Valley of Flood - Part 3

The person who volunteered to remain close to the old lady is the one who has tried to save the person who got killed by the soldier. The soldier, and other three people have taken the body of the old lady, moved it carefully to the car, and after they managed to put her on the backside of the car. When they did this, the soldier proceeds to advance without the woman and the son of the old lady, who remain here, hoping his mother will survive this awful incident she has faced.

"Can you do something?" asks the son of the old lady to the woman.

"I see what I can do." says the woman, and she notices a group of zombies coming toward them. "Can you deal with them?"

The son of the old lady, is taking the wrench on his right hand. He looks at them angrily. And he turns around to the car, he notices on the front seat of the car, on the driver seat, small screwdriver, a one that is shaped in a star form. He takes the screwdriver on the hand. As he is looking at the screwdriver, he is thinking about a way of fighting he sawed once in a video game about a zombie apocalypse, almost the same as this scenario.

The son turns around to the zombies who are coming to them, he hold the screwdriver on the left hand since he is a leftist. He decided to use the wrench on the right hand. He stays on guard, and waits until a zombie comes closer to his reach. After one got close, the man kicks the zombie leg at the perfect time, then, when the zombie has fallen on the ground, he stabs the head with the screwdriver. When he stabbed it, he pulls the screwdriver, then he kicks the second coming zombie, but this one gets a wrench hit on the head. It was a hit so hard, the skull has broken into pieces and it reveals the brain. But the hit did not kill the second zombie, so the man stabs the creature brain with the screwdriver, to kill it completely.

Two more zombies show up, waling toward the man, who is feeling tired already after he killed two zombies. He immediately goes to a zombie, hit the head hard enough with the wrench it made the thing stumble and fall on the ground, then he uses the screwdriver to stab the fourth zombie left eye. The stab it hit a vein to the brain, an important vein that can run this corpse to life. He retakes the screwdriver, then he kicks the zombie hard on the stomach it sends him a few meters on the ground, with the body laying on his back on the road.

A fifth zombie is coming toward the man. The dude steps back a little to take small breath of air to unleash another stab attack. After he takes six steps back, he waits for the fifth zombie to approach. When he got close to the man, the attack gets unleashed. The man stabs the left eye of the fifth zombie, retake the screwdriver and use it on the sixth zombie, but the stab was not enough because the thing kept moving, so the man holds the thing back with the screwdriver, stuck on the right eye of the zombie, then he hits the creature head hard enough with the wrench that it made it fall on the ground, losing its cognitive function of moving.

He breathes heavily as he looks at the zombies who are approaching this fighter and the car where the woman is trying to save the life of the mother of the person who has just killed six zombies in three minutes. Five zombies are walking on a slow rhythm toward the fighter.

The man, instead of backing away, he has a look at the car, where the woman is treating the wounds of his mother, then he looks back at the zombies. He takes a deep breath and lets out a scream as he is dashing forward to the five zombies.

The man stabs the first creature in the head with the screwdriver, he smashes the head of the second zombie with the wrench, then he kicks the third zombie on the stomach before he makes a retreat. when the fourth zombie has got close enough, he stabs the thing head with the screwdriver, then he kicks the thing into the stomach, sending it about eight steps back, and uses the wrench to smash the head of the fifth zombie. He looks at the third zombie, who is raising on his feet, and he quickly goes to him, manages to make a clean and hard hit on the head of the creature and uses the wrench to hit the screwdriver, who goes deeper into the fourth zombie brain, making the thing fall on the knees, and with the head on the road.

The fighter, goes toward the car to see how are things holding up, after he has managed to kill the zombies who were close to the car. He observes his mother is still hurt badly, but he observes the woman is doing her best to help the mother of the man who has just killed eleven normal zombies with only a screwdriver and a wrench.

"How is she?" asks the person to the lady.

"She's in critical condition." says the woman looking worried to the lady, and she has a look at the man, he observes is having a few blood spots on his shirt. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. I am good. I haven't been bitten." says the man to the lady, and he is looking worried on her mother. "Tell me. There is no way of surviving this?"

The woman did not respond to the question. So the man, whisper to the woman.

"Go. I will handle this."

"Huh?" asks the woman who did not quite get what the man has said to her.

"I have to deal it by myself." says the man, on the verge of crying. "Go after them."

"I cannot leave you." says the woman.

"…Alright." says the man knowing that it will be pointless to deal further with this woman. He accepts to let her be here to watch the person about to kill his own mother.

He knows this is the only way to stop the zombie transformation of a person.

After a few seconds, he notices the veins are starting to turn purple and green, and the skin of the lady turning slowly into a green colour. The old lady is slowly opening the eyes, and she says to the son.

"Gancea… Gancea… I am sorry."

"Mom!" says Gancea, the son who has fought the zombies earlier on the verge of crying. "Mom. I am sorry."

"… B-B-Be strong my boy… Be stronger…"

"I-I will, Mom!"

"I… I love you." says the old lady.

"I love you too, Mom!"

The woman, is crying and starts sobbing. she takes her eyes away from the image of her son who is taking the knife from a seat net to the old lady, and use it to stab the head of the person who almost transformed into a zombie. after he has done this, Gancea, started to shed a tear, then he takes the knife, plus the wrench, who is handing to the lady, then he takes the hand of the person who was trying to heal the mother of Gancea, and runs after the direction of where the group have gone.

"This may be not a good time, but my name is Mihaela." says the woman running together with Gancea.

"Nice to meet you. I am Gancea." responds Gancea running on the main road.

The two are running on the road, both holding each other hands, and avoiding every zombie that is trying to come in contact with them. As they continue to run from these things, toward of where the group has running, they observe some movements in the Ereea clothing factory.

A person is fending off a zombie with a log, but it is pointless because that zombie jumps on the person, pin the person down and eats his entire face. The two people are looking scared at that zombie, and they continue to run to where the group is supposed to be at the moment.

After they run more than a hundred meters, the two people arrive in front of a company named "Hidro Arges", where the other four people have managed to enter it. The British person let the two people enter the place, then he covers the main door with furniture to not let the zombie invade this safe zone. Inside in there, all the six people are staying there, and waiting for the rescue to come.

"They'll come in about thirty minutes." says the soldier to the two people. "I have given their coordinates."

"We are safe?" asks Mihaela.

"For now." says the soldier to the lady, he looks at Gancea, and asks him as he is feeling concerned. "Are you bitten or scratched?"

"No." says Gancea to the soldier, and he looks at his clothes. "Is there a changing room and some clothes of my size here?"

"Follow me." says the soldier to Gancea, and he escorts him to a changing room in this place to strip the clothes soaked in blood that could put in the risk to infect him.