[166] Preperation for war

As the light from the tall, pristine windows danced across the council room, I cleared my throat and broke the silence. "The Demon King is most likely planning to land his force on the shores of Erindale. It's the logical choice, given its access and strategic significance."

A murmur ran through the room as I continued, "Mamoth, the city-state connected to Erindale with just a long bridge, can be our bulwark against the incoming onslaught. We can fortify it, turn it into a fortress."

Therin of the Dwarven Kingdom stroked his beard thoughtfully, his eyes on the map spread out on the table. Elandra's green eyes narrowed, analyzing the potential battleground. General Darius, the representative from the Human Kingdom, clenched his jaw and nodded slowly.

"But that would mean..." Marth, the leader of the beastkin, started, trailing off as the implications dawned on him.

"Yes," I confirmed. "It would mean preparing for a siege. The survival of our world may well depend on it."

I gazed at the map, pinpointing the location with my index finger. "We will need to set up a war camp on the shores of Erindale, here. A show of force to meet them as they land. We have the home advantage and we must use it."

There was a moment of pause as the leaders of various races let that sink in. "Further," I continued, "We need to close all civilian use of the teleportation gate and dedicate it solely for military use. The convenience of the many, unfortunately, must be sacrificed for the safety of the world."

My eyes met each leader in turn. "It won't be easy, but it's a necessity. I propose that each of you contribute half your armies, and enact conscription laws in your kingdoms. We are switching to a wartime economy."

The room was silent. They were all seasoned leaders, and they knew the gravity of what I was proposing. "I won't lie to you, there will be hardships. Rationing will have to be implemented. Resources will be scarce, but it's a price we must pay for survival."

The elves' representative, Elandra, tilted her head. "And how do we control the narrative, Wang-Yi-Fei?"

I leaned forward. "We must control the media, crack down on anyone who spreads fear or misinformation. Instead, we will disseminate the belief that victory is within our reach, that our cause is just and our resolve unbreakable. We need to instil hope in our people, motivate them to fight. We will win this war, and our people need to believe it too."

"Moving on, we also need to look into converting our existing modes of transportation for military use," I started. "We need to adapt our trade ships, merchant caravans, airships, everything that can help mobilize our troops. I propose we offer financial incentives to private transport owners willing to cooperate in this endeavour."

The room fell silent as the leaders digested my proposal. King Theodric was the first to break the silence, "It's a sound strategy. We could use the additional transport facilities. We support this."

I then moved to the next point, "We also need to share intelligence. I propose we set up an alliance-wide intelligence network that can provide updates and share vital information swiftly."

Chief Grok'tar of the Orcs was not known for his words, but he nodded in approval, "Information good. Important."

"Now, this might be a bit... controversial, but I think it's necessary," I said, gauging the reactions of the leaders. "We need to form a temporary secret police, reporting directly to this council, to seek out and neutralize potential internal threats or traitors."

Lord Vandar immediately stiffened, "That sounds like a suppression of freedom, don't you think?"

"Yes," I admitted, "I am aware of the implications, but remember this is not a common enemy we are dealing with. Any internal threat or traitor could lead to catastrophic damage. I assure you this would be a temporary measure, only active during the war period."

Lord Vandar of the Dwarves was the first to raise objections, "I'm all for a united front, Wang-Yi-Fei, but these measures... they are too much, too fast. Our people won't understand."

Matriarch Jina of the Beastkin tribe chimed in, "Agreed. There is a balance to be maintained. Too many restrictions, too much control... It will only breed resentment and chaos."

I listened, nodding in acknowledgment of their concerns, then, I leaned in, resting my hands on the table, palms down. "I understand your apprehensions, Lord Vandar, Matriarch Jina. Under normal circumstances, I would agree with you. However, let me remind everyone here that these are not normal circumstances."

My gaze hardened, my voice dropped a notch. "This is not a war for territorial expansion, not a conflict over resources or ideology. This...," I swept a hand over the map laid out before us, "This is a war of survival. Our enemy isn't interested in negotiations, treaties or ceasefires. If we don't stand together now, we will fall, one by one."

The room fell silent again. "The measures are drastic, I agree. But it's a price we must pay. In times of peace, we prioritize freedom. In times of war, survival trumps all." I let my words sink in. "We have a chance at victory, but only if we are united and committed. Let's give our people a future, a chance to see peace once more. They need us to lead them. Are you with me?"

Elandra stood up first, her gaze meeting mine. "Wang-Yi-Fei is right," she declared, a renewed fire in her eyes. "This is a battle for our existence. I support his proposal."

A hesitant silence followed before King Theodric of the Humans broke it, standing up with a grim expression. "It is a bitter pill to swallow," he admitted, "but it is necessary. We humans stand by your side in this."

Chief Grok'tar of the Orcs grunted, his large, greenish hands drumming on the table. "Orcs do not cower from challenges. We fight. We survive. We are with you."

Lord Vandar, still looking troubled, nodded nonetheless. "We Dwarves are made of stern stuff. We've faced darkness in the deep mines; we'll face it again on the battlefield. You have our support."

Matriarch Selene of the Merfolk sighed, her blue eyes glinting with resolve. "We Merfolk prefer the serenity of our underwater cities, but we won't abandon our allies in times of need. We are with you."

Matriarch Jina, after a moment of contemplation, finally nodded. "The Beastkin tribes have survived through the harshest climates and roughest terrains. We will not back down. We are with you."

Lastly, Aurelia, representing the Dragonborne, looked at me, her golden eyes shining with determination. "Dragonborne are born warriors. We will stand tall and face this enemy. We are with you, Wang-Yi-Fei."

Q: Do you play WoW?