[169] A promise

The quiet hum of the White Phoenix's engines was the only sound in the main cabin, the atmosphere thick with unsaid thoughts and emotions. Lila's voice cut through the silence, her question hanging heavy in the air.

"Do you think... are we going to survive this war?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes darting nervously around the room, looking for reassurance.

I took a moment to answer, looking at each of them in turn, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of the cabin lights. I saw fear in their eyes, uncertainty, but also determination and a will to fight.

"We will survive," I said firmly, my voice filled with conviction. "This war... it will be difficult, dangerous, and we will likely face hardships that will test us in ways we can't even imagine right now. But we are not facing it alone. We stand united with the most powerful forces on this world, backed by some of the strongest beings that ever lived."

I leaned forward, making sure they could see the determination in my eyes. "We will fight. We will struggle. But in the end, we will survive. Because we have something the Demon King and his forces do not have."

I gestured to all of them, my gaze softening. "We have each other. And that, my friends, is a strength that cannot be overcome by any army, no matter how formidable."

Their faces relaxed slightly, a glimmer of hope sparking in their eyes. We would face this war together, and whatever the outcome, we would face it as a team.

"So what do you girls want to do after the war?" I asked.

The cabin fell into a thoughtful silence as each of them pondered their own aspirations and dreams beyond the war. One by one, they started to share, their voices filling the room with a tangible hope for the future.

"I want to continue studying magic," Sera said with a determined look in her eyes. "I've made a lot of progress, and I don't want to stop. I want to become one of the best magic users in the world."

Aurelia sat up straight, her chin held high. "As the princess of the Dragonborne, it is my duty to bring prosperity and glory to my people. I will return to my kingdom and work on that, making sure we rise higher than ever."

"I want to be like Robin Hood," she declared. "Steal from the rich, give to the poor, live a life of thrill and excitement. I think that would suit me best."

Lila, however, was still unsure. She bit her lip, her fingers twisting nervously in her lap. "I... I'm not sure yet," she admitted. "I'll need to think more about what I really want."

Nia, on the other hand, didn't hesitate. She reached over, her fingers gently brushing against my hand. "I want to be with you," she said softly, her eyes meeting mine. "Wherever you go, whatever adventure you embark on next, I want to be there by your side."

Isolde was quick to agree, her gaze steady and unwavering. "I second that," she stated firmly. "There's no better adventure than being with you. I want to see the world, experience all it has to offer. And I want to do it with you."

Yuki's eyes gleamed with a playful light as she chimed in. "I couldn't agree more," she purred. "A life of luxury, adventure, and excitement... all with you? It's a dream come true. Count me in."

As they shared their dreams and aspirations, I could see the determination and passion in their eyes. Each of them had a path they wanted to tread, a future they were eager to step into. And I was proud to be part of their journey.

With a warm smile, I took each of their hands in turn, my gaze meeting each of theirs. "I promise you, once this war is over, we'll embark on an adventure together," I assured them. "I won't let anything stand in our way."

Their faces lit up in response, their eyes shining with joy and anticipation. "You heard him, girls," Yuki said, her voice filled with excitement. "Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime."

Nia nodded, her smile wide. "I can't wait," she confessed, her voice full of anticipation.

I gave their hands another reassuring squeeze. "It's a promise," I repeated, the certainty in my voice leaving no room for doubt.

Q: Do you think Wang-Yi-Fei will keep to his promise this time?