[170] Final planning

2 week later...

The scout rushed into the war tent, his armor clinking with each hasty step. His face was pale, his voice trembling as he spoke.

"We...we've spotted the demon forces, sir," he reported, panting heavily from his run. His eyes darted between me and the other leaders, all of whom had gone quiet at his news.

"How many?" I asked, standing up from the map table. I could hear the collective breath-holding from the rest of the room.

"Ships...over six thousand, sir," he replied, fear evident in his wide eyes. "They're coming from the Eastern Sea, heading towards the shore of Erindale."

A collective gasp echoed throughout the room. The sudden cacophony of alarmed voices filled the war tent as leaders began to discuss among themselves. The magnitude of the demon forces was evidently larger than we expected.

"We need to mobilize immediately," I said, my voice cutting through the noise. "This is it. The war we've prepared for starts now."

One of the leaders, a sharp-eyed dwarf named Thoren, stood up, his eyes focused on the map laid out on the table. He held a small, engraved tablet in one hand, a tool used by his people for quick calculations. His voice was calm, but his bushy eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"Based on the average capacity of the demon ships we've seen before," he began, adjusting his spectacles, "and multiplying by the reported number of ships... The demon force is likely close to 1.3 million."

A heavy silence fell over the room. The enormity of the number hung in the air, weighing down on everyone present. I watched their faces harden, their resolve steeling for the battle to come.

With a steadying breath, Thoren turned back to the assembled leaders, the blue glow of his tablet illuminating his resolute face.

"It's also worth mentioning," he continued, "that a large portion of the demon forces are made up of imps - creatures we've found to be roughly equivalent to E tier adventurers. They may be numerous, but they are not especially formidable."

A murmur of acknowledgment swept through the room, a small glimmer of hope cutting through the grim atmosphere.

"However," Thoren added, his tone turning sober again, "we mustn't grow complacent. Our average soldier's power level mirrors that of these imps. We're evenly matched in terms of raw power. Strategy and unity will be our edge in this battle."

His words resonated within the room, a sobering reminder of the reality of their situation. Despite the daunting odds, there was a sense of resolve shared amongst us all. Every leader knew the weight of the challenge ahead, yet there was a steadfast determination in their eyes.

I leaned forward, my gaze sweeping over each leader as I asserted my point.

"Given the circumstances, our strategy must be two-pronged," I started, my tone steady and filled with determination. "Our regular troops will engage with the imps. Their numbers are great, but our soldiers are well-trained and will hold their own."

A slight pause ensued as I let my words sink in before proceeding, "In the meantime, our L tier adventurers - those among us with the highest power and skill - will focus their attention on the demon king. The objective is to cut the head off the snake."

The room was silent, my voice echoing off the stone walls of the war tent. "Once the king is defeated, his army will retreat. They're bound by his will. Without him, their unity will crumble. And that will be our victory."

There was an air of resolve in the room, a palpable anticipation as each leader considered the strategy. It was high-risk, but with high potential for reward. In times of war, those were the choices that needed to be made.

"Our strategy must take advantage of every strength we possess," I began, eyes focused on the map spread out on the table. The locations of the merfolk and demon armies were marked, along with our various fortifications and potential battlegrounds.

"The merfolk's superior aquatic troops will be our first line of offense," I continued, indicating the blue lines representing the merfolk's forces. "We will have them harass the demon army's naval supply lines, adopting hit and run tactics."

The leaders leaned in, following my movements over the map as I outlined the proposed maneuvers. "The disruption of their supply lines will force the demon army to make a choice - either retreat or gamble with an all-out assault."

"Should they decide to continue on, we'll be ready. The humans, elves, and dragonborne will conduct an aerial assault on their ships," I explained, my finger tracing the intended flight paths.

"If, however, they manage to land and advance inland, we will dig in. Our fortified positions will serve as a formidable obstacle, launching a barrage of projectiles on them. Our defenses are robust and should hold."

I then shifted my gaze to each leader, ensuring my final words resonated. "And, should they somehow manage to break through our lines, we will resort to scorched earth tactics. We will ensure they have nothing to utilize or benefit from. We'll implement guerrilla warfare, hitting them hard and retreating swiftly. It won't be pretty, but war rarely is. It's all about survival now."

My words echoed in the silence that followed. Each leader absorbed the strategy, processing the extensive plan that relied on the combined strengths of our diverse forces.

Q: Are you good at strategy games?