Valley of Flood - Part 5

On a military truck, the soldiers and the teenager are about to arrive to their destination. The boulevard, which was once filled with happy, sad, nervous and other kinds of people who were having each their lives, is now a ruined boulevard with a lot of corpses on the streets, bushes and everywhere else. The houses on this boulevard were all abandoned, destroyed by fire, some having bullet holes onto their walls and one of the houses in there were having their rooftops destroyed. There were some buildings that were on fire, and damaged by this apocalypse.

The entire boulevard of where the high school is located is in ruin, just like the rest of this royal city.

The military truck stops in front of the entrance, the entrance of where the students were using it, the entrance with big green walls that looked more like a prison, rather than a normal school. The driver is looking at the gates, he observes the main door is locked and barricaded with a car. He also notices the door was taken from its place and laying on the grass at three meters away. He looks at the building second floor, there he didn't see anything, other than some broken windows, a zombie walking clueless on the rooftop and a few seagulls who are still in this city.

"How we go in?" asks the soldier from the passenger seat to the driver.

"We have to climb the walls." says the driver. "Otherwise we can try the teacher entrance. Is on the parking lot. But's probably locked too."

"Alright." responds the soldier who gets out of the seat and the military truck.

After the soldier got out of the car, he walks toward the green gates, and tries to push them. He pushed it slowly and at full strength, the gate from the left side opened wide, but not enough to help the military truck enter the place. So, the soldier takes a look inside this perimeter to see the layout. He also observes the car who is blocking the people entrance blocks the other part of the gate who was not able to move. But he notices the left side of the gate is wide enough to help the squad enter the place and escort the survivor from this building.

The soldier observes how a person leaves the main high school building, he runs from the door, while three zombies are running after him. The runner is a teenager, probably the same age as the teenager from military truck, and it's holding his left hand while it is bleeding. The teenager did not even manage to say "Help!" he immediately got killed by a bullet who has gone through the head. The corpse of the high schooler falls on the road. And when it did, the zombies are jumping on him, are stabbing its torso and grabbing the organs from the poor high schooler who wouldn't have managed to live enough due to the bite.

"What have you done?" asks a soldier coming to the soldier who killed that teenager.

"It was bitten. We couldn't risk it, man." responds the soldier holding his pistol, smoking from the bullet that delivered to the poor boy skull.

"Help us!" says a person from the second-floor building, who is waving its hands to the group of soldiers who are slowly enter the perimeter together with the teenage girl. "We need help!"

"We're coming!" yells the driver to that person at second story building.

The driver turns to his squad, has a look at all of the soldiers. The entire squad, including the teenager are armed with assault rifles, shotguns, pistols and submachine guns weapons. None of them are carrying any melee weapon because they wanted to eradicate the entire zone of zombies from this area for their second objective.

"We will be splitting in two squads. First squad will check the other buildings of his area, the other six and the teenage girl will come to the main building, help us escort the people stuck inside and eliminate zombies from that place." the soldier looks at the teenage girl. "What is your name?"

"Andra. Andra Erdevici."

"You're Romanian?" asks a soldier with a heavy Romanian accent.

"Only half." responds Andra. "Immigrant from Croatia."

"I see." says that soldier.

The soldier who drove the military truck is making the teams. He puts himself, and other six soldiers and Andra on the mission of going in the main building to rescue the survivors trapped in the second floor. And let the rest of the squad dealing with the zombies on the area.

The soldiers are all equipped in heavy armour that is zombie biting prof, but Andra is not having any type of this equipment, all she wears is a worn-out training suit used for sporting activity either in gym or outside in the parks to do a small jog around the place. The squad with Andra are already going into the building, and they are walking fast to the second entrance of the place, not the first where that teenager got killed earlier.

When they arrived at the second door, they noticed the door was closed, but when they opened it, it was opened. The door was not even locked, s thing that can explain how this building got invaded by zombies. They enter the place one by one, holding their guns and prepared to pull the trigger at any moment a zombie comes running at them.

"Jesus." says a soldier after he sees a zombie corpse of an old lady. "I remember this person. She was my Chemistry teacher."

"Was a good teacher?" asks another soldier.

"Gave me a lot of work because I was skipping some of her classes to hang out with my friends. Feel bad to see her like this."

