[167] A different path

The newspaper headline read, "HEROIC MEASURES: STANDING TOGETHER IN OUR FIGHT FOR SURVIVAL". An illustration of a united front of various races - humans, elves, orcs, dwarves, merfolk, beastkin, and dragonborn - stood beneath, hands raised in unity against an ominous, shadowy figure representing the Demon King.

The article read, "In these challenging times, it's more crucial than ever for us to stand united. Commander Wang-Yi-Fei's strategic wartime measures, swiftly implemented across the Alliance territories, symbolize the strength and unity of our people. The Alliance will not bow to the threats of the Demon King. Instead, we are preparing to meet him head-on."

The piece continued, "Civilian teleportation gate use has been suspended to prioritize military necessities. Likewise, the conversion of merchant transportation into military transportation has also been initiated, with businesses receiving financial incentives for their cooperation."

"Commander Wang-Yi-Fei's call for conscription and the transition to a wartime economy have been met with a wave of patriotic fervor. Citizens across the territories are stepping up, ready to do their part in the imminent conflict. 'This is not a war of interest,' Commander Wang-Yi-Fei said, 'but a war of survival.'"

The article went on to cover the formation of the temporary secret police, "A testament to the unity and resolve of the Alliance is the establishment of a new secret police. This unit, formed from the best and brightest of each race, will focus on maintaining peace, unity, and order during these challenging times."

"In these testing times, we need to be united in our goal - the survival of our world. With these measures, Commander Wang-Yi-Fei has brought us together like never before. Together, we are strong. Together, we will overcome."

The piece ended on a rousing note, "In the face of adversity, we find our true strength. The future may be uncertain, but with the courage and unity displayed by our people, there's no challenge we can't overcome. For now, let us stand together and forge a better future."

Sitting across from me, Elandra hesitated for a moment, her cerulean eyes serious. "Yi-Fei," she started, her normally calm voice tinged with concern. "I've received word from home. The populace...they're worried. They're scared. The sudden shift to wartime measures...it's a lot to handle."

She leaned forward, her fingers lightly brushing the surface of the war map that sprawled between us. "I understand the necessity of these measures, and the council does as well. But to the average elf living in our forests, this has been an abrupt change. The restrictions, conscriptions...they've sparked fear, confusion."

Elandra's hand came to rest over the area representing the elven capital. Then paused before speaking:

"I should also mention, despite some apprehension and minor pushback, the general populace understands the gravity of the situation. They believe in the cause. They believe in us."

She leaned back in her chair, folding her arms across her chest. "In all my years, I've never seen such unity. Everyone, from the humblest peasant to the highest noble, seems ready to do their part."

A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "There's a saying among my people, 'In unity, strength'. I've never seen it come to life like this. Despite the challenges we're facing, there's something quite... inspiring about it."

"Thank you, Elandra." I smiled as I turned around and was about to get up.

Elandra then hugs me from behind.

Her voice was soft, barely audible above the rustling of the canvas tent in the wind. I could feel the warmth of her body through the thick fabric of my uniform as she leaned into me.

"When this is all over..." she began, her voice husky and filled with an emotion that caught me off guard. Her arms snaked around me, hugging me tightly from behind. "I want you to stay with me..."

Her voice dropped to a whisper, but the intensity of her words still resonated in the quiet space between us. I could feel her breath hot against my ear, her fingers gently tracing patterns on my chest.

The silence that followed was heavy, her words hanging in the air between us. The war, the threat we were all facing, it seemed to shrink back into the recesses of my mind, replaced by the soft whisper of her voice and the quiet promises it held.

Elandra's fingers tightened slightly on my shirt as she spoke, her voice soft and distant, as though she were speaking more to herself than to me. "Seven decades ago, I stood at a crossroads. One path led to a life of duty, to a throne and a kingdom. The other... well, the other was a road less traveled. It was a path of adventure and freedom."

She looked down at our intertwined hands, a small smile playing on her lips. "I chose the crown. I chose duty over adventure. And sometimes...sometimes, I wonder what life would have been like if I'd chosen differently."

"I am afraid I can't turn back time." I said.

"Indeed you can't..." Elandra slowly lets go of my shirt.

I then stepped out of the tent, out from her reach.

Q: Have you heard the song "If I can turn back time" by Cher?