes widened, while Isolde frowned, her expression thoughtful. Yuki, her eyes gleaming, watched the unfolding scene with quiet interest.

"Dang it..." Sera muttered, her cheeks reddening in frustration. "How could this happen?!"

Kuroko gritted her teeth, glaring at the table. "This can't be the end... it just can't!"

Aurelia huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "He better have a trick up his sleeve or I'll...!"

Lila's hands were tightly clasped, her eyes closed as she whispered, "Please... please, let Yi-Fei win..."

Nia raised an eyebrow, a half-smile on her face as she murmured, "Well, this is an interesting turn of events."

Isolde, her arms crossed under her ample bust, let out a slow breath. "This game is far from over," she said in her commanding voice.

Yuki, standing at the back, only smiled, her eyes twinkling mysteriously. "Let's see what he does next..." she whispered to herself.

A silence hung in the air, as if the room had forgotten how to breathe. I glanced at Asus, his smug smile frozen in place, his eyes wide in disbelief. My hands were shaking slightly as I revealed my cards, the royal flush gleaming under the light.

"I... I have a... royal flush," I stuttered, my voice barely a whisper.

The room was dead silent, a wave of shock passing through the crowd. Asus's eyes flickered from my face to my cards, disbelief and realization playing out across his features.

The gasps and murmurs started softly and gradually grew louder, filling the room with a cacophony of sound. The crowd broke out into cheers, shouts, and gasps of disbelief. The announcement echoed through the room, "The winner is... Wang-Yi-Fei!"

The dealer stared at my cards, as if making sure what he saw was real. He then reached over and pushed the pile of chips towards me.

"Congratulations, sir," he said, his voice echoing over the uproar of the crowd. "You have won."

I took a deep breath, letting the reality of the situation sink in. I had won. Against all odds, I had won.

Q: What do you think happened?