Valley of Flood - Part 4

Five minutes later, in Hydroelectrical company, the soldier is working on the door and windows barricades, making them be more sturdy and tough to be broken by these creatures. Inside this place, there are other survivors, who are taking a breather from the run they've had earlier. Five people are inside a room that looks like a cafeteria while other two of them are helping the soldier on the barricades.

In the Cafeteria room, the obese man, with a wrench, who has lost his mother moments ago, is on a table, dressed in new clothes that are looking like a suit of the workers of this place. He is looking at the table, on a map of Curtea de Arges.

"What are you doing there?" asks a man walking closer to the map.

"I am looking to possible safe zones. See if there is an escape from this city." says the man to the other person.

"Listen. I am sorry." says the man sounding honest. "I am sorry for your loss."

"…It's alright." says the man in a whisper.

"My name is Petre."


"Nice to meet you."

Petre is raising his hand to Gancea as a way to shake their hands. Gancea, looking at the hand of Petre for a second, he decides to shake it, then continues to look on the map.

"So. You've found something?"

"Some exits." responds Gancea looking a bit worried. "But I am not sure whether they will be safe. Who knows what is happening on the nearby villages?"

"You were from here?"

"No." responds Gancea. "I was from Bucharest when this thing started. Ended here because of a bus who ran out of gas near Vidraru. Plan was to get to a nearby safe zone in the forest. But the tunnels got blocked by avalanches and hordes of zombie, so my mom and I ended in Arefu for a while, until we have found the microbus who promised to deliver us to a safe zone extraction. And we ended here"

"Damn…" says the person named Petre, who is sitting on the table, on the other side, who has listened to the whole monologue. "My case was a bit different. I was in Oesti the whole weeks when the apocalypse started. Then I saw the microbus and taken it."

"We weren't so far from each other." says Gancea to Petre.

"Yeah. I've mostly stayed inside of the house. All by myself."

"Same as me. But in someone else's house."

Then, someone else appears at the table, that person is the woman who stayed behind to help Gancea's mother, the nurse lady.

"Hey. Are you good?" asks the woman to Gancea, feeling a little worried.

"Yes." says Gancea to the woman. "Hey. I forgot to say my thanks. For staying behind. And giving me hope."

"I-I am sorry." says the woman. "I did try my best, but… um…"

"Yes…" sighs Gancea.

"So, Mihaela." says Petre to the woman. "Found something in the kitchen?"

"Nothing." responds Mihaela. "The whole place was raided a while ago." she looks at Gancea, at the map. "You trying to find a way out?"

"You can say that." says Gancea to the nurse. "Hey. Name is Gancea."

"Mihaela. Nice to meet you." she looks on the map, and then points with her finger to the zone where is written Valea Iașului. "This is where the soldier will transport us."

"But what he is waiting for?" asks Petre.

"For his reinforcements." says Mihaela to Petre. "Says there are more squads in city alone. He tries to contact them to give its location, but it seems some couldn't pick up the signal."

Out of nowhere, the three people hear a helicopter sound, the sound of an engine to a close altitude on a city. The three people, plus the two other unknowns are going toward the windows are situated, all are looking outside, but they don't see the helicopter nor any kind of airplane flying on a close altitude. Then, the soldier comes to the room, yells to the people there.

"We have to go. Now."

"Where to?" asks Gancea and the English man, who apparently was at the table speaking with the teenager at the table.

"We are going to King Michael I High school. there is a group of survivors who have barricaded themselves since day one." responds the soldier to the group. "Has any of you attended that place?"

"I do." says the female teenager raising her hand to the soldier.

"What's your name?" asks the soldier to the female teenager.

"Andra, sir."

"Well, Andra." says the soldier. "You'll come with me. The rest stay here. I've arranged for a microbus to pick all of you and deliver to Valea Iașului outpost."

"Is that place safe?" asks Mihaela. "Because I've heard on the radio it got overrun."

"It did. But now the situation has been stabilized. It's safe to stay in there." he heads outside of the room with Andra, who is holding a knife she found in this room.

As the two are waling toward the main door, the soldier is asking her.

"Have you killed any zombies?"

"I did." says Andra. "about twenty."

"Not bad." says the soldier trying to hide his smirk. "Learnt from zombie mass media?"


Arriving at the door, who wasn't exactly barricaded like the windows and other doors, the soldier and another unknown person are moving the objects away, moved one big table and a big couch. After this, the two people are leaving the place, see a military truck parked at an about fifteen meters from there, they walk in fast speed to that truck, get on the back where other twelve soldiers are there. When the two people got in the truck, the vehicle leaves the safe zone and goes deeper in this royal city of Romania.