The soldier notices the forehead of that corpse is having three bullet holes. He breathes a sigh of relief, knowing this corpse would not reanimate again and try to eat them.

Andra is looking at the side where there are supposed to be teachers stairs. She observes the door from there is unlocked, but there are five zombies who are on the teacher's hallway, looking on the opposite direction from them.

The other side entrance to other floors is blocked by a pile of desk that serves as a blockade at the first door, they also notice how the windows at the door frame are broken and having blood stains on them, meaning a zombie was killed in there, or in worst case scenario a man was beaten to death.

"This way." says Andra to the squad of soldiers, showing them the second entrance to the floors of high school main building.

The squad of soldiers is going to the second entrance to the other floors, upon arriving at that door, a soldier seeing the five zombies, takes aim and uses his submachine gun on those five zombies, emptying half of the thirty-five bullets magazine. After he shoots those zombies, fifty more zombies rise from the floor, leaves rooms from the teacher lounge main entrance, jumps through the windows, and one even breaks from the toilet room that was blocked by a small desk.

"Grigore." says a soldier to the one who used the submachine gun. "If we survive I'll kill you!"

The squad of soldiers is starting to fire their weapons and advance upstairs to the second floor where the survivors should be located. They all run upstairs, with their guns on the hands, killing any zombie that are coming after them. Andra has managed to kill a zombie who was close to touch her. She shot the head of that zombie with a pistol she was handed earlier by the soldier while they were on their way here.

On the first floor, the squad of soldiers notices the blockage made of desks, chairs and two doors are blocking the zombies that are trapped on the first floor. They are trying to reach the soldiers with their arms, but couldn't. The soldiers are looking impressed at the blockage for a few seconds, then they continue running to the second floor, killing three zombies who were at the stairs and walking toward the soldiers. All three of them get killed and thrown off from the stairs like a rag doll landing either on the first floor, the ground floor, or on another zombies.

At the second floor, the survivors see the blockage is being opened by five people that are dressed in school uniforms, all bloody from zombies blood, smelling bad due to lack of showers, and tired. The squad enters the hall of the second floor, then they start helping the five survivors seal the blockage by moving the furniture and arranging in some kind of blockage.

The soldiers are looking at the hall, they see there a lot of sleeping bags, on there, crates with supplies, weapons near walls, door taken out of their hinges to make blockages, blood on the walls, crates with clothes, a few improvised clothing dryers with cables all around the hallway and a refrigerator that doesn't work, but used it to store some kind of supplies in there. On the hallway are twenty-three survivors, that are looking at the soldiers with sigh of relief. All of them are in a bad state looking, some bandaged to their hands due to some injuries, others are lucky enough to not have any kind of scars on them.

"We are The Organization." says the soldier who drive and lead the squad to the second floor. "Our mission is to save humanity from these attacks, escort them to safe zones, provide help to those needed and offer a chance for a peaceful life to people like you."

The soldier looks at the survivors, who are all cheering for them coming here and helping them out to escape from this camp they make. The soldiers proceed to inspect every survivor, checking their temperature, looking at people's injuries and asking them questions to see if they can move along with them to safe zone. While the soldiers from The Organization are doing their job, Andra is asking a soldier who just checked the supplies crate.

"Why it's it called The Organization?"

"It has many names, young lady." responds a soldier with a gypsy accent who looked through a crate with clothes. "But popularly is called "The Organization" by the whole world nowadays."

"The entire world is infected?"

"Don't know. But hopefully not."

"Andra?" asks a survivor coming to Andra, looking surprised at the girl who came with the squad.

The survivor who came to see Andra is a high schooler, probably the same age as Andra, a boy with long brown hair and a moustache who is difficult to see by the naked eye. A scar on the left cheek, probably from a brawl. Green eyes and worn-out clothes, all soaked in blood.

"Victor?" asks Andra surprised.

"You know him?" asks the soldier to Andra.

"He's um… A friend."

"A boyfriend?" asks the soldier to Victor.


"Oh… Well. okay." says the soldier and continues to search through the crates all around this hallway, while his colleagues are doing their checking on the survivors of this place.

Andra and Victor, now being alone, they decide to talk a bit on a near the blockage, far from the ears of other people